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Pheonix App 1.0


Pheonix App 1.0 is a powerful Python application designed to streamline various tasks, from managing files to playing mini-games. This README provides comprehensive instructions on how to use the app effectively.

Getting Started

To start the app, follow these steps:

Open Run the script in your terminal. Upon execution, the terminal will prompt you with a command line, starting with your current directory path.


GUI Mode

To switch to GUI mode, use the following command:

gui start


To play a mini-game, use the following command format:

fun !minigame [minigame_name]

Replace [minigame_name] with the name of the mini-game you want to play.

Terminal Mode

For terminal mode, use the same command format as displayed when starting the app:

C:/Users/main/mydir/pheonixapp1.0/files ->


To enable or disable devtools, use the following commands:

terminal !devtools:ENABLE

terminal !devtools:DISABLE

Release Mode

To enable or disable release mode, use the following command:

terminal !devtools:CLcmds:T:release

PATF File Commands

To work with the PATF (Pheonix App Terminal File) file, use the following commands:

terminal --createfile: Creates a fresh PATF file with information from the old one.

terminal --deletefile: Deletes the PATF file (shuts down the app as the file is required to work).

terminal --modifyfile: Modifies the PATF file.

terminal --upgradefile: Upgrades PATF file information and then creates the file.

terminal --changefiletype:(file_type): Changes the file type. Available file types are patf, txt, and ini.

terminal !clear: Clears the terminal screen.

terminal !color:(color_number): Changes the color of text in the terminal. Use DEFAULT to revert to default color.

terminal !utilities:(utility_name): Starts the utilities function. Available utilities are calc and wiki.


Utilities calc: Starts a calculator. Utilities wiki: Performs a Wikipedia search.


To install the required modules or dependencies, run The script will automatically install necessary packages. Additionally, Pheonix App can be installed via PACI (Pheonix App Community Installer) software or downloaded at [](Pheonix Studios AOS Site).

To install this module just use this command : pip install PheonixappAPI


To start import the files : (,

Then do : main.INITIALIZE(LoginOrSignup:bool=False, email:str="", username:str="", password:str="")

First argument is LoginOrSignup, If you want to signup and use it then make it True else False Other arguments are your login arguments

api File


Create an instance of the PheonixAppAPI class:

from PheonixAppAPI import main, api

main_ = main.PheonixAppAPI(False).initialize()


GUI Mode

To start the GUI mode, use the GUI class:


Example usage

gui = GUI()


To play the "Guess The Number" mini-game, use the MiniGames class:


Example usage

games = MiniGames

PATF Commands

Use the PATF_API class to manage the PATF file and perform other related tasks:

Examples :

Creating a PATF File

Example Usage
patf_api = PATF_API()"terminal --createfile")

Checking Modules

Example Usage
patf_api = PATF_API()
patf_api.CheckModules(mode="all", list=["module1", "module2"])

Getting Certificate path

Example Usage
patf_api = PATF_API()
path = patf_api.getCertificatePath(code="12345", flag="+BOOL")

Encoding and Decoding Messages


Example Usage

encoder = Encoder(msg="YourMessage", type="Hype_Space")
encoded_message = encoder.Encode()


Example Usage

decoder = Decoder(msg="EncodedMessage", type_="Hype_Space")
decoded_message = decoder.Decode()



Example Usage

utils = Utilities()

Wikipedia Search

Example Usage


Error Handling

Example Usage

    # Your code that may raise an exception
except Exception as e:
    Error(type_=e, name="ErrorName", details="Error details", log=False, mode="")

Extra Commands

Example Usage

extra_cmd = Extra_Commands(cmd="your_command")

Extra Functions

Example Usage

extra = Extra()


Maps can be used for adding your own encryption language to PheonixAppAPI by a map (a dictionary with with keys as letters and values as the encryption of the letters)

Example Usage

my_new_map = api.create_map()
api.push_map("My New Map", my_new_map)
my_map = api.get_map("My New Map")
api.remove_maps("one", ["My New Map"])



Creates a dictionary where each key is a character and each value is a unique, randomly assigned character.


keys (str, optional): The string of characters to use as keys and values. Defaults to a comprehensive set of keyboard characters.


dict: A dictionary mapping each character to a unique, random character.


Writes the map to an encrypted file. Creates the file if it does not exist.


name (str): The name of the map to push.

map_ (dict, optional): The dictionary map to push. Default Value is set to [{}].


None: Nothing.


Retrieves and decrypts the map from the encrypted file.


name (str): The name of the map to get.

map_ (dict, optional): This is not required by the user as it is only used for creating the object.


dict: The decrypted map.


Exception: If the map file does not exist.


A function to remove maps from the file.


mode (str): The name of the map.

Available :

  1. one: Only removes the map that is at the first of the names list.

  2. list: Removes all the maps that are present in the names list.

  3. all: Removes all the maps except the default ones.

names(list): The list of names to remove. If [mode] is [one] then only the first map in this list is removed.


Exception: No Map File to begin with.


None: Nothing.

Binary Workings

How to work with binary using PheonixAppAPI

Bin functions can be used as well as from and from retrieving the BIN class using [api.BIN(ARGS....)]. The BIN class does have more functions than the ones present in hence, it is recommended to use BIN class instead of functions.

Example Usage

bin = api.BIN(path="test.bin", content="Hello")
print(bin.str_to_bin("Hello world"))
print(bin.bin_to_str(bin.str_to_bin("Hello world")))
print(bin.to_binINT("Hello world"))
print(bin.str_to_bytes("Hello world", "utf-16"))
print(bin.bytes_to_str(bin.str_to_bytes("Hello world", "utf-16"), "utf-16"))

data = bin.get_str()



Convert a string, integer, or dictionary to its binary string representation.


data (typing.Union[str, int, dict]): The data to convert to binary.


str: The binary string representation of the input data.


Convert a binary string back to its original string representation.


data (str): The binary string to convert.


str: The original string representation of the binary input.

to_binINT :

Convert a dictionary or string to a binary integer.


data_dict (dict, optional): The dictionary to convert. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

data_str (str, optional): The string to convert. Defaults to an empty string.

useString (bool, optional): Flag to indicate if data_str should be used. Defaults to True.


int: The binary integer representation of the input data.

str_to_bytes :

Convert a string, integer, or dictionary to its byte representation.


data (typing.Union[str, int, dict]): The data to convert to bytes.

encoding (str, optional): The encoding to use for the conversion. Defaults to "utf-16".


bytes: The byte representation of the input data.

bytes_to_str :

Convert bytes back to a string using the specified encoding.


data (bytes): The byte data to convert.

encoding (str, optional): The encoding to use for the conversion. Defaults to "utf-16".


str: The string representation of the byte input.

api.BIN :

Returns the BIN class of for working with binary.


path (str, optional): the path of the file while pushing data into file. Defaults to "./aol_var-dict.aolvd".

format (str, optional): The format to set the content_dict into while pushing dict. Defaults to "vardict-v0.001JSON".

encoding (str, optional): Encoding for the content or content_dict. Defaults to "utf-16".

encode (bool, optional): To Encode The Data. Recommended to leave it as it is. Defaults to False.

content (str, optional): The content in String. Defaults to "".

content_dict (dict, optional): The content in dictionary. Defaults to {}.

use_base64 (bool, optional): To encode using base64. NOTE: [low storage taking but less safe]. Defaults to False.

use_pheonixApp_encoder (bool, optional): To encode using our Encoder. NOTE: [High Storage taking in compare to base64 but more safe (3 Layer Encryption)]. Defaults to True.

compressed (bool, optional): To compress the size. After setting it to True the file will take less space but the Encryption will lose 1 layer. Defaults to False.

hyper_compressed (bool, optional): To hyper-compress the size. After setting it to True the file will take less space but the Encryption will lose 2 layers. Defaults to False.

NOTE: [This file is copied from our another program known as AOL(Assembly Orientated Language) and some of its functions are removed to match this Module]


bin_worker.BIN: The class for working with binary


Module API is a way of interacting with modules.


CheckModules :

Checks the specified modules. Script Version.


prompt(bool, optional): This defines shall the script prompt the user for downloading the modules. If it is false it doesn't download modules. Default to False.

mode (str, optional): The mode for checking modules. Default to 'list':

Available Modes are ->

  1. 'all' This mode checks for all PheonixApp required Modules.

  2. 'list' This mode checks for the specified list.

  3. 'module' This mode checks for a specified module.

module (str, optional): The specific module to check. Defaults to 'PheonixAppAPI'.

module_list (list, optional): The list of modules to check. Defaults to ['PheonixAppAPI'].

log (bool, optional): If prompt is active log wil give info about the download. Defaults to False.


tuple[list, bool]: The tuple's first part is the uninstalled modules from the provided list [module_list]. The second part is True if the module/all modules from the provided list [module_list] are installed, else False.

Example Usage
not_installed_modules, success = api.ModuleAPI.CheckModules(False, 'all', log=False)

DownloadModules :

Downloads the specified modules. Script Version.


prompt(bool, optional): This defines shall the script prompt the user for downloading the modules. If it is false it doesn't ask the user for permission to download modules. Default to False.

mode (str, optional): The mode for downloading modules. Default to 'list':

Available Modes are ->

  1. 'all' This mode downloads for all PheonixApp required Modules.

  2. 'list' This mode downloads for the specified list.

  3. 'module' This mode downloads for a specified module.

module (str, optional): The specific module to download. To install a specific version add [==] after the name and specify the version after the sign, keep no spaces. Defaults to 'PheonixAppAPI'.

module_list (list, optional): The list of modules to download. To install a specific version add [==] after the name and specify the version after the sign, keep no spaces, do it for all the modules in the list that you want to have a specific version. Defaults to ['PheonixAppAPI'].

log (bool, optional): If set to True this wil give info about the download, otherwise it will not. Defaults to False.

upgraded_module (bool, optional): If set to True it will download the latest version of the module. Defaults to True.


tuple[list, bool]: The tuple's first part is the uninstalled modules from the provided list [module_list]. The second part is True if the module/all modules from the provided list [module_list] are successfully installed, else False.

Example Usage

not_successful_modules, success = api.ModuleAPI.DownloadModules(True, 'all', log=True, upgraded_module=True)


Large_File_Management_System :

A System for managing large amounts of Files.


path (Union[str, list, pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePath, pathlib.PurePosixPath, pathlib.PosixPath, pathlib.PureWindowsPath, pathlib.WindowsPath]): The Path/Paths of File/Files/Folder/Folders.

path2 (Union[str, list, pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePath, pathlib.PurePosixPath, pathlib.PosixPath, pathlib.PureWindowsPath, pathlib.WindowsPath], optional): The second Path/Paths of File/Files/Folder/Folders. Defaults to [].

content (list, optional): The content of File/Files. Defaults to [''].

isFile (bool, optional): If the Paths represent Files/File. Defaults to False.

name (list, optional): The name/names of the Folders/Folder/Files/File. Defaults to [''].

include_name (bool, optional): To be set to False if the name of the Folders are present in the list else True. Defaults to False.



APIS (Application Programming Interfaces)


Example Usage

from PheonixAppAPI.apis import *


CheckModules DownloadModules




For any assistance or inquiries, please contact the Pheonix Studios at [] or go to []

To Find tutorials go to AkshobhyaEverything yt channel or PIdevz yt channel or PheonixStudios yt channel.