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A Genshin Impact Book Question Answer Project supported by LLM (build by LangChain Haystack ChatGLM Mistral OLlama)


Brief introduction


Genshin Impact is an action role-playing game developed by miHoYo, published by miHoYo in mainland China and worldwide by Cognosphere, HoYoverse. The game features an anime-style open-world environment and an action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching.

In the Game, some background settings are described by Books. Let's take a shot of the 66 books covered by this project. Girl in a jacket

This project is an attempt to build Chinese Q&A on the different LLM support RAG system.

Project Feature

    1. This project tested the retrieval and question-answering capabilities of three large open source models including Mistral-7B, chatglm3-6b, and Qwen-7B in the Genshin Impact bibliography.
    1. Annotate some question data to fine-tune the text recall capability of the retrieval system, fine-tune Embedding, and obtain the fine-tuned model.
    1. Some text classification data are annotated, and the classification model is fine-tuned to filter and sort the recalled content for quality, and reorganize the recall knowledge.
    1. Embed the entity recognition function to obtain the main entities of the problem.
    1. On the premise that the main structure of knowledge search and prompt words are relatively the same, the project also supports Hugginhgface open source API, chatglm.cpp, llama.cpp, ollama The versatility of the four mainstream LLM support end frameworks makes it relatively convenient to insert and expand models on the large model end.
    1. Compare the advantages of different large models in performing this task, and give some results for the same problem to facilitate search and comparison.
    1. Provides webui for calling.
    1. The project is based on the quantitatively accelerated CPP file format to ensure that the example can run relatively efficiently and stably in a computing environment with 10GB of gpu memory.

Try Demo on the fly

Name HuggingFace Space link
Genshin Impact Book QA Haystack Demo 📈

The Demo use Huggingface Inference Api that call mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 to perform Q&A tasks. Because the base model is not fintuned in Chinese but have more better inference capabilities than most below 10B models. You can take this deploy version as a free preview version.

Girl in a jacket

Installation and Running Results

Install and Running Step

In the concept, the project can be divided into two parts, Basic_Part and LLM_Part.

  • Basic_Part contains modules: LangChain SetFit you should install all of them By
pip install -r basic_requirements.txt

Below are different LLM Repo types with their install and running command

LLM Repo Name LLM Model Name Install Command in Linux Run Gradio Demo Command (go to
HayStack Mistral-7B (based on huggingface inference) pip install -r basic_requirements.txt && pip install haystack-ai==2.0.0b5 python
llama-cpp-python Mistral-7B (based on llama-cpp) pip install -r basic_requirements.txt && pip install llama-cpp-python==0.2.55 python
chatglm.cpp chatglm3-6b pip install -r basic_requirements.txt && pip install chatglm-cpp==0.3.1 python
ollama Qwen-7B pip install -r basic_requirements.txt && wget && sh ./ && pip install ollama==0.1.6 && sudo systemctl start ollama python


in haystack demo, will get and use HF_TOKEN from environment variables, you can set it mannally.

HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_READ_TOKEN")

Running Results


Following are results of two problem in different models.

Question HayStack Mistral ChatGLM-6B QWen-7B
1 岩王帝君是一个什么样的人? 岩王帝君是一位古老的神明,在古代中被广泛敬仰和信仰。他是公正、决断、冷酷无私的神明,处事公正,决断无情,但缺乏凡人应有的感情。他的法度能保证交易公平、生活安全有序,同时从信仰中强化着自己的存在和力量。但即使是神,也无法左右凡人的信仰和质疑。即使是公道的守护神,也无法将规则钉入每个人心底。在某个女人来到他的工坊要求雕刻真实的岩王肖像的条件下,他闭门雕琢了三日,最终成形了一方玉牌上的岩王肖像。 岩王帝君是一位古老而强大的神明之一,在璃月地区拥有重大影响力。他曾经有过仙兽作战,战斗结束后,仙兽失去了在神战中守护凡人的意义,便选择隐居而生。有些仙兽仍然渴望守护璃月,向岩王帝君祈求将肉身化作永恒的磐岩,被允许成实。在璃月历史中,霓裳花被视为岩王帝君的象征之一,同时也是璃月人日常生活中常见到的物品之一,用于加工绸段和制香膏等用途。在璃月历史中也有传说,有一块星星坠落造成了璃月地区的巨渊和美玉金石,而一小块星碎在群岩中落下,被称为「遁玉陵」,这个古老遗迹中有许多古老残垣,传说名字「遁玉」意味着「美玉遁逃之处」。在璃月港西北方有一位名叫玉匠的人,他喜欢以令人意想不到的方式完成委托,如果客人要求他雕刻一张岩神肖像,他可能会雕刻出一只野猪或者其他奇怪形状。玉匠曾经遇到了一位女人,她要求他雕刻出真实的岩神肖像,否则她不会付钱。玉匠约定了三日之内完成任务。第一天玉匠与好友宴饮阔论,拒绝任何委托;第二天玉匠出门登山访玉;第三天玉匠才开始闭门雕琢璞玉,直到深夜才完成任务。 岩王帝君是一个神秘的人物,他的形象在无数的故事传说中得以展现。他订立规则与契约,却不强迫凡人以权威的完美模板生活。他深知规则与契约仅是手段而非目的,真正的平衡与隽永在于每一个人的觉醒与抉择。他有着深不可测的力量和智慧,同时也是一个善良和宽容的人。虽然关于岩王帝君的具体形象和故事很多,但我们无法确定他的真实身份和特点。只能从这些传说中了解到他的一些特点和品质。 岩王帝君不仅是提瓦特大地的统治者,也被他的子民纪念、崇拜,甚至爱戴。这表明他可能有着慈祥和被尊敬的一面,同时也显示了他的威严和统治地位。
2 灵光颂的内容是什么样的? 灵光颂的内容是一种诗歌,它描述了那伽朱那呀(Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara)得到万种灵光的帮助,并使用这些灵光保护大地、洁净人们、开辟道路给善灵、滋养花海的善灵等。它们无论是在悲怨的河流中逆渡,还是面对天外漆黑的阴霾,都能保护住自己。这种灵光永恒地指引人们上升道路。 这首诗称为"灵光颂",内容描述了一位人类或是其他实体,得到了万种灵光的帮助,已经超越了死亡,洁净了高天的渊薮,洗净了无罪之人的罪孽,在大地中蕴藏了一切业种。这位实体在世间的荣耀只是种子现行的幻象,但它已经逆渡悲怨的河流,渴饮甘露,为善灵开辟道路,使智慧的慈光普照四方。它得到了万种灵光的保护,滋养着花海的善灵,它们在渴望洁净的心中,即使天外漆黑的阴霾出现也无法侵蚀它们的身形。 灵光颂的内容主要是描述了灵光的力量和作用,以及它对人类和自然的祝福和保护。其中提到了灵光洗净亡者的罪孽,帮助人们超度到无悲苦的净土;灵光也洁净高天的渊薮,使污泥退去,慑服于正法;灵光将指引人们上升的道路。灵光还滋养着花海的善灵,保护着草木之神的末裔和百战劫余的勇士,使它们身形不受天外漆黑阴霾的侵蚀。 灵光颂的内容主要是对灵光的歌颂和祈求。诗中描述了得助于万种灵光的人物已经超度尘土,洗净罪孽,往生净土。同时,诗中还描绘了在黑暗中逆流而上的形象,以及他们对于善灵开辟道路,智慧慈光普照四方的作用。总的来说,灵光颂的内容充满积极向上、追求真理和智慧的意涵。

For more compare results, you can take a look at. compare_resuilt


I recommand you run the demo on GPU (10GB gpu memory is enough, all examples have tested on single GTX 1080Ti or GTX 3060)

Datasets and Models


Name Type HuggingFace Dataset link
svjack/genshin_book_chunks_with_qa_sp Genshin Impact Book Content
svjack/bge_small_book_chunks_prebuld Genshin Impact Book Embedding

Basic Models

Name Type HuggingFace Model link
svjack/bge-small-book-qa Embedding model
svjack/setfit_info_cls Text Classifier

LLM Models

Name Type HuggingFace Model link
svjack/chatglm3-6b-bin ChatGLM3-6B 4bit quantization
svjack/mistral-7b Mistral-7B 4bit quantization


This project has a traditional RAG structure.
svjack/bge-small-book-qa is a self-trained embedding model for recall genshin book contents (split by langChain TextSplitter). svjack/setfit_info_cls is a self-trained text classifier for determine whether the content is relevant to the query.

LLM Part have 4 different llm frameworks: HayStack chatglm.cpp llama-cpp-python ollama one can choose to answer the query based on the content recalled by embedding and filter out by text classifier.


HayStack llama-cpp-python and ollama are repos contains many different llms. You can try to use different llms and change the model name or model file in the gradio scripts.
* For the ability of understanding the query and context, i recommand you use Mistral-7B in Huggingface Inference Api or Intel/neural-chat in ollama.
* For the ability of answer quality in Chinese, i recommand you Qwen-7B in ollama or ChatGLM3-6B in chatglm.cpp.

Futher Reading

  • 1 I also release a project about Genshin Impact Character Instruction Models tuned by Lora on LLM (build by ChatGLM3-6B-base Chinese-Llama-2-13B), an attempt to give Instruction Model demo for different genshin impact characters (about 75 characters)
    If you are interested in it, take a look at svjack/Genshin-Impact-Character-Instruction 😊
  • 2 A enhanced version of this project use Qwen1.5-14B-Chat have been released in svjack/Genshin-Impact-RAG. In kowledge coverage, it not only maintain the knowledge used in this project but also contain knowledge of characters setting; In construction, it has a simpler structure than this with the help of more rigorous model review capabilities from Qwen1.5-14B-Chat. And the question can answered by characters in role play manner 😊


svjack - - -

Project Link:
