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922 lines (677 loc) · 38.9 KB
RFC Status



The proposed Valkey JSON module, named ValkeyJSON, supports the native JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format to encode complex datasets inside Valkey. It should be compliant with RFC7159 and ECMA-404 JSON data interchange standard. With this feature, users can natively store, query, and modify JSON data structures in Valkey using the popular JSONPath query language. To help users migrate from Redis and RedisJSON, as well as capitalize on existing OSS RedisJSON client libraries, the module is designed to be API-compatible and RDB-compatible with Redis Ltd.’s RedisJSON v2.


JSON format is a widely used data exchange format and simplifies the development of applications that store complex data structures by providing powerful searching and filtering capabilities. However, Valkey core does not have a native data type for JSON. Redis Ltd.‘s RedisJSON is a popular Redis module, but not under a true open source license and hence cannot be distributed freely with Valkey. There's a demand in the Valkey community to have a JSON module that matches most of the features of RedisJSON and is as API-compatible as possible. See the community discussions here.

Design Considerations

ValkeyJSON will introduce a new JSON data type for Valkey, and commands to insert, update, delete and query JSON data. To help users migrate from Redis and RedisJSON, as well as capitalize on existing OSS RedisJSON client libraries, ValkeyJSON aims to be a drop-in replacement of RedisJSON. Therefore, it is designed to be API-compatible and RDB-compatible with Redis Ltd.’s RedisJSON.

RDB Compatibility

To help users migrate from Redis and RedisJSON, ValkeyJSON will support RDB compatibility with RedisJSON. ValkeyJSON will be able to load RDBs generated from RedisJSON. Likewise, RedisJSON will be able to load RDBs generated from ValkeyJSON.

Choice of JSON Library

We have evaluated 7 open source JSON libraries - BSON, ION, MessagePack, yyjson, cJSON, Serde JSON, and RapidJSON. BSON, ION and MessagePack do not have write (insert/update/delete) API and therefore cannot be used for the project. Among the rest, RapidJSON stands out as both memory efficient and providing efficient insert/update/delete API.

JSONPath Query Parser

JSONPath is a query language for JSON with features similar to XPath for XML. JSONPath is used for selecting and extracting elements from a JSON document. It supports advanced query capabilities such as wildcard, filter expressions, slices, union, recursive search, etc. Using JSONPath query language, users can natively store, query, and modify JSON data structures, either wholly or partially.

One of the main deficiencies of the RapidJSON library is that it does not support JSONPath query. RapidJSON only supports JSON Pointer query language, which is restricted to single-value selection. Single-value selection corresponds to the restricted query capability in RedisJSON v1 API. RedisJSON v2 API supports a much more powerful JSONPath syntax with wildcard, filter expressions, slices, union, recursive search, etc., and can select multiple JSON values. RedisJSON v2 API is a superset of v1 API.

We should extend RapidJSON to support a subset of the JSONPath query language that is compatible with RedisJSON v2 API. To achieve this, we should implement a JSONPath query parser that integrates with RapidJSON. JSONPath query expressions should apply to all CRUD operations.

The query expression should be designed to work with selecting a vector of values instead of a single value, and compatible with both RedisJSON v1 and v2 query syntax. The query parser should automatically detect if the query is of v1 or v2 syntax.

Tokenization of JSON Object Keys

JSON has two container types - Array and Object. The JSON Object is a key/value mapping where keys are restricted to be strings, whereas the value can be any valid JSON value, including another container value. Thus, a single JSON document can contain multiple JSON objects, each with its own unique namespace. It's quite common that a key repeatedly appears in the same JSON document or across documents. If the number of JSON documents is large, repeated key names can consume a significant amount of memory usage.

To remove duplicate copies of JSON object key names, the module tokenizes key names by maintaining a global data structure called KeyTable, which is a sharded hash table storing key tokens and reference counts. Access to the KeyTable is threadsafe.

Document Size Limit

Having a limit on json key size is generally considered as a good design. Without the limit, a malicious program can repeatedly call "json.arrinsert" or similar commands to make a json key grow forever, leading to OOM. ValkeyJSON will provide a module config - json.max-document-size - to set the size limit.

The amount of memory consumed by a JSON document can be inspected by using the JSON.DEBUG MEMORY or MEMORY USAGE command. JSON.DEBUG MEMORY <key> [<path>] can also report the size of a JSON sub-tree.

Nesting Depth Limit

When a JSON object or array has an element that is itself another JSON object or array, that inner object or array is said to “nest” within the outer object or array. To avoid stack overflow, it's good to have a limit on the depth. ValkeyJSON will have a default path limit of 128 levels, configurable by module config json.max-path-limit. Any attempt to create a document of deeper than 128 levels will be rejected.


Supported JSON Standard

RFC7159 and ECMA-404 JSON data interchange standard is supported. UTF-8 Unicode in JSON text is supported.

Root JSON Value

In earlier RFC 4627, only objects or arrays were allowed as root values of JSON. Since RFC 7159, the root value of a JSON document can be of any type, scalar type (String, Number, Boolean, Null) or container type (Array, Object). ValkeyJSON will be compliant with RFC 7159.

JSONPath Query Syntax

ValkeyJSON supports two kinds of JSONPath query syntaxes:

  • Restricted syntax – Has limited query capabilities, compatible with RedisJSON v1.
  • Enhanced syntax – Follows the Goessner-style JSONPath query syntax, as shown in the table below.

If a query path starts with '$', the enhanced syntax is used. Otherwise, the restricted syntax is used. A query using the enhanced syntax always returns an array of values, while a restricted-syntax query always returns a single value.

Enhanced syntax:

Symbol/Expression Description
$ the root element
. or [] child operator
.. recursive descent
* wildcard. All elements in an object or array.
[] array subscript operator. Index is 0-based.
[,] union operator
[start:end:step] array slice operator
?() applies a filter expression to the current array or object
@ used in filter expressions referring to the current node being processed
== equals to, used in filter expressions.
!= not equal to, used in filter expressions.
> greater than, used in filter expressions.
>= greater than or equal to, used in filter expressions.
< less than, used in filter expressions.
<= less than or equal to, used in filter expressions.
&& logical AND, used to combine multiple filter expressions.
|| logical OR, used to combine multiple filter expressions.


JSONPath Expression Description
$[*].author the authors of all books in the store
$ all authors
$.store.* all members of the store
$["store"].* all members of the store
$.store..price the price of everything in the store
$..* all recursive members of the JSON structure
$[*] all books
$[0] the first book
$[-1] the last book
$[0:2] the first two books
$[0,1] the first two books
$[0:4] books from index 0 to 3 (ending index is not inclusive)
$[0:4:2] books at index 0, 2
$[?(@.isbn)] all books with isbn number
$[?(@.price<10)] all books cheaper than $10
'$[?(@.price < 10)]' all books cheaper than $10. (The path must be quoted if it contains whitespaces)
'$[?(@["price"] < 10)]' all books cheaper than $10
'$[?(@.["price"] < 10)]' all books cheaper than $10
$[?(@.price>=10&&@.price<=100)] all books in the price range of $10 to $100, inclusive
'$[?(@.price>=10 && @.price<=100)]' all books in the price range of $10 to $100, inclusive. (The path must be quoted if it contains whitespaces)
$[?(@.sold==true||] all books sold or out of stock
'$[?(@.sold == true || == false)]' all books sold or out of stock. (The path must be quoted if it contains whitespaces)
'$[?(@.["category"] == "fiction")]' all books in the fiction category
'$[?(@.["category"] != "fiction")]' all books in non-fiction categories

JSON Command API

The API is compatible with RedisJSON v2. Note that API compatibility here means our command API is a superset of RedisJSON API. For example, we have command “JSON.DEBUG DEPTH” and “JSON.DEBUG FIELDS”, while they do not.


Append one or more values to the array values at the path.

JSON.ARRAPPEND <key> <path> <json> [json ...]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - required, a JSON path
  • json - required, JSON value to be appended to the array
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of integers, representing the new length of the array at each path.
    • If a value at the path is not an array, its corresponding return value is null.
    • SYNTAXERR error if one of the input json arguments is not a valid JSON string.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, the array's new length.
    • If multiple array values are selected, the command returns the new length of the last updated array.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an array.
    • SYNTAXERR error if one of the input json arguments is not a valid JSON string.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.


Search for the first occurrence of a scalar JSON value in the arrays at the path.

  • Out of range errors are treated by rounding the index to the array's start and end.
  • If start > end, return -1 (not found).
JSON.ARRINDEX <key> <path> <json-scalar> [start [end]]
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • path - required, a JSON path.
  • json-scalar - required, scalar value to search for. JSON scalar refers to values that are not objects or arrays. i.e., String, number, boolean and null are scalar values.
  • start - optional, start index, inclusive. Defaults to 0 if not provided.
  • end - optional, end index, exclusive. Defaults to 0 if not provided, which means the last element is included. 0 or -1 means the last element is included.
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of integers. Each value is the index of the matching element in the array at the path. The value is -1 if not found.
    • If a value is not an array, its corresponding return value is null.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, the index of matching element, or -1 if not found.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an array.


Insert one or more values into the array values at path before the index.

  • Inserting at index 0 prepends to the array.
  • A negative index values is interpreted as starting from the end.
  • The index must be in the array's boundary.
JSON.ARRINSERT <key> <path> <index> <json> [json ...]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - required, a JSON path
  • index - required, array index before which values are inserted.
  • json - required, JSON value to be appended to the array
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Array of integers, representing the new length of the array at each path.
    • If a value is an empty array, its corresponding return value is null.
    • If a value is not an array, its corresponding return value is null.
    • OUTOFBOUNDARIES error if the index argument is out of bounds.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, the new length of the array.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an array.
    • OUTOFBOUNDARIES error if the index argument is out of bounds.


Get length of the array values at the path.

JSON.ARRLEN <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of integers, representing the array length at each path.
    • If a value is not an array, its corresponding return value is null.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, array length.
    • If multiple objects are selected, the command returns the first array's length.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an array.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.


Remove and return element at the index from the array. Popping an empty array returns null.

JSON.ARRPOP <key> [path [index]]
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided.
  • index - optional, position in the array to start popping from.
    • Defaults -1 if not provided, which means the last element.
    • Negative value means position from the last element.
    • Out of boundary indexes are rounded to their respective array boundaries.
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of bulk strings, representing popped values at each path.
    • If a value is an empty array, its corresponding return value is null.
    • If a value is not an array, its corresponding return value is null.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Bulk string, representing the popped JSON value
    • Null if the array is empty.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an array.


Trim arrays at the path so that it becomes subarray [start, end], both inclusive.

  • If the array is empty, do nothing, return 0.
  • If start < 0, treat it as 0.
  • If end >= size (size of the array), treat it as size-1.
  • If start >= size or start > end, empty the array and return 0.
JSON.ARRTRIM <key> <path> <start> <end>
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • path - required, a JSON path.
  • start - required, start index, inclusive.
  • end - required, end index, inclusive.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Array of integers, representing the new length of the array at each path.
    • If a value is an empty array, its corresponding return value is null.
    • If a value is not an array, its corresponding return value is null.
    • OUTOFBOUNDARIES error if an index argument is out of bounds.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, the new length of the array.
    • Null if the array is empty.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an array.
    • OUTOFBOUNDARIES error if an index argument is out of bounds.


Clear the arrays or an objects at the path.

JSON.CLEAR <key> <path>
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided.
  • Integer, the number of containers cleared.
  • Clearing an empty array or object accounts for 0 container cleared.
  • Clearing a non-container value returns 0.
  • If no array or object value is located by the path, the command returns 0.


Report information. Supported subcommands are:

  • MEMORY [path] - report memory usage in bytes of a JSON value. Path defaults to the root if not provided.
  • DEPTH - report the maximum path depth of the JSON document.
  • FIELDS [path] - report the number of fields at the specified document path. Path defaults to the root if not provided. Each non-container JSON value counts as one field. Objects and arrays recursively count one field for each of their containing JSON values. Each container value, except the root container, counts as one additional field.
  • HELP - print help messages of the command.
JSON.DEBUG <subcommand & arguments>

Depends on the subcommand:

    • If the path is enhanced syntax:
      • returns an array of integers, representing memory size (in bytes) of JSON value at each path.
      • returns an empty array if the JSON key does not exist.
    • If the path is restricted syntax:
      • returns an integer, memory size the JSON value in bytes.
      • returns null if the JSON key does not exist.
    • returns an integer, the maximum path depth of the JSON document.
    • returns null if the JSON key does not exist.
    • If the path is enhanced syntax:
      • returns an array of integers, representing number of fields of JSON value at each path.
      • returns an empty array if the JSON key does not exist.
    • If the path is restricted syntax:
      • returns an integer, number of fields of the JSON value.
      • returns null if the JSON key does not exist.
  • HELP
    • returns an array of help messages


Delete the JSON values at the path in a JSON key. If the path is the root path, it is equivalent to deleting the key from Valkey.

JSON.DEL <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided.
  • Number of elements deleted.
  • 0 if the JSON key does not exist.
  • 0 if the JSON path is invalid or does not exist.


An alias of JSON.DEL


Get the serialized JSON at one or multiple paths.

JSON.GET <key>
         [INDENT indentation-string]
         [NEWLINE newline-string]
         [SPACE space-string]
         [path ...]
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • INDENT/NEWLINE/SPACE - optional, controls the format of the returned JSON string, i.e., "pretty print". The default value of each one is empty string. They can be overidden in any combination. They can be specified in any order.
  • NOESCAPE - optional, allowed to be present for legacy compatibility and has no other effect.
  • path - optional, zero or more JSON paths, defaults to the root path if none is given. The path arguments must be placed at the end.
  • Enhanced path syntax:

    • If one path is given:
      • Return serialized string of an array of values.
      • If no value is selected, the command returns an empty array.
    • If multiple paths are given:
      • Return a stringified JSON object, in which each path is a key.
      • If there are mixed enhanced and restricted path syntax, the result conforms to the enhanced syntax.
      • If a path does not exist, its corresponding value is an empty array.
  • Restricted path syntax:

    • If one path is given:
      • Return serialized string of the value at the path.
      • If multiple values are selected, the command returns the first value.
      • If the path does not exist, the command returns NONEXISTENT error.
    • If multiple paths are given:
      • Return a stringified JSON object, in which each path is a key.
      • The result conforms to the restricted path syntax if and only if all paths are restricted paths.
      • If a path does not exist, the command returns NONEXISTENT error


Get serialized JSONs at the path from multiple document keys. Return null for non-existent key or JSON path.

JSON.MGET <key> [key ...] <path>
  • key - required, one or more JSON keys.
  • path - required, a JSON path.
  • Array of Bulk Strings. The size of the array is equal to the number of keys in the command. Each element of the array is populated with either (a) the serialized JSON as located by the path or (b) Null if the key does not exist or the path does not exist in the document or the path is invalid (syntax error).
  • If any of the specified keys exists and is not a JSON key, the command returns WRONGTYPE error.


Set JSON values for multiple keys. The operation is atomic. Either all values are set or none is set.

JSON.MSET <key> <path> <value> [key <path> <value> ...]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - required, a JSON path
  • value - JSON value
  • Simple String 'OK' on success
  • Error on failure


Increment the number values at the path by a given number.

JSON.NUMINCRBY <key> <path> <number>
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - required, a JSON path
  • number - required, a number
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of bulk Strings representing the resulting value at each path.
    • If a value is not a number, its corresponding return value is null.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the number cannot be parsed.
    • OVERFLOW error if the result is out of the range of double.
    • NONEXISTENT if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Bulk String representing the resulting value.
    • If multiple values are selected, the command returns the result of the last updated value.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not a number.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the number cannot be parsed.
    • OVERFLOW error if the result is out of the range of double.
    • NONEXISTENT if the document key does not exist.


Multiply the number values at the path by a given number.

JSON.NUMMULTBY <key> <path> <number>
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - required, a JSON path
  • number - required, a number
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of bulk Strings representing the resulting value at each path.
    • If a value is not a number, its corresponding return value is null.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the number cannot be parsed.
    • OVERFLOW error if the result is out of the range of double.
    • NONEXISTENT if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Bulk String representing the resulting value.
    • If multiple values are selected, the command returns the result of the last updated value.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not a number.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the number cannot be parsed.
    • OVERFLOW error if the result is out of the range of double.
    • NONEXISTENT if the document key does not exist.


Get number of keys in the object values at the path.

JSON.OBJLEN <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of integers, representing the object length at each path.
    • If a value is not an object, its corresponding return value is null.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, number of keys in the object.
    • If multiple objects are selected, the command returns the first object's length.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an object.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.


Get key names in the object values at the path.

JSON.OBJKEYS <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of array of bulk strings. Each element is an array of keys in a matching object.
    • If a value is not an object, its corresponding return value is empty value.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Array of bulk strings. Each element is a key name in the object.
    • If multiple objects are selected, the command returns the keys of the first object.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not an object.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.


Return the JSON value at the given path in Redis Serialization Protocol (RESP). If the value is container, the response is RESP array or nested array.

  • JSON null is mapped to the RESP Null Bulk String.
  • JSON boolean values are mapped to the respective RESP Simple Strings.
  • Integer numbers are mapped to RESP Integers.
  • Floating point numbers are mapped to RESP Bulk Strings.
  • JSON Strings are mapped to RESP Bulk Strings.
  • JSON Arrays are represented as RESP Arrays, where the first element is the simple string [, followed by the array's elements.
  • JSON Objects are represented as RESP Arrays, where the first element is the simple string {, followed by key-value pairs, each of which is a RESP bulk string.
JSON.RESP <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of arrays. Each array element represents the RESP form of the value at one path.
    • Empty array if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Array, representing the RESP form of the value at the path.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.


Set JSON values at the path.

  • If the path calls for an object member:
    • If the parent element does not exist, the command will return NONEXISTENT error.
    • If the parent element exists but is not an object, the command will return ERROR.
    • If the parent element exists and is an object:
      • If the member does not exist, a new member will be appended to the parent object if and only if the parent object is the last child in the path. Otherwise, the command will return NONEXISTENT error.
      • If the member exists, its value will be replaced by the JSON value.
  • If the path calls for an array index:
    • If the parent element does not exist, the command will return a NONEXISTENT error.
    • If the parent element exists but is not an array, the command will return ERROR.
    • If the parent element exists but the index is out of bounds, the command will return OUTOFBOUNDARIES error.
    • If the parent element exists and the index is valid, the element will be replaced by the new JSON value.
  • If the path calls for an object or array, the value (object or array) will be replaced by the new JSON value.
JSON.SET <key> <path> <json> [NX | XX]
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • path - required, JSON path. For a new JSON key, the JSON path must be the root path ".".
  • json - required, JSON representing the new value
  • NX - optional. If the path is the root path, set the value only if the JSON key does not exist, i.e., insert a new document. If the path is not the root path, set the value only if the path does not exist, i.e., insert a value into the document.
  • XX - optional. If the path is the root path, set the value only if the JSON key exists, i.e., replace the existing document. If the path is not the root path, set the value only if the path exists, i.e., update the existing value.
  • Simple String 'OK' on success.
  • Null if the NX or XX condition is not met.


Append a string to the JSON strings at the path.

JSON.STRAPPEND <key> [path] <json_string>
  • key - required, JSON key.
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided.
  • json_string - required, JSON representation of a string. Note that a JSON string must be quoted, i.e., '"foo"'.
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of integers, representing the new length of the string at each path.
    • If a value at the path is not a string, its corresponding return value is null.
    • SYNTAXERR error if the input json argument is not a valid JSON string.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, the string's new length.
    • If multiple string values are selected, the command returns the new length of the last updated string.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not a string.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the input json argument is not a valid JSON string.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.


Get lengths of the JSON string values at the path.

JSON.STRLEN <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of integers, representing the length of string value at each path.
    • If a value is not a string, its corresponding return value is null.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • Integer, the string's length.
    • If multiple string values are selected, the command returns the first string's length.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not a string.
    • NONEXISTENT error if the path does not exist.
    • Null if the document key does not exist.


Toggle boolean values between true and false at the path.

JSON.TOGGLE <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of integers (0 - false, 1 - true) representing the resulting boolean value at each path.
    • If a value is a not boolean, its corresponding return value is null.
    • NONEXISTENT if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • String ("true"/"false") representing the resulting boolean value.
    • NONEXISTENT if the document key does not exist.
    • WRONGTYPE error if the value at the path is not a boolean.


Report type of the values at the given path.

JSON.TYPE <key> [path]
  • key - required, JSON key
  • path - optional, a JSON path. Defaults to the root path if not provided
  • If the path is enhanced syntax:

    • Array of strings, representing type of the value at each path. The type is one of {"null", "boolean", "string", "number", "integer", "object" and "array"}.
    • If a path does not exist, its corresponding return value is null.
    • Empty array if the document key does not exist.
  • If the path is restricted syntax:

    • String, type of the value
    • Null if the document key does not exist.
    • Null if the JSON path is invalid or does not exist.


ValkeyJSON introduces a new ACL category - @json. The category includes all JSON commands. No existing Valkey commands are members of the @json category.

There are 4 existing ACL categories which are updated to include new JSON commands: @read, @write, @fast, @slow. The table below has a column for each of these categories and a row for each command. If the cell contains a “y” then that command must be added into that category. All other command members of those categories remain unchanged.

JSON Command @json @read @write @fast @slow
JSON.DEL y y y
JSON.GET y y y
JSON.SET y y y

Info Metrics

Info metrics are visible through the “info json” or “info modules” command.

Info Name Description
json_total_memory_bytes Total amount of memory allocated to JSON documents and meta data.
json_num_documents Number of JSON keys.

Module Configs

Config Name Default Value Unit Description
json.max-document-size 64 MB Maximum memory allowed for a single JSON document.
josn.max-path-limit 128 Maximum nesting levels within a single JSON document.

Module API

ValkeyJSON shall be implemented via the Valkey modules API.

Module OnLoad

Upon loading, the module registers a new JSON data type. All operations such as query, insert, update and delete are efficiently performed on the in-memory document objects, as opposed to JSON text.

  • Module name: json
  • JSON data type name: ReJSON-RL (Note: We use the same name as the one in RedisJSON for the sake of RDB compatibility.)


ValkeyJSON hooks into Valkey's persistence API via the module type callbacks:

  • rdb_save: Serializes document objects to RDB. Serialized JSON string is saved in RDB.
  • rdb_load: Deserializes document objects from RDB.
  • aof_rewrite: Emits commands into the AOF during the AOF rewriting process.

Memory Management

The JSON data type also supports memory management related callbacks:

  • free: Deallocates a key when it is deleted, expired or evicted.
  • defrag: Supports active defrag for JSON keys
  • mem_usage: Reports JSON document size (AKA “memory usage” command)
  • copy: Supports copy of JSON key

Keyspace Event Notification

Every JSON write command publishes a keyspace event after the data is mutated.

  • Event name: command name in lowercase. e.g., json.set command publishes event "json.set".

Users can subscribe to the JSON events via the standard keyspace event pub/sub. For example,

1. enable keyspace event notifications:
    valkey-cli config set notify-keyspace-events KEA
2. suscribe to keyspace & keyevent event channels:
    valkey-cli psubscribe '__key*__:*'


Every JSON write command is replicated to replicas by calling ValkeyModule_ReplicateVerbatim.

Open Questions

Regarding the Document Size Limit

We are considering a review feedback of not enforcing document size limit, because RedisJSON doesn't have the limit and Valkey core data types don't have limits either. There could be two options:

  1. Make the default value of json.max-document-size 0 or -1, meaning unlimited.
  2. Remove the config.
