Module Template:
- 📁 Bannerlord.Module.Template - for Visual Studio/Rider and dotnet CLI.
Game Reference Assemblies:
- 📁 Bannerlord.ReferenceAssemblies - reference assemblies for every existing Game version.
- 📁 Harmony - provides a centralized version of Harmony.
- 📁 UIExtenderEx - library for manipulating the UI.
- 📁 ButterLib - provides some game fixes and a modding API on top of the game.
- 📁 Mod Configuration Menu - an API for declaring settings for mods.
- 📁 BUTRLoader - extends the game launcher and fixes mod load order.
- 📁 BLSE - continuation of BUTRLoader.
- 📁 Bannerlord.IronPython - adds an experimental ability to use mods written in IronPython.
- 📁 Bannerlord.PHP - adds an experimental ability to use mods written in PHP.
- 📁 Bannerlord.DiscordRichPresence - adds support for Discord Rich Presence.
Gameplay Mods:
Old Mods:
- 📂 Harmony.Extensions - extends Harmony.
- 📂 Bannerlord.BUTR.Shared - shared code for the BUTR repositories.
- 📂 Bannerlord.ModuleLoader - provides a loader for supporting multiple game version within one mod.
- 📂 Bannerlord.ModuleManager - provides JS/TS/C# libraries for managing Module dependencies.
- 📂 BUTR.DependencyInjection - provides a simple DI that can be extended.
Vortex Extension:
- 🧰 game-mount-and-blade2 - extension for Vortex.
- 🧰 BUTR.Harmony.Analyzer - Roslyn analyzer for Harmony.
- 🧰 FetchBannerlordVersion - fetches the version string from the game's assembly directory.
- 🧰 Bannerlord.BuildResources - resources for building Bannerlord modules.
- 🧰 Bannerlord.ChangelogParser - parses a custom changelog format inspired by Factorio.
- 🧰 Bannerlord.LocalizationParser - outputs all hardcoded localization strings in the game.
- 🧰 Bannerlord.ReferenceAssemblies - generates reference assemblies starting from e1.1.0.
- 🧰 Bannerlord.XmlSchemas - XML Schemas for the community.
- 🧰 Bannerlord.SteamWorkshop - tool that can login to Steam and upload content mods for Bannerlord.
- 🧰 Converter.MarkdownToBBCodeNM - Converts Markdown and HTML into NexusMods BBCode flavor
Web Services:
Modding with other languages, proof of concept:
We believe that the underlying libraries that are used for modding games deserve support and recognition. We started to sponsor those libraries on GitHub, Patreon and other services. Even if the money isn't enough to provide full development time for the authors, every penny counts. So we ask the modding community to do the same! If your mod uses a library that has some sponsorship note, do support them! Only a healthy foundation can keep the ecosystem successful!
Non GitHub Sponsors: