Theas is a full-stack business-class web application solution.
It includes everything you need to build and deploy powerful, secure web applications for business, including: database layer, self-contained web server, server-side scripting, and full HTML5 support with specific examples for both vue.js and jquery
- turnkey performance and security-aware embedded web server (written in Python 3.4, based on Tornado)
- extensions to Jinja2 templating via custom filters
- session management
- session data management and multi-tier data binding
- database-only content and templates (no filesystem used)
- mechanism for using template-specific stored procedure to retrieve and update data
- support for both normal POST / GET requests and async / AJAX request ... and more.
Theas does not impose any restrictions on client-side development: you are free to use whatever tools and frameworks you like.
See thie Wiki for more information.
This project is actively maintained as of 9/18/2018. It was created on 4/8/2016. I have not yet created a sample stand-alone database for Theas, as I have been using Theas with OpsStream (a MSSQL application from
I am happy to help you get your dev environment set up, and to help you get your Theas server working--either with OpsStream or some other database of your choosing. Let me know if you have questions or if I can be of assistance.
David Rueter