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iam-py-test edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 4 revisions

You can use this project to create a zonefile for Bind and block ads and malware in your whole home network.
This guide comes from here.

On Debian, Raspbian & Ubuntu:

  • Install DNS Server: sudo apt install bind9
  • Add this to /etc/bind/named.conf: include "/etc/bind/named.conf.blocked";
  • Create db.blocked and add this:
$TTL    86400   ; one day
@       IN      SOA      (
        2017021701       ; serial number YYMMDDNN
        28800   ; refresh  8 hours
        7200    ; retry    2 hours
        864000  ; expire  10 days
        86400 ) ; min ttl  1 day
* IN      A
  • Download
  • Uncomment one URL to StevenBlack GitHub Hosts
  • Make it executable chmod +x
  • Run ./

Router / DHCP Server

  • Give your Debian server a static IP
  • Change DNS Server in the DHCP settings to the IP of your Debian Server. If you are asked for a second DNS server enter the same IP twice.


  • Add local blacklist and whitelist
  • Create cronjob