Welcome to the documentation repository of the Tendrl project!
This repository is intended to host documentation for the entire project. It covers design and architecture notes; developer workflow detail and similar. Notes and documentation specific to the code-base as well as of significance to a developer would be hosted in the same repository as the code
Glossary defines all the terms referenced throughout the documentation. Keep it handy as a reference.
Architectural Guidelines explains the architectural decisions.
Tendrl Core Components Overview describes the various components in the Core Stack.
Tendrl with Gluster Monitoring shows the monitoring stack for Gluster with Tendrl monitoring
The development workflow document (development-workflow.adoc) applies to any changes to the contents of this repository, as it does to any of the Tendrl project codebases.
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If you’ve never written asciidoc before, the asciidoctor syntax reference is the best place to start. Jump into the more detailed user manual as you realize the need for a feature beyond text formatting.