is a remote shell utility over dmsg
(similar concept to SSH) to connect to the servers hosted over the dmsg
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-host --help
runs a standalone dmsgpty-host instance
dmsgpty-host [flags]
dmsgpty-host [command]
Available Commands:
confgen generates config file
help Help about any command
--cliaddr string address used for listening for cli connections (default "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock")
--clinet string network used for listening for cli connections (default "unix")
-c, --confpath string config path (default "./config.json")
--confstdin config will be read from stdin if set
--dmsgdisc string dmsg discovery address (default "")
--dmsgport uint16 dmsg port for listening for remote hosts (default 22)
--dmsgsessions int minimum number of dmsg sessions to ensure (default 1)
--envprefix string env prefix (default "DMSGPTY")
-h, --help help for dmsgpty-host
--sk cipher.SecKey secret key of the dmsgpty-host (default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
--wl cipher.PubKeys whitelist of the dmsgpty-host (default public keys:
Use "dmsgpty-host [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-cli --help
Run commands over dmsg
dmsgpty-cli [flags]
dmsgpty-cli [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
whitelist lists all whitelisted public keys
whitelist-add adds public key(s) to the whitelist
whitelist-remove removes public key(s) from the whitelist
--addr dmsg.Addr remote dmsg address of format 'pk:port'. If unspecified, the pty will start locally (default 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:~)
-a, --args strings command arguments
--cliaddr string address to use for dialing to dmsgpty-host (default "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock")
--clinet string network to use for dialing to dmsgpty-host (default "unix")
-c, --cmd string name of command to run (default "/bin/bash")
--confpath string config path (default "config.json")
-h, --help help for dmsgpty-cli
Use "dmsgpty-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
In this example, we will use the dmsg
network where the dmsg.Discovery
address is
. However, any dmsg.Discovery
would work.
Setting up remote command execution over dmsg.
First, let's generate a config file for the dmsgpty-host.
// Generate config file
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-host confgen
Config file will be generated.
"dmsgdisc": "",
"dmsgsessions": 1,
"dmsgport": 22,
"clinet": "unix",
"cliaddr": "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock",
"sk": "8770be1ae64aa22a6d442086dc5870339a4d402c10e30499fa8a53d34413d412",
"pk": "03d3d3744f7d6a943b3d467fce8477ccc580b7568160346b8d8bbd95e343ad6be4",
"wl": null
To start the dmsgpty-host
simply run
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-host
To interact with this host use dmsgpty-cli
can be used to view, add or remove whitelist.
To view the whitelist run the following in a new terminal.
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-cli whitelist
To add a whitelist use the following command with a Public key of a node you want to whitelist.
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-cli whitelist-add 0278a4adc9071c695992d27123c5be7075abe369b1ef6cb4ee2716ac9151843d00
To remove a whitelist use the following command with a Public key of a node you want to remove.
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-cli whitelist-remove 0278a4adc9071c695992d27123c5be7075abe369b1ef6cb4ee2716ac9151843d00
To start the dmsgpty-ui
simply run
$ ./bin/dmsgpty-ui
And open the browser at
Connect two remote machines with each other via DMSGPTY
First, lets generate a config file for the dmsgpty-host
both machines if its not already generated.
// Generate config file
host-1&2$ ./bin/dmsgpty-host confgen
Config file will be generated for the dmsgpty-host
dmsgpty-host 1
"dmsgdisc": "",
"dmsgsessions": 1,
"dmsgport": 22,
"clinet": "unix",
"cliaddr": "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock",
"sk": "8770be1ae64aa22a6d442086dc5870339a4d402c10e30499fa8a53d34413d412",
"pk": "03d3d3744f7d6a943b3d467fce8477ccc580b7568160346b8d8bbd95e343ad6be4",
"wl": null
dmsgpty-host 2
"dmsgdisc": "",
"dmsgsessions": 1,
"dmsgport": 22,
"clinet": "unix",
"cliaddr": "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock",
"sk": "76cc80ea9dcc8cbbb54d5463cea8797dd4ed27693daf176878a8d0929a4466d3",
"pk": "024e804f8e8fc3c4fc8562a5e58c4897323e527dace63ec36badfb66b65d4606d7",
"wl": null
To start the dmsgpty-host
on both machines simply run
host-1&2$ ./bin/dmsgpty-host
To interact with the hosts, use dmsgpty-cli
in a new terminal.
can be used to view, add or remove whitelist.
Now whitelist the Public key of dmsgpty-host 1
ON dmsgpty-host 2
So that dmsgpty-host 2
will accept connection request from dmsgpty-host 1
host-2$ ./bin/dmsgpty-cli whitelist-add 03d3d3744f7d6a943b3d467fce8477ccc580b7568160346b8d8bbd95e343ad6be4
Now connect to the shell of dmsgpty-host 2
FROM dmsgpty-host 1
host-1$ ./bin/dmsgpty-cli --addr 024e804f8e8fc3c4fc8562a5e58c4897323e527dace63ec36badfb66b65d4606d7
To exit from the shell of dmsgpty-host 2
simply run
$ exit
If you are using the same machine for both hosts, there are some changes for the second host.
We are changing the cliaddress of dmsgpty-host 2
since both the hosts are on the same machine, and the same cliaddr will clash.
// Generate config file
host-2$ ./bin/dmsgpty-host confgen config2.json --cliaddr /tmp/dmsgpty2.sock
Config file will be generated for the dmsgpty-host 2
"dmsgdisc": "",
"dmsgsessions": 1,
"dmsgport": 22,
"clinet": "unix",
"cliaddr": "/tmp/dmsgpty2.sock",
"sk": "76cc80ea9dcc8cbbb54d5463cea8797dd4ed27693daf176878a8d0929a4466d3",
"pk": "024e804f8e8fc3c4fc8562a5e58c4897323e527dace63ec36badfb66b65d4606d7",
"wl": null
To start the dmsgpty-host 2
, simply run the following in a new terminal.
host-2$ ./bin/dmsgpty-host -c ./config2.json
To interact with the hosts, use dmsgpty-cli
in a new terminal.
can be used to view, add or remove whitelist.
Now whitelist the Public key of dmsgpty-host 1
in dmsgpty-host 2
So that dmsgpty-host 2
will accept connection request from dmsgpty-host 1
host-2$ ./bin/dmsgpty-cli whitelist-add 03d3d3744f7d6a943b3d467fce8477ccc580b7568160346b8d8bbd95e343ad6be4 --cliaddr /tmp/dmsgpty2.sock
Same as above