A small module that takes in an object and returns a new object only containing white listed keys.
- object - the object you want to reduce to only whitelisted keys.
- whitelist - an array containing the keys you want the new object to maintain
- shallow - optional true false value. if true, will only look for whitelisted keys in top level object. defaults to false.
npm i whitelist-object --save
var whiteListObject = require("whitelist-object");
var myObject = {
cool: "guy",
conor: "hastings",
wow: "so cool",
but: {is: "he", no: "he isn't"}
var whiteListedObject = whiteListObject(myObject, ["cool", "but", "is"], false);
//returns {cool: "guy", but: {is: "he"}};
var shallowWhiteListObject = whiteListObject(myObject, ["cool", "but", "is"], true);
//returns {cool: "guy", but: {is: "he", no: "he isn't"}};