Get the smallest currency unit even it is a Zero Decimal Currency
Get the smallest currency unit even it is a Zero Decimal Currency
This lib will convert the amount to the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge €1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency).
npm install zero-decimal-currencies
const smallestUnit = require("zero-decimal-currencies");
//or import smallUnit from 'zero-decimal-currencies';
//smallestUnit(amount, currency, display, noRound);
let amount = smallestUnit(100.01, "JPY"); //you don't want to display ¥100.01 to your customer, neither charge 100 times the correct amount
console.log(amount); //'100'
let amount2 = smallestUnit(100.01, "JPY", true); //even display mode set to true, will be nice to zero-decimal currencies
console.log(amount2); //'100'
let amount3 = smallestUnit(100.51, "JPY"); //by default will round up with zero-decimal currencies
console.log(amount3); //'101'
let amount4 = smallestUnit(100.01, "EUR"); //non zero-decimal currency, not useful to display, but useful to charge in Stripe
console.log(amount4); //'10001'
let amount5 = smallestUnit(100.01, "EUR", true); //non zero-decimal currency, useful to display, but not useful to charge in Stripe
console.log(amount5); //'100.01'
let amount6 = smallestUnit(15.7784514, "EUR"); //round is default, using toFixed rules
console.log(amount6); //'1578'
let amount7 = smallestUnit(15.7784514, "EUR", false, true); //the last parameter is a noRound option, that always get the 2 first decimals even a big decimal (that js put in cientific notation)
console.log(amount7); //'1578'
Params | Description |
amount (required) | Value that will be converted into the smallest currency unit |
currency (required) | Reference currency to calculate the units |
display (optional) | Whether it should be returned in display format or not. Default: false |
noRound (optional) | Determines if the last digit should be rounded based on the decimals values, even if it is a zero decimal currency. Default: false |
Kelvin Campelo 💬 📖 |
Magdiel Campelo 💬 📖 |
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