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269 lines (257 loc) · 14.1 KB

File metadata and controls

269 lines (257 loc) · 14.1 KB



  • Additions
    • Preperation for CX 1.0 Milestone
    • Massive internal compiler refactoring. Too many changes to list. See commit log


  • Additions
    • Preperation for CX 1.0 Milestone


  • Additions

    • CX package manager:
      • Added a flag for setting a CX workspace. This flag overrides the environment variable .
      • Import statements are now aware of the possibility of importing libraries that are defined in a CX workspace.
      • If the user has not set a CXPATH through an environment variable or --cxpath flag, CX will use by default ~/cx and create all the necessary subdirectories.
      • If the directory supplied by the user to be used as CXPATH does not contain the following subdirectories: src/, pkg/ and bin/, CX will create these subdirectories.
      • Increased opengl version from 2.1 to 3.2.
      • Increased glfw version from 3.2 to 3.3.
      • Added opcodes for reading/writing from/to binary file.
      • Added .hdr file loader.
      • Added opengl bindings : glClearBufferI, glClearBufferUI, glClearBufferF, glBlendFuncSeparate, glDrawBuffers.
      • Added glfw bindings : glfw.GetWindowContentScale, glfw.GetMonitorContentScale.
      • Added glfw constants : glfw.CocoaRetinaFramebuffer, glfw.ScaleToMonitor.
      • Added opengl constants : GL_NONE, GL_RED, GL_RGBA16F, GL_HALF_FLOAT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8, GL_R8.
      • Added opcodes for reading binary files : os.Seek, os.ReadUI16, os.ReadUI32, os.ReadF32, os.ReadUI16Slice, os.ReadUI32Slice, os.ReadF32Slice.
      • Added TextureGetPixel function.
      • Added basic Regexp library.
      • Added basic Cipher library.
  • Changes

    • Updated affordances to play well with newer language features.
    • Removed cx-games as a module. It was just confusing as users would be redirected to an outdated version of the repo and the games are already mentioned in the README.
    • Improvements to PrintProgram (the function associated to the meta-command :dp in the REPL); the types printed to input/output parameters now print indexes, dereferences to fields and if they come from an external package.
    • Improvements to memory management when dealing with CX chains.
    • Multidimensional array literals are now working properly.
    • Multidimensional slice literals are now working properly.
    • Added i8/16/ui8/ui16/ui32/ui64 types.
    • Added str.lastindex built-in function. Libraries
    • Add json bindings for reading json files: Open, Close, More, Next, Delim, Bool, Float64, Int64, Str.
    • Add json cx library to ease json parsing in cx.
    • Add HTTP library.
  • Fixed issues

    • #306: Can't print double quotes.
    • #321: Can't do math inside 2nd square brackets (indexer) of an expression.
    • #419: Initializing array or slice with values equivalent to nil.
    • #481: Array literals: Problem with temporary variables in multi-dimensional arrays.
    • #482: Slice literals: Problem with temporary variables in multi-dimensional slices.
    • #131: Panic when using arithmetic operations.
  • Documentation

    • ...
  • Miscellaneous

    • ...

v0.7.1 released 2019-07-26

  • Additions
    • Added capability of storing heap objects in a CX chain's program state.
    • Added a function that prints information about the heap for debugging purposes (debugHeap in cx/utilities.go).
  • Changes
    • Redesign of CX's garbage collector.
    • Changes to several functions that relied on allocating objects on the heap.
    • In previous versions of CX the data segment was living inside the heap segment. Now the data segment is properly separated from the heap segment.
    • Moved CX book sources to The releases and any code updates will be pushed to that repository.
      • The README file notifies the users about this change.
  • Libraries
    • ...
  • Fixed issues
    • #286: Compilation error when struct field is named 'input' or 'output'
    • #323: Installation issues on Windows after merging #320
  • Documentation
    • ...
  • Miscellaneous
    • ...

v0.7.0 released 2019-06-15

  • Additions
    • CX can now generate addresses to be used by CX chains.
    • New debug option --debug-lexer or -Dl to see which tokens that are returned by the lexer.
    • New debug option --debug-profile or -Dp to print timings information and dump cpu/mem profiles during compilation.
  • Changes
    • Removed cmd/cli. The CX executable should now be used to generate CX chain addresses.
    • Running a CX chain with the --broadcast flag no longer runs the transaction code locally; it simply broadcasts the transaction code and it is run in the peer node to update the program state. If the user wants to test transaction code, the --transaction flag must be used.
    • Updated the style of the CX roadmap.
    • Changed max transaction size to 128 Mb. CX chains are storing their program state in two different unspent outputs in their skycoin fork. This means that if a CX program to be stored on a CX chain needs 64 Mb, then the CX chain will need at least a max transaction size of 128 Mb. This behavior needs to be corrected immediately in the next version of CX and the user needs a way to set these parameters via flags (they're hardcoded at the moment).
  • Libraries
    • Add cx arg parsing library
  • Fixed issues
    • #357: Error running cx in blockchain broadcast mode.
    • #360: Panic when package keyword is misspelled
    • #373: Error in address used to generate a CSRF token. Port was 6001 instead of 6421.
    • #338: Issues with slice of type T where sizeof T is different than 4.
    • #388: Array fail on cx --blockchain.
    • #389: CX chains errors with big programs.
  • Documentation
    • New file documentation/ which describes the processes and modules involved in CX chains.
    • The blockchain tutorial documentation/ will be used to reflect the state in the CX source code (develop branch)
    • The blockchain tutorial in the wiki will be used as a tutorial for the latest CX release.
  • Miscellaneous
    • ...

v0.7beta released 2019-05-19

  • Additions
    • First release of CX chains, i.e. CX programs stored on a Skycoin fiber blockchain
    • Added/forked the newcoin and skycoin-cli commands to the CX repositoryand adapted it to CX chains.
    • CX can now create a wallet by running cx --create-wallet --wallet-seed $WALLET_SEED
    • Added --wallet-id flag. This parameter replaces having to set the WALLET environment variable for CX chains.
  • Changes
    • Transaction and block default sizes for CX chains changed from 32 Kb to 5 Mb.
  • Libraries
    • Add math bindings for f32 and f64 types: isnan, rand, acos, asin.
    • Add glfw bindings: Fullscreen, GetWindowPos, GetWindowSize, SetFramebufferSizeCallback, SetWindowPosCallback, SetWindowSizeCallback.
  • Fixed issues
    • #292: Compilation error when left hand side of an assignment expression is a struct field.
    • #309: Serialization is not taking into account non-default stack sizes.
    • #310: Splitting a serialized program into its blockchain and transaction parts.
    • #311: CurrentFunction and CurrentStruct are causing errors in programs with more than 1 package.
    • #312: Deserialization is not setting correctly the sizes for the CallStack, HeapStartsAt and StackSize fields of the CXProgram structure.
  • Documentation
  • IDE
    • Removed the current version of the IDE. We'll move to a textmate-based solution in the future.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Vendored all external packages


  • Additions
    • Support for exponents in floating point numbers (f32 and f64). Also improved decimal point parsing examples: 1.0 1. .1 1e+2 .1e-3
    • Support for multi-dimensional slices.
  • Libraries
  • Fixed issues
    • #58: No compilation error when indexing an array with a non integral var.
    • #70: Inline field and index "dereferences" to function calls' outputs.
    • #72: Multi-dimensional slices don't work.
    • #76: Using int literal 0 where 0.0 was needed gave no error.
    • #133: Panic when inserting a newline into a string literal.
    • #134: Panic when declaring a variable of an unknown type.
    • #155: Panic when trying to assign return value of a function returning void.
    • #156: Panic when using a function declared in another package without importing the package.
    • #166: Panic when calling a function from another package where the package name alias a local variable name
    • #271: CX floats cannot handle exponents
    • #284: Concatenation of str variables with + operator doesn't work.
    • #285: Short declaration doesn't compile with opcode return value.
    • #288: No compilation error when using float value in place of boolean expression.
    • #289: Panic when package contains duplicate function signature.
  • Documentation
  • IDE (WiP)
  • Miscellaneous


  • Additions
    • Support for lexical scoping
    • if/elseif and if/elseif/else statements now work properly.
  • Libraries
  • Fixed issues
    • #54: No compilation error when defining a struct with duplicate fields.
    • #67: No compilation error when var is accessed outside of its declaring scope.
    • #69: glfw.GetCursorPos() throws error
    • #82: Empty code blocks (even if they contain commented-out lines) crash like this.
    • #99: Short variable declarations are not working with calls to methods or functions.
    • #102: String concatenation using the + operator doesn't work.
    • #135: No compilation error when using arithmetic operators on struct instances.
    • #153: Panic in when assigning an empty initializer list to a []i32 variable.
    • #169: No compilation error when assigning a i32 value to a []i32 variable.
    • #170: No compilation error when comparing value of different types.
    • #247: No compilation error when variables are inline initialized.
    • #244: Crash when using a constant expression in a slice literal expression.
      • The problem actually involved the incapability of using expressions as values in slice literals
  • Documentation
  • IDE (WiP)
  • Miscellaneous


  • Additions
    • Serialization and deserialization
    • Functions as first-class objects
    • Callbacks
    • Improve error reporting system
    • Add slice resize/copy/insert/remove functions
    • Add ReadF32Slice (gl.BufferData and gl.BufferSubData accept slice arguments)
    • Add slice helpers
    • Switch len and size in slice header to avoid unecessary alloc/copy.
    • Refactor cx/op_und.go::op_append
    • Refactor cx/utilities.go::WriteToSlice
    • Add runtime bound checks on slices
    • Print exit code string when a runtime error is thrown
    • CX process returns CX_RUNTIME_* exit code when a runtime error is thrown
    • Add strerror opcode returning a string matching the CX_* error code passed as argument
  • Libraries
    • Added GIF support to OpenGL
  • Fixed issues
    • #32: Panic if return value is used in an expression
    • #40: Slice keeps growing though it's cleared inside the loop
    • #41: Scope not working in loops
    • #50: No compilation error when using an invalid identifier
    • #51: Silent name clash between packages
    • #52: Some implicit casts were not being caught at compile time
    • #53: CX was not catching an error involving invalid indirections
    • #55: Single character declarations are now allowed
    • #59: Fields of a struct returned by a function call can now be accessed
    • #61: No compilation error when passing *i32 as an i32 arg and conversely
    • #62: No compilation error when dereferencing an i32 var
    • #63: Fixed a problem where inline initializations didn't work with dereferences
    • #65: Return statements now work in CX, with and without return arguments
    • #77: Fixed errors related to sending references of structs to functions and assigning references to struct literals
    • #101: Using different types in shorthands now throws an error
    • #104: Dubious error message when indexing an array with a substraction expression
    • #105: Dubious error message when inline initializing a slice
    • #108: Solved a bug that occured when two functions were named the same in different packages
    • #131: Problem with struct literals in short variable declarations
    • #132: Short declarations can now be assigned values coming from function calls
    • #154: Sending pointers to slices to functions is now possible
    • #167: Passing the address of a slice element is now possible
    • #199: Trying to call an undefined function no longer throws a segfault
    • #214: Fixed an error related to type deduction in references to struct fields
    • #218: Type checking now works with receiving variables of unexpected types
  • Documentation
    • Information about how to contribute to CX
  • IDE (WiP)
    • Added a simple guide
  • CX GUI helper moved to its own repository at

v0.5.18 [2018-11-27 Tue 21:33]

  • Affordances:
    • Support for affordances-of: argument -> argument
    • Support for affordances-of: argument -> program
    • Support for affordances-of: argument -> struct
    • Support for affordances-on: argument -> argument
  • break: Implemented
  • continue: Implemented
  • printf: Added %v format directive which tries to deduce an argument's type and prints its value
  • printf(): Tell the type and value of extra arguments
  • Labels: can now be anywhere in a function's block of statements
  • Fixed issues:
    • Fix #39: Short-variable declarations now work properly with arrays, e.g. bar := foo[0]
    • Fix #49: Trying to access fields of non-struct instances now throws an appropriate error
    • Fix #84: ++ suffix operator now working
    • Fix #92: Conflict when calling multiple callbacks using GLFW
    • Fix #98: CX now throws an error when trying to redeclare a variable
    • Fix #112: printf now prints either a MISSING or EXTRA when there are fewer or more arguments than format directives, respectively
    • Fix #120: CX was throwing redeclaration errors in multiple return expressions


  • Fixed issues:
    • Fix #90: goto now works properly on Windows
    • Fix #91: Methods with pointer receivers are working now
    • Fix #111: Trying to use global variables from other packages is no longer allowed without their owner package prefixed to them, i.e. foo was allowed, now it must be written as