A shiny module for plotting microplate data as a heatmap
This is a highcharter package based shiny module that can plot microplate data as heatmap and return infomation of user selected wells.
This shiny module requires following packages. Please make sure they are installed.
- Source the module file
- In server function, create a shiny reactive object that contains the microplate data to be displayed in dataframe format:
server <- function(input, output) {
# The microplate dataframe should contain at least tow columns:
# Well: the well id of microplate (eg, A1, A2, B5, D12)
# Value: the value of that well to be displayed as heatmap
# The dataframe may contain other columns and will be ignored.
microplate <- reactive({
expand.grid(Row = LETTERS[1:8], Col = as.character(1:12),
stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
unite(Well, Row, Col, sep = '') %>%
mutate(Value = runif(n())) %>%
# other codes
- Invoke module in server function and send the microplate data object to the
parameter. Setnrow
to define the type of microplate:
selected <- callModule(hmplate, id = 'YOU_MODULE_ID', data = microplate, nrow = 8, ncol = 12)
- Add heatmap output ui
ui <- fluidPage(
- Run app. Select wells by Ctrl/Shift + Click. The module returns a subsetted dataframe according to the selection.