This is the sync code repo of my class team's classwork. Everyone has right to fork it for learning. Yet, any pull request won't be accepted.
| | # entry point of this program
| # router for chapter selection
|-one # chapter number
| | # router for internal chapter selection
| |-four #internal chapter number
| | | #display module of this level
| | | #\
| | | # \---implement of sepcific functions
| |-five #internal chpter number
| | |-xxx #similar struct of the folder at the same layer
| |-xxx #similar struct of the folder at the same layer
|-xxx #similar struct of the folder at the same layer
- JDK (version 1.8.0 or later)
- Eclipse or VScode with java supurt
To enable java support of vscode, the following plugins are required:
- Language Support for Java by Red Hat (version 0.32.0 or later)
- Java Dependency Viewer
- Java Test Runner
Really easy, just follow the build botten of the IDE
Well, if you have install all the plugins referenced in 'Dependences' section, the launch setting file(.vscode/launch.json) should already automatically generated corretly. At the entry point main(String[] args)
, you will see the launch option showed blow.
Here is the ideal content of .vscode/lauch.json:
"configurations": [
"type": "java",
"name": "CodeLens (Launch) - StartUp",
"request": "launch",
"mainClass": "app.startUp",
"projectName": "JavaTutorial",
"console": "externalTerminal"
Note: the last k-v "console": "externalTerminal"
needs to be added manually.