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ONTRAPORT Front-end Evaluation, Long Test

Congratulations, you passed the first test! There is just one more hoop to jump through. This is the ONTRAPORT 'Front-end Long Test'. We use it to gain an understanding of your front-end programming abilities before we meet face to face.

We are trying to ascertain your skill level in all areas of front end development (HTML, CSS, Javascript, and App Development). We are looking for candidates to fill all sorts of positions at all levels. Do your best and don't worry if your skills set is better suited for some parts of the test than others. Try and have fun with it!

###Some things we are looking for specifically:

  1. Ability to bind into/use existing markup/CSS/models.
  2. Take a design screenshot with some dimensions and create the CSS, markup and layout from it.
  3. Determine how you layout your code and what frameworks you choose to use and are familiar with.
  4. See how you use the MVC software pattern.


Your job is to finish coding a post / comment list engine for a web app. Imagine that your user has already logged in and is viewing a list of posts from other users and themselves. The engine has a two column layout. In the left column the user can see their profile. In the right column the user sees a list of user posts. Some of the posts have comments. There is a link in the app header that facilitates adding new posts via a textarea in a light box. If you have time, the engine can store data in local storage so it can push it later on (depending on internet connection) to some fictitious external data source.

ONTRAPORT Front End Long Test

###The test git repo contains: /codetest /data posts.json //posts json data users.json //users json data /images /profile //user profile pics 2001_finding_forrester_008.png daniel-craig.jpg Sean_Connery_as_Ramirez_in_Highlander.jpg sean_connery_the_untouchables.jpg Sean-Connery-as-James-Bond.jpg logo.png //app logo /resources box.js //local storage API you can use for the extra credit design.png //another copy of the design spec in case you lost it index.html //markup outline for the test, you don't have to use it normalize.css //CSS reset styles, feel free to remove or replace styles.css //test specific styles code_test_instructions.txt //text instructions for test
code_test_walk_through.avi //video example of finished test including extra credit
code_test_walk_through.swf //video example of finished test including extra credit design.png //design spec for the test


  1. You are logged in as user ID 5.
  2. The model data for the posts and user is in the /data folder (posts.json, users.json).
  3. There needs to be an "interface" for posts, comments, and users.


Fork this repo into your own github account and complete the following:

  1. Write the HTML and CSS needed to finish the engine. See styles.css and index.html (you don't have to use these files but we think its a good starting point). Try to make the finished product look as close to the design spec as possible (design.png).
  2. Load / render the user and post data from the json files in the data folder. Again, loaded data should look as close to design.png as possible.
  3. Search button needs to have some sort of interaction on hover. Change the colors borders etc..
  4. Add a white shadow to the search box when it gains focus.
  5. Show a light box / modal window in the middle of the screen when the user clicks on the 'Post An Update' button in the header section.
  6. The light box should contain a textarea where the user can type a new post.
  7. The user can submit a new post by hitting the enter key, the post should then be added to the end of the posts list.
  8. The light box should be removed from view when the user hits the enter key in the textarea.

###Extra Credit Requirements:

  1. User can add comments to any post.
  2. Save the user and post data to local storage so if you refresh the page the new posts and comments are reloaded (Imagine the temporarily doesn't have a network connection. In theory the data in local storage should be able to be sent to the server once there is a stable connection).

###Test Parameters:

  1. This test doesn't have a time limit, but we are interested in how long it takes you to complete as much as you did. A general: 'it took me _ hours' will do.
  2. Extra Credit Requirements are not required for submission.
  3. You are free to use any framework(s) of your choice as long as all requirements are met.
  4. Feel free to structure your code in any way you want. We want to see how you do things.
  5. If you want to attempt the extra credit: Check in /resources for box.js it's a localstorage framework. It works for anything that supports window.localstorage its kinda buggy for anything else but will get the job done. You don't have to use it but it there if you want to.

###Example: Here is video example of a working test ScreenShot

Good Luck!


Long version of the ontraport frontend interview test







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