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Janne Lauros edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 35 revisions

Flow Configuration

The minimal configuration required to have the plugin running:


The minimum configuration requires you to define the profile configuration for user to access the profile pages.

Profile Configuration

USERPROFILE.SSO profile configuration has to be enabled by adding it to shibboleth.UnverifiedRelyingParty bean.

Profile Configuration Bean Profile Configuration URI Activated Endpoint
USERPROFILE.SSO /idp/profile/userprofile
<!-- Example of activating USERPROFILE.SSO in relying-party.xml -->
<bean id="shibboleth.UnverifiedRelyingParty" parent="RelyingParty">
  <property name="profileConfigurations">
      <bean parent="USERPROFILE.SSO"/>

Profile configuration options

The configuration options for USERPROFILE.SSO are far less than with other SSO profiles as there is really no relying party involved. What we have to do is to authenticate (and control how that is done) the user to grant access to correct data.

Name Type Default Description
defaultAuthenticationMethods List<Principal> Ordered list of Java Principals to be used to select appropriate login flow(s) to attempt.
authenticationFlows List<String> List of allowed login flow(s) to attempt.
forceAuthn Boolean false Disallows use (or reuse) of authentication results and login flows that don't provide a real-time proof of user presence in the login process

Some 3rd party authentication flows require relying party identifier value to exist. For such cases you may set dummy value in - file

Property Name Default Description
userProfile.relyingPartyIdentifier None Dummy relying party identifier to use during authentication phase.

Administrative flow options

User Profile is a administrative flow. The behaviour of this particular administrative flow is defined in - file. The default options will authenticate the user accessing /idp/profile/userprofile with any available authentication flow supporting browsers.

Property Name Default Description
userProfile.logging UserProfile Set a logging ID to use when auditing this profile.
userProfile.accessPolicy None Set an explicit access control policy name to apply.
userProfile.forceAuthn false Set whether a fresh user presence proof should be required for this request.
userProfile.authenticationFlows None Set the authentication flows to use as comma limited list.
userProfile.defaultAuthenticationMethods None Set the default authentication methods to use, expressed as custom principals as comma limited list.
userProfile.postAuthenticationFlows None Set the ordered collection of post-authentication interceptor flows to enable as comma limited list.
userProfile.resolveAttributes false Set whether attributes should be resolved for access control policy.

Once minimal configuration is done, authenticated user is able to access endpoint /idp/profile/userprofile and Personal Data - page.

Personal Data

The purpose of Personal Data page is to show what attributes of user are "stored" to IdP. Näyttökuva 2023-8-31 kello 14 38 57

Personal Data attributes

The attributes shown on the page are in many deployments a simple list of LDAP attributes in which case the configuration is pretty straightforward. If you are running a proxy the attributes shown may be a complex set of upstream attributes combined with locally resolved ones and sometimes may need new attribute definitions. To solve this dilemma the attributes that are resolved and shown in the page for user must be separately listed in - file. Attribute filtering is not applied to the listed attributes.

Property Name Default Description
userProfile.idpuserattributes None List (mandatory) of attributes that are presented to user as Personal Data. Comma separated list of attribute ids.
userProfile.logoutUrl None Optional logout url, for instance /idp/profile/Logout

The properties file may be used to activate optional "Log Out" - button on profile pages.