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Setting up the OpenDSA Development Environment (OpenDSA-DevStack)


  1. Install Docker. If you experience any issues getting Docker set up, see our Docker Troubleshooting or if you are on windows, our Windows Troubleshooting section to debug.
  2. Install Git
  3. From a bash shell, clone this repostory: git clone
  4. From a bash shell at the root of OpenDSA-DevStack: cp env.example .env
    • If this command fails, you can create a new text file called example.env and copy in the contents of the .env file
  5. From a bash shell at the root of OpenDSA-DevStack use docker compose to clone the repositories you will be working with into their correct relative locations: docker-compose run setup make <<repository>>
    • repository = [opendsa, opendsa-lti, code-workout]
  6. To run all of the necessary container for different workflows we have created several docker profiles that combine them all into one command.
  7. From a bash shell at the root of OpenDSA-DevStack, start your profile: See table below for command using Docker profiles, leave this command running in the shell
    • The first time this command is run it will pull the images and take up to 10 minutes to install. Subsequent times will take 1-2 minutes.
    • You will know the app is running when you see something like === puma startup: 2023-06-13 11:51:13 -0400 === as the last line in the terminal
  8. Go to your profile's URL in the Table

OpenDSA Projects:

Repository Docker command Profile Profile's URL after up command
OpenDSA docker-compose --profile opendsa up opendsa
OpenDSA-LTI docker-compose --profile lti up lti
CodeWorkout docker-compose --profile code-workout up code-workout

Navigating Projects and using Docker:

The docker-compose.yml file is how docker manages the many images and containers where your containers are running. The Dockerfile is used by docker to create the image of a useful machine environment, which can produce containers to do the work.

  • docker-compose run <<container>> bash allows you to create and ssh into container to have a shell and command line interface.
  • docker-compose --profile <<profile>> up Creates new containers running the project according to a specified profile. Meant for tasks that have no 'finish', like a server.
    • docker-compose --profile <<profile>> down to both stop and remove the containers that were brought up.
  • docker-compose run <<container>> <<commands>> starts a new container with a task than has a 'finish'; Some example commands are: python or bash
    • docker-compose exec <<container>> <<commands>> to use a running container instead.
  • If you are using code-workout and/or opendsa-lti, you should also initialize their databases with: docker-compose exec opendsa-lti rake db:populate or docker-compose exec code-workout rake db:create db:populate
  • docker-compose build <<containers>> Builds a new image for containers (Note: old containers are not updated)
  • docker images and docker container list displays the images/containers that are currently active. Can add --all to see inactive ones as well.

Other Documentation

  • See our docs folder for additional documentation