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Table of Contents

  1. Module Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Limitations
  5. Development
  6. Release Notes

Module Description

This module manages Samba installation, including samba as an Active Directory Domain Controler.

Any parameter in smb.conf can be added/modified/removed, keeping you free to customize the installation to your specific needs.

This module is licensed MIT.

The script additional-samba-tool is licensed GPLv3 (depends on python-samba which is GPLv3).


What samba affects

This module will install the samba packages and setup smb.conf.

In 'classic':

  • By default, it will enable winbind in nsswitch (through augeas, not modifying anything more than necessary).
  • By default, it will join the Domain Controller.
  • It will configure and enable the winbind service
  • It will deploy '', a small helper script to create user's home automatically

In 'dc':

  • It will deploy additional-samba-tool, a python script completing samba-tool This script handles users/groups and their attributes (list, add or remove attributes)

Setup Requirements

This module requires puppetlabs-stdlib module.



Look at the examples directory.

Samba 4 AD Domain Controller

Domain Controller

To provision the domain controller use the samba::dc class:

class { ::samba::dc:
  # Mandatory parameters
  domain                => 'ad',              # * AD domain name
  realm                 => '',  # * Realm name (must match domain)

  # Optionnal parameters
  dnsbackend            => 'internal',        # * DNS backend ('internal',
                                              #   'bindFlat' or 'bindDLZ')
                                              #   default: internal
  adminpassword         => 'P455WordS',       # * Administrator password
                                              #   (default: undef)
  dnsforwarder          => '',         # * Dns forwarder IP (default: undef)
  ip                    => ''      # * DC listening IP (default undef)
  targetdir             => '/var/lib/samba/', # * Deployment directory
                                              #   (default: '/var/lib/samba/')
  domainlevel           => '2003',            # * Functionality level ('2003',
                                              #   '2008' or '2008 R2') (default 2003).
                                              #   Can be upgraded, but not downgraded
  domainprovargs        => '',                # * Additionnal arguments for domain
                                              #   provision (ex: --domain-sid)
  sambaloglevel         => 3,                 # * Log level (from 1 to 10) (default: 1)
  logtosyslog           => false,             # * Log not to file but to syslog
                                              #   (default: false)
  sambaclassloglevel    => {                  # * Set log level by log classes
    'printdrivers' => 1,                      #   (default: undef)
    'idmap'        => 5,
    'winbind'      => 3,
  globaloptions         => {                  # * Custom options in section [global]
                                              #   Takes precedence.
                                              #   (default: {})
    'custom setting 1'   => 'custom value 1',
    'custom setting 2'   => 'custom value 2',
  netlogonoptions       => {},                # * Custom options in section [netlogon]
  sysvoloptions         => {},                # * Custom options in section [sysvol]
  globalabsentoptions   => ['idmap_ldb:use'], # * Remove default settings put
                                              #   by this class in [global]
                                              #   (default: [])
  sysvolabsentoptions   => [],                # * remove default settings in [sysvol]
  netlogonabsentoptions => [],                # * Remove default settings in [netlogon]

Password Policy

Configuring password Policy:

class { ::samba::dc::ppolicy:
  ppolicycomplexity     => 'on',              # * Enable password policy (default: on)
  ppolicyplaintext      => 'off',             # * Store password in plain text
                                              #   (default: off)
  ppolicyhistorylength  => 24,                # * Password history length (default: 24)
  ppolicyminpwdlength   => 7,                 # * Minimum password length (default: 7)
  ppolicyminpwdage      => 1,                 # * Minimum password age (default: 1)
  ppolicymaxpwdage      => 42,                # * Maximum password age (default: 42)

If this class is not specified, default from samba-tool provisioning will be kept.

Password Policy parameters can be set individually:

  option      => '--account-lockout-duration',         # option name in samba-tool
  show_string => 'Account lockout duration (mins):',   # string name in show
  value       => '45',                                 # value

Use the following commands to list available options for your samba version

# List available options:
$ samba-tool domain passwordsettings --help

# List available string_show:
$ samba-tool domain passwordsettings show

Logon Scripts

Adding logon scripts:

::samba::dc::script { 'login1.cmd':           # * name of the script
  content => 'echo login script 1             # * content of the script
ping -n 11 > nul                    #   will automaticaly be converted
',                                            #   to CRLF End of Line.


Adding users:

smb_user { 'test user':                       # * user name
  ensure         => present,                  # * absent | present
  password       => 'QwertyP455aaa',          # * user password (default: random)
  force_password => true,                     # * force password value, if false
                                              #   only set at creation (default: true)
  groups         => ['domain users',          # * list of groups (default: [])
  given_name     => 'test user gn',           # * user given name (default: '')
  use_username_as_cn => true,                 # * use username as cn (default: false)
  attributes     => {                         # * hash of attributes
     uidNumber   => '15222',                  #   use list for multivalued attributes
     gidNumber   => '10001',                  #   (default: {} (no attributes))
     msSFU30NisDomain => 'dc',
     mail => [''],


Adding groups:

smb_group { 'mygroup':
  ensure     => present,                      # * group name
  scope      => 'Domain',                     # * group scope
  type       => 'Security',                   # * group type
  attributes => {                             # * attributes
    gidNumber        => '15220',              #   use list for multivalued attributes
    msSFU30NisDomain => 'dc',
  groups     => ['domain users',              # * list of groups

Samba Classic

class { '::samba::classic':
  # Mandatory parameters
  domain                => 'DC',             # * Domain to authentify against
  realm                 => '',    # * Realm to authentify against
  smbname               => 'SMB',            # * Share name
  sambaloglevel         => 3,                # * Samba log level
  logtosyslog           => true,             # * Log to Syslog

  # Optionnal parameters
  strictrealm           => true,             # * Check for Strict Realm (default: true)
  security              => 'ADS',            # * security mode.
                                             # in ['ADS', 'AUTO', 'USER', 'DOMAIN']
                                             # default: 'ADS'
  manage_winbind        => true              # * Manage the winbind service (default: true)
  krbconf               => true,             # * Deploy krb5.conf file (default: true)
  nsswitch              => true,             # * Add winbind to nsswitch,
                                             # (default: true)
  pam                   => false,            # * Add winbind to pam (default: false)
  join_domain           => true,             # * Flag to enable domain join (default: true)
  adminuser             => 'custadmin'       # * Domain Administrator login
                                             # (default: 'administrator')
  adminpassword         => 'P455WordS',      # * Domain Administrator
                                             # password (for joining)
                                             # (default: undef, no join)
  joinou                => 'Computer/Samba', # * OU to Join
  sambaclassloglevel    => {                 # * Set log level by log classes
    'printdrivers' => 1,                     # (default: undef)
    'idmap'        => 5,
    'winbind'      => 3,
  globaloptions       => {},                 # * Custom options in section [global]
  globalabsentoptions => [],                 # * Remove default settings put


Idmap is to map user ids to unix uid/uid numbers, it supports several back-ends which can be configured with the following resources.

Note that configuring a '*' domain seems necessary for Idmap to properly work.

Idmap nss, tdb or rid

::samba::idmap { 'Domain *':
  domain      => '*',           # * name of the Domain or '*'
  idrangemin  => 10000,         # * Min uid for Domain users
  idrangemax  => 19999,         # * Max uid for Domain users
  backend     => 'tdb',         # * idmap backend
                                #   in [nss, tdb or rid]

Idmap ad

::samba::idmap { 'Domain DC':
  domain      => 'DC',          # * name of the Domain or '*'
  idrangemin  => 10000,         # * Min uid for Domain users
  idrangemax  => 19999,         # * Max uid for Domain users
  backend     => 'ad',          # * idmap backend
  schema_mode => 'rfc2307',     # * Schema mode
                                #   in [rfc2307, sfu, sfu20]

Idmap autorid

::samba::idmap { 'Domain DC':
  domain         => 'DC',          # * name of the Domain or '*'
  idrangemin     => 10000,         # * Min uid for Domain users
  idrangemax     => 19999,         # * Max uid for Domain users
  backend        => 'autorid',     # * idmap backend
  # Optionnal parameters
  rangesize      => 100000,        # * number of uid per domain
                                   #   default: 100000
  read_only      => 'yes',         # * Read only mappint
                                   #   Default no
  ignore_builtin => 'yes',         # * Ignore any mapping requests
                                   #   for the BUILTIN domain

Idmap hash

::samba::idmap { 'Domain DC':
  domain     => 'DC',                     # * name of the Domain or '*'
  idrangemin => 10000,                    # * Min uid for Domain users
  idrangemax => 19999,                    # * Max uid for Domain users
  backend    => 'hash',                   # * idmap backend
  name_map   => '/etc/samba/name_map.cfg' # * mapping file

Idmap ldap

::samba::idmap { 'Domain DC':
  domain       => 'DC',                         # * name of the Domain or '*'
  idrangemin   => 10000,                        # * Min uid for Domain users
  idrangemax   => 19999,                        # * Max uid for Domain users
  backend      => 'ldap',                       # * idmap backend
  ldap_base_dn => 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com', # * users mapping ou
  ldap_user_dn => 'cn=smb,dc=example,dc=com',   # * bind account
  ldap_passwd  => 'password',                   # * bind password
  ldap_url     => 'ldap://',    # * ldap url

Idmap tdb2

::samba::idmap { 'Domain DC':
  domain     => 'DC',                     # * name of the Domain or '*'
  idrangemin => 10000,                    # * Min uid for Domain users
  idrangemax => 19999,                    # * Max uid for Domain users
  backend    => 'tdb2',                   # * idmap backend
  script     => '/etc/samba/',      # * mapping sid/uid script

Multiple Realms

To add multiple realms in krb5.conf, use the following syntax:

class { '::samba::classic':
  default_realm => 'FOREST.EXAMPLE.COM'
  additional_realms => [

Samba Shares


::samba::share { 'Test Share':
  # Mandatory parameters
  path            => '/srv/test/',
  # Optionnal parameters
  manage_directory  => true,        # * let the resource handle the shared 
                                    #   directory creation (default: true)
  owner             => 'root',      # * owner of the share directory
                                    #   (default: root)
  group             => 'root',      # * group of the share directory 
                                    #   (default: root)
  mode              => '0775',      # * mode of the share directory
                                    #   (default: 0777)
  acl               => [],          # * list of posix acls (default: undef)
  options           => {            # * Custom options in section [Test Share]
      'browsable'       => 'Yes',
      'root preexec'    => 'mkdir -p \'/home/home_%U\'',
  absentoptions     => ['path'],    # * Remove default settings put by this resource
                                    #   default?: []


If you want to create subdirectory in a share with specific permissions/acls:

::samba::dir { 'Sub Dir':
  # Mandatory parameters
  path              => '/srv/test/sub',

  # Optionnal parameters
  owner             => 'root',      # * owner of the directory
                                    #   (default: root)
  group             => 'root',      # * group of the directory 
                                    #   (default: root)
  mode              => '0775',      # * mode of the directory
                                    #   (default: 770)
  acl               => [],          # * list of posix acls (default: undef)

DNS Zones

If you want to create a DNS zone (most useful for creating the reverse zone after DC creation):

::samba::dc::dnszone { 'Reverse Zone':
  # Mandatory parameters
  zone              => ''

DNS Entries

If you want to create a DNS entry (most useful for creating the reverse DNS entries):

::samba::dc::dnsentry { 'Reverse Entry':
  # Mandatory parameters
  zone              => ''
  host              => '1'
  type              => 'PTR'
  record            => ''


class samba::dc (deploy Samba as a Domain Controller) needs Samba in version 4.0.0 or above.

This version is available in Debian Jessie and above, or in Wheezy using Debian backports.

As of May 2017, CentOS/RedHat doesn't support Samba 4 AD DC due to choices in kerberos implementations.

If you plan to deploy Samba as a DC on CentOS/RedHat you will need to build samba yourself. Another possibility is to use the Samba+ Sernet Packages which requires a paid subscription.

Formerly, this Puppet module handled installing Samba from the free packages Sernet packages, these packages are EOL and are no longer available. For security reasons please be advised to migrate to a properly maintained solution (samba+ subscription, Debian/Ubuntu, self-maintained samba package).


Any form of contribution (bug reports, feature requests...) is welcomed. Pull requests will be merged after review.

If you have questions regarding how to use this module, don't hesitate to fill a bug.

Contribution must not raise errors from puppet-lint.

Release Notes


  • drop support for puppet < 4.0.0
  • add support for Arch (Thanks to Tim Meusel)
  • add support for functional level 2012(R2) (Thanks to Tim Meusel)
  • use the type system of the newer Puppet DSL (Thanks to Tim Meusel)
  • switch from topscope to relative scope (Thanks to Tim Meusel)


  • Remove support for the Sernet packages (these packages are EOL and no longer available)


  • add logtosyslog option handling for samba >= 4.3.0
  • add custom fact samba_version to recover the available samba version
  • add params given_name and use_username_as_cn in smb_user resource (Thanks to Chris Roberts)
  • add samba::dc::dnszone and samba::dc::dnsentry classes (Thanks to Chris Roberts)


  • fix error on RHEL (pam-winbind and nss-winbind are in just one package) (Thanks to David Gardner)


  • fix absentoptions handling in share definition
  • fix add missing package libnss-winbind/samba-winbind-clients (thanks to Chris Roberts)
  • add support for pam configuration (thanks to Chris Roberts)


  • fix non determistic log setup with ruby <= 1.8 (Thanks to m4xp0w4)


  • fix dependency error if manage_winbind is false
  • add possibility to configure multiples realms in krb5.conf (Thanks to Jan-Otto Kröpke)
  • add some test scripts and scenarii


  • fix dc deployment on Debian (needed cleaning of the /var/run/samba directory)
  • add force_password parameter to smb_user resource to only set password at creation and not touch it after


  • add switch join_domain to enable/disable Domain Join in classic class (Thanks to Mattias Giese)
  • add switch manage_winbind to enable/disable winbind service in classic class (Thanks to Mattias Giese)


  • fix templates (thanks to Michael Sweetser)


  • add parameter to pass additionnal parameters for domain provisioning


  • fix daemon name on Debian versions >=8


  • fix documentation


  • add support for Ubuntu
  • fix for puppet 4


  • add optional parameter joinou in class classic to specify the OU in AD where the samba server must be declared
  • add optional parameter strictrealm to enable/disable strict realm check


  • add manage_directory parameter to samba::share in order to make directory creation optional (useful for print server)


  • fix namespace collision between puppetlabs-inifile and smb_file resource
  • add examples


  • remove useless --workgroup option in DC provisioning
  • add type ppolicy_param to set individual ppolicy parameters
  • fix ppolicy class to be more robust to version changes


  • add parameter adminuser for class samba::classic default value (administrator) maintains the previous behaviour


  • Better summary in metadata.json


  • Better tags in metadata.json
  • Better documentation


  • first release

External licenses

This module includes portions of code derived from:


No releases published


No packages published


  • Puppet 44.7%
  • Ruby 39.1%
  • Python 8.0%
  • Shell 5.7%
  • HTML 2.5%