Create a unique avatar for each user based on their name.
composer require robinn/svg-avatar
use RobiNN\SVGAvatar\SVGAvatar;
$avatar = new SVGAvatar();
echo $avatar->name('RobiNN');
If you do not set a name, the user icon will be displayed. This can be useful for guests.
// Custom size, default is 48px.
// Display as a circle.
// Border radius.
// CSS class.
// Custom colors. By default, background colors are generated from name.
$avatar->setColors(['#f44336', '#e91e63', '#9c27b0', '#673ab7', '#3f51b5', '#2196f3',]);
// You can set the text color if needed. The default is 'auto' which sets '#fff' or '#000'.
$avatar->setColors([...], '#000');
// Color brightness, between 0-100, default is 50. Doesn't work with setColors().
// Color uniqueness, between 1-10, 3 is default. Doesn't work with setColors().
// Output as base64
- PHP >= 8.2
- mbstring extension