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A really tiny (<1.5kloc) LISP implementation with metaprogramming (based on the SICP evaluator).


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TinyLISP is a very small implementation of LISP which was originally based on the "eval/apply" loop in the superb Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Abelson, Sussman, Sussman). Per the name, the codebase of TinyLISP is quite minimal (e.g., the only built-in logic operator is NAND), currently under 1.5kloc. (The previous ceiling of 1kloc was breached by coroutine support.) It also has very little external dependencies, for portability; the entire external interface (as defined in the tl_interp structure) consists only of a function to read a character, put a character back to be read again, and an output function similar to libc's printf.

The implementation is written in standards compliant C (ideally ANSI C, although some LLVM- and GNU-specific areas are in architecture-specific areas), and should be portable to other compilers that adhere to these standards. The basic executable should be usable wherever a POSIX-compliant libc (threading not required) is available. Special configurations may introduce special compilation requirements; see especially Small Systems below.


make help in the repository root prints out a plethora of build information. It's more up-to-date than this README; read it carefully, and type make when you're ready.


make run in the repository root. Internally, this rule runs:

cat - | $(DEBUGGER) ./tl

...which loads the "standard" library to provide access to more common LISP functionality. It is worth noting that the majority of TinyLISP's language is implemented in itself, using its powerful metaprogramming capabilities; refer to the language specification in the documentation.

Many variations are possible; run make help to get a full list of influential variables and their documentation.

As of late, on UNIX, the above can be emulated as

$(DEBUGGER) ./tl

but the former syntax works as well.


Refer to main.c for a typical way to pass control to a running interpreter. In general, the major interface will be the pair tl_eval_and_then to initialize the evaluation of an expression, followed by tl_run_until_done to crank the interpreter until the final continuation is called.

On ELF systems, TL supports INITSCRIPTS, embedded binary data that contains programs that are "read from input" initially. This may be useful to set up a standard environment in embedded applications. See the Makefile for further details.


TinyLISP can be augmented with loadable modules, provided a suitable dynamic linker interface exists. The default on Unix-like systems is to assume dlopen and dlsym are functional. See main.c for the responsibilities of the loading function.

Modules, in mod, are not counted toward TinyLISP's line count. They do, however, show how one could implement additional functionality, such as more general transput and memory-handling capabilities. More libraries are subject to be added at any time.

Small Systems

TinyLISP has an embedded "minilibc", which contains exactly enough libc to allow TL to run, based on five interface functions defined in arch.h: file operations (read, write, flush), memory operations (get heap, release heap), and halt. This interface is designed to be intentionally simple to implement--in particular, heaps can be large and are suballocated, and no assumptions are made about file descriptors other than 0, 1, or 2 (standard in, out, and error).

To use it, pass USE_MINILIBC=1 to a make invocation, optionally passing MINILIBC_ARCH= one of the choices below.

  • linsys: Uses Linux x64 system calls directly. Aside from testing purposes, the resulting binary has no dynamic dependencies--it is "statically linked".

  • wasm: Compiles to WASM. This feature usually requires CC=clang. The resulting module has a few extra symbols intended to help embedding. Additionally, no bit packing is done. All the interface functions are imported, but fgetc is generally advised against on JS platforms that don't support blocking (such as the Web APIs), so tl_apply_next should be used directly instead. An example implementation is in the wasm directory, which can be used if this repository is served from a standard HTTP server.

  • rv32im: A RISC-V RV32IM image is built. This is designed to be hosted in the RISC-V SoC in Logisim-evolution. A basic memory map is:

    • 0x000_000 - 0x100_000: ROM, text sections and rodata loaded by the ELF;
    • 0x100_000 - 0x300_000: a "JTAG"-like interface
    • 0x300_000 - (0x300_000 + MEM_SIZE (default 0x100_000)): RAM These are the defaults, but can be overridden by adding to DEFINES. See rv32im.c for details.

Other implementations are welcome to be added!

minilibc is not designed to be performant nor standards-compliant, and is not counted toward TinyLISP's own line counts. However, it is implemented in much the same brevity as TinyLISP, and thus can serve as a didactic example of libc internals. In particular, it defines many printf variants and a functional malloc based on the K&R malloc, but with adjacent region merging.


tl_read in read.c is the lexical analyzer. In short, a lexeme may be:

  • " (double quote) bounds a symbol, which may contain any character other than ";
  • () (parentheses) bound a proper list of lexemes;
    • ... except that a . DATUM ) at the end of a list creates an improper list; in particular (A . B) is a standard cons pair. Nowhere else is . special, and it is treated as a symbol in those places.
  • all digits introduce decimal numbers;
  • whitespace terminates lexemes, including symbols, and is skipped;
  • ; and everything following it until newline is ignored (as comments);
  • every other character represents itself within a symbol.

There is one caveat: at runtime, a TinyLISP program may introduce "prefices" using tl-prefix, which translates into a proper list with the head being the specified symbol or expression, and the second item being the entire prefixed expression. This mechanism is used to implement ' as quote, for example. In the current iteration, prefices may only be one character.


Evaluation rules are as follows:

  • Numbers, as well as all forms of cfunction or LISP function, evaluate to themselves ("are self-valuating");
  • Symbols evaluate to their "bound" value in the current environment (see below);
  • Lists represent function application, with the head assumed to be callable, and the tail as arguments.

For example, the expression:

(+ 3 5)


  1. The application, which pushes a continuation as it must evaluate:
    1. +, a symbol, which evaluates to the binding to tl_cfbv_add, a cfunction by-value callable, which invokes immediate evaluation of the arguments:
      1. 3, which self-evaluates to 3,
      2. 5, which self-evaluates to 5,
  2. ...once the callable (and all arguments) have evaluated, the function (tl_cfbv_add) is applied with the argument list ((3 5)), producing the value 8.

As another carefully selected example, consider:

(define foo #t)

...which evaluates:

  1. The application, which pushes a continuation as it evaluates:
    1. define, which evaluates to the binding of tl_cf_define, a non-by-value cfunction--therefore, the syntax of the arguments are captured,
  2. the function itself (tl_cf_define) is applied to the arguments (foo #t), within which the second argument is pushed for evaluation:
    1. #t evaluates to tl-#t within the interpreter;
  3. ...and the continuation for tl_cf_define binds this value #tl-t to the symbol foo within the current environment, and evaluates to tl-#t.

These examples demonstrate that TL has two modes of evaluation: strict (call-by-value, or direct) evaluation, as with + above, and non-strict (call-by-name, or syntactic) evaluation, as with define. Additionally, TL can mix them freely; the result of define can be evaluated eagerly within another function, or be deferred within another syntactic invocation. This dichotomy is available to language users, too, as the difference between lambda and macro, respectively. It is the power of this dichotomy that allows LISP to effortlessly intermingle data and code; for a complete example, see the definition of quasiquote in

eval is the arrow between syntax and value. The internal implementation is tl-eval-in&, or tl_eval_and_then, which captures a syntax and evaluates it to a value (eventually--so long as the continuation is actually reached, for example), which it then passes to its continuation. Note that TL must maintain an in-code distinction between syntactic and direct values; for example:

(call/cc (lambda (cc) cc))

... successfully binds a continuation object to cc in the scope of the lambda user function. However:

(call/cc (macro (cc) env cc))

... will attempt to call the user macro with a continuation as an argument; as described below, continuations are values that do not have a self-valuating syntax, since they capture the delicate internal state of the interpreter. Because macros expect a syntax to capture, the interpreter throws an error ("invoke macro/cfunc with non-syntactic arg") and abandons the evaluation.

The general rule for language users is as follows: if you expect a real value, use lambda; if you expect syntax, use macro. For example, 2, (begin 2), ((lambda () 2)), and (+ 1 1) are several different syntaxes that all result in the same direct value (2). In the mixed case where some arguments need to be syntactic (using define as a prototypal example), use a macro to capture syntax, and selectively use tl-eval-in& or variants to convert some syntax to values.

TL macros are more general than some other implementations of "macros" that are only allowed to rewrite syntax. A common idiom for implementing those macros in TL is:

(define example (macro (arg) env (tl-eval-in env `( ... ))))

where ... is the syntactic translation, using the appropriate quasiquote macros. But, of course, macros are not so restricted--they can implement arbitrary functionality, including invoking other macros. This can be used for advanced features, such as lazy evaluation.

In short, the TL evaluator is a "Call by Push Value" (CBPV) interpreter, and can thus implement many different modalities of lambda calculus evaluation.


TinyLISP is not a total language; it is possible for computations to not only run indefinitely, but also to be abandoned. While there are many ways to do this (including invoking a continuation, as described below), likely the most mundane is the generation of an error. Various built-in functions will raise errors if they are inappropriately applied (to the wrong types of arguments, to invalid numbers of arguments, or--as above--to direct values when they are expecting syntax, and so forth). User code can invoke the built-in function tl-error to raise an error directly.

TinyLISP has a so-called "rescue stack", which is initially empty. When it is empty, an error will propagate directly to the C top-level, wherein tl_apply_next returns TL_RESULT_DONE (which ends any running tl_run_until_done call), and the interpreter's error field will be non-NULL. (This means the empty list, which is incidentally represented as NULL, is never a valid error value.) An interpreter in error state will not resume until error is cleared; usually, the entire computation is abandoned with tl_interp_reset before beginning a new evaluation. However, it is possible to restart the same computation, on the understanding that the values may not be sensible due to the error condition; most built-in functions will return tl-#f (the standard "false" symbol), which may cause further errors.

User code can use tl-rescue, which expects a callable argument that takes no parameters, to push a continuation onto the rescue stack. When this stack isn't empty and an error is generated, the error object is passed to the topmost continuation--in effect, the program behaves as if tl-rescue returned the error object. If no error is generated, tl-rescue evaluates to the result of evaluating the callable. Note that there is no guaranteed way to distinguish successful results and error objects without construction: it may be necessary to structure the evaluation of the callable to guarantee that a returned value is unlikely to be mistaken for an error.

C programs may push continuations (or a TL_THEN C continuation) onto the rescue stack as well, provided it is careful to balance with an appropriate TL_DROP_RESCUE special pushed onto the continuation stack simultaneously. This permits C code to react to errors without having them propagate to the top-level tl_run_until_done loop if so desired. See the comments in eval.c and relevant definitions in tinylisp.h for more details.

While this mechanism can be used for non-local stack-based return like C's setjmp/longjmp, it is internally built on continuations, which are a far more powerful non-local control flow mechanism; as such, most TL users are expected to use them directly instead; see Continuations, below. Nevertheless, errors are the correct choice to represent divergent computations, usually due to incorrectness.

General Parameter Syntax

User functions (both lambda and macro) are defined with a parameter specification as their first argument. An argument list, as from the application of a user function, is applied to the parameter specification recursively as follows:

  • If the current parameter is a pair, the first argument value is bound to the first symbol (see Environments, below), and this process recurs with the remainder of the parameters and arguments;
  • If the current parameter is a symbol, all remaining arguments are bound to that symbol.

It is an error if the first case is reached and either the current parameter or current argument is an empty list; such errors are "arity" violations. (C functions may emit arity violations, although such checks are built-in.) Thus, the length of the parameter list, or whether it is a list, determines the arity of the function.

For example: (lambda (a b c) ...) defines a function with arity exactly 3; it will fail when applied with less or more than 3 argument values. (lambda (a b . c) ...) defines a function with arity at least 2, where symbol c evaluates to a (possibly empty) list of arguments beyond b. (lambda a ...) defines a function with arbitrary arity, where all arguments are assigned to the symbol a. Without loss of generality, this applies to macros as well.


A TL environment is a proper list of frames; a frame is a proper list of bindings; and a binding is a pair of a symbol and an object. Symbols, when evaluated, are looked up in the current environment. Lookup proceeds in frame order, which means bindings in earlier frames shadow bindings in later frames.

The built-in tl-define creates or updates a binding in the first frame only. The built-in tl-set! will update a binding in any frame, or create it in the first frame if it does not exist. While tl-set! permits greater flexibility, tl-define is more performant, and the use of tl-define encourages further performance gains due to data locality.

The current environment can be accessed with the built-in tl-env function without arguments. When the interpreter begins, this environment has only one frame; that environment can be retrieved as the value of the tl-top-env function.

User-defined functions (lambda or macro) store the environment at the time of their definition. When applied, a new frame is prepended to the stored environment. In the process of evaluation of a user function:

  1. This new frame is set up with the formal parameters bound to the argument values (themselves evaluated to direct values if the function is a lambda) according to the General Parameter process above; and
  2. the user code is pushed onto the continuation stack, tail-first, in the new environment.

This mechanism allows users to create new scopes dynamically. It will be seen in Continuations, below, how this can be used to create encapsulation.

A user function, as well as a continuation, can be passed as the sole argument to tl-env; this returns the stored environment of the function or continuation. tl-set-env!, given a function (or continuation) and an environment, will set the object's stored environment. The stored environment can be passed to the built-in tl-eval-in& to evaluate an expression in that environment, effectively allowing one to operate within the environment without invoking or resuming the function or continuation.

Macros, when defined, receive an additional symbol after their parameter specification, and before their body, called the "environment name". This symbol is bound to the environment in which the macro was applied. This value is suitable for use with tl-eval-in& to evaluate code in the scope of the macro's invocation.


TL has first-class support for continuations, which are a value that represents a suspended computation. The core function is tl-call-with-current-continuation (which binds to the more-brief call/cc), which invokes its argument with a continuation representing the state of the interpreter as of entering call/cc. Typical usage looks as follows:

(call/cc (lambda (k) ...))

This expression evaluates, absent any syntax which calls k, to the result of calling the lambda, which is usually the tail position of .... However, if k is called, such as via (k 7), evaluation resumes as if this particular call/cc had evaluated to 7 instead. Arguments to continuations, like those to a lambda, are evaluated in the current environment before control is passed.

Within the lambda above, this can be interpreted as implementing "early return"; for example:

(call/cc (lambda (return)
  (if not-worth-continuing
    (return #f)

In this example, the second ... is evaluated if and only if the computation hasn't been "abandoned" by a true value of not-worth-continuing causing the invocation of return. This trick is used to convert the built-in tl-eval-in& to the more straightforward tl-eval-in often used in macros:

(define tl-eval-in
  (lambda (env ex)
    (call/cc (lambda (ret) (tl-eval-in& env ex ret)))))

The ret continuation returns to the call/cc, which is in the tail position of tl-eval-in.

It's worth noting that k, unlike C's setjmp/longjmp, can outlive the called function. Indeed,

(define current-continuation
  (lambda () (call/cc (lambda (cc) cc))))

returns the continuation entered by calling this user function. (The real definition in is a macro to avoid issues with scoping, but has largely equivalent behavior.) Used carefully, this continuation can be used as a way to pass "messages" back into the continuation's scope, not unlike Smalltalk:

(define make-object (lambda (state)
  (set! message (current-continuation))
    ((= (tl-type message) 'cont) message)
    ((= (cadr message) 'foo) ((car message) ...))
    ((= (cadr message) 'bar) ((car message) ...))

The frame that holds state and message as local values is fully held by the returned continuation; this means that the ... can use it as mutable state, where it can be used, for example, to implement private member variables. To be sure that this continuation escapes, the first cond branch uses the internal tl-type function to recognize whether the value is a continuation, and simply returns it if it is. Otherwise, cond dispatches to "methods", recognizes by their first item; this idiom can be used as follows:

(define send-message (lambda (obj . args)
  (call/cc (lambda (ret) (obj (cons ret args))))
(define object (make-object 3))
(send-message object 'foo)
(send-message object 'bar 1 2)
(send-message object 'baz object (+ 5 6))

In order to avoid escaping back to (define object ...), the methods pass a "return continuation" as the first element of a list; this is a common pattern allowing for cooperative coroutines, and moreover allows one to define a suspendable computation graph independent of the call stack (permitting scheduling and yielding, a la "async/await" in other languages). Note that the number of times a continuation can be invoked is arbitrary.

Internally, a continuation is a triple of the continuation stack, the value stack, and the environment. These three objects are, together, considered to be "the state" of the interpreter at any given time. tl-call-with-current-continuation captures its invocation state, and then pushes this object as the sole (direct) value applied to its argument. Resumption is implemented as a special case in tl_apply_next, the interpreter's "next state" quantum, where it restores the state from the continuation and pushes its sole expected argument. The value can be direct or syntactic; if it is syntactic, it is evaluated in a substate (pushed on the continuation stack).

Continuation and Values Stacks

In fitting with the Call-by-Push-Value mode, TL interpreters maintain two stacks, conts (continuations) and values. The value stack is, at all times, a proper list (whose top is the car) of pairs of objects and a "syntax" flag--this is tl-#t if the value is syntactic, and tl-#f if the value is direct. (The intepreter has two fields, true_ and false_, that cache these symbols, so comparison is fast.) The continuation stack is more complicated, and represents, more or less, a call stack for the running computation; it, too, is a proper list used as a stack, whose elements are improper lists of the form (len expr . env). len may take some special values, all of which are negative:

  • TL_APPLY_PUSH_EVAL (-1): expr is a syntax, and env is the environment in which it shall be evaluated. Usually, this syntax is an application, which is handled by tl_push_eval by "indirecting" into a more primitive application on the continuation stack, as described below.

  • TL_APPLY_INDIRECT (-2): what would ordinarily be expr is taken from the value stack; it must be a direct callable value. The expr position of the entry contains the len to be used in the application. This is pushed when a complex expression needs to evaluate its callable before it can apply it.

  • TL_APPLY_DROP_EVAL (-3): as TL_APPLY_PUSH_EVAL, but the value is silently discarded. This is the typical case for non-tail-position user code in a user function.

  • TL_APPLY_DROP (-4): ignores expr and env, and simply drops the top of the value stack. This is emitted in a pair with TL_APPLY_INDRECT whenever a TL_APPLY_DROP_EVAL must be indirected.

  • TL_APPLY_DROP_RESCUE (-5): ignores expr and env, and simply drops the top of the rescue stack. This is pushed simultaneously with the new rescue continuation, and serves to remove it if the computation succeeds.

  • TL_APPLY_GETCHAR (-6): stops tl_apply_next, returning TL_RESULT_GETCHAR. This is a signal to the top-level (usually tl_run_until_done, but also any other driver) that more input is needed. Allowing the call to tl_apply_next to end allows a driver to asynchronously restart the computation when more input is needed.

  • Otherwise, the entry is a "basic application", where expr is a callable object, env is the environment, and len is the number of values it expects; len values are popped from the value stack, pushing evaluations from right to left (such that evaluation order is left to right) if the callable expects direct arguments (a cfunc_byval or a user lambda), or raising an error if the callable expects syntax arguments (a cfunc, then, or macro) and any argument is a direct value. If collection succeeds, these arguments are then passed to the appropriate C function, or to user code as the "argument list" described in General Parameters above.

The usual way to evaluate a TL expression from C, then, is to synthesize a one-argument application:

tl_interp *in = ...;
tl_object *state = ...;
tl_object *expr = ...;
void _c_continuation_k(tl_interp *in, tl_object *args, tl_object *state) { ... }

tl_push_apply(in, 1, tl_new_then(in, _c_continuation_k, state, "_c_continuation_k"), in->env);
tl_push_eval(in, expr, in->env);

In this way, the continuation _c_continuation_k eventually receives a proper list of length one, whose car is the direct value of the evaluated expr. The interpreter environment in->env is assumed to be in a valid state; in a REPL, this is usually in->top_env. The string passed to tl_new_then is a debugging aid. state may be TL_EMPTY_LIST (or, equivalently, NULL) if the communication of state is not needed.

The idea of pushing applications and evaluable expressions simultaneously generalizes, of course, to many different applications, many different kinds of callables, and many different expressions in many different environments, so long as the stack discipline is observed. In particular, the sum of the len of all applications should equal the number of value pushes done.

It is also possible to spend one redirection to pair an application and its values directly:

tl_push_apply(in, 1, tl_new_then(in, _c_continuation_k, state, "_c_continuation_k"), in->env);
tl_push_apply(in, TL_APPLY_PUSH_EVAL, expr, in->env);

... though more care must be taken to sequence these correctly, as now the evaluations will be sequenced with respect to the continuation stack; in particular, the last TL_APPLY_PUSH_EVAL will become the first argument. In essence, this device dynamically arises in the evaluation of user functions, which appear in place of the tl_new_then call above.


TinyLISP is distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. See COPYING for more information.


Please feel free to leave issues on this repository, or submit pull requests. I will make every effort to respond to them in a timely fashion.


Contributions are welcome--the most wieldy being pull requests, but I can negotiate other methods of code delivery. I retain the right to curate the code in this repository, but you are within your licensed right to make forks for your own purposes. Nevertheless, contributing back upstream is welcome!

Here are some easy things to look at:

  • Documentation improvements and clean-up;
  • Code cleanup (especially anything that makes it brief without being inscrutable);
  • Finding bugs (they are inevitable, after all);
  • Improving workflows (tell me what's hard to accomplish).


A really tiny (<1.5kloc) LISP implementation with metaprogramming (based on the SICP evaluator).







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