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File metadata and controls

278 lines (195 loc) · 23.9 KB

Pass Converter

Pass converter is a tool to convert passes for different wallet apps from one wallet's format to another. Currently, this project supports the following wallet platforms:

  • Google Wallet (the payload field of a JWT, as a .json file)
  • Apple Wallet (a .pkpass file)

The tool is built with JavaScript/Node.js and can run as a web service accepting a pass in a POST request, returning the converted pass as a response, or as a command-line tool for converting pass files locally.

Note: This project covers the server-side implementation for creating passes, it does not deal with any front-end concerns such as buttons for saving passes to wallets. For further guidance on this, please consult the branding and usage guidelines for each wallet platform.

Table of contents

Supported pass types

The following table shows the mapping of pass types between each supported wallet platform.

Type Google Wallet Apple Wallet
Boarding pass FlightObject Pass.BoardingPass (PKTransitTypeAir)
Transit pass TransitObject Pass.BoardingPass (other types)
Offer/Coupon OfferObject Pass.Coupon
Event ticket EventTicketObject Pass.EventTicket
Loyalty card LoyaltyObject Pass.StoreCard
Generic GenericObject Pass.Generic


  • Install Node.js/NPM
  • Download or clone this repository
  • Install dependencies using npm install .


Run the demo

node app.js demo

Provides a demo web page to test converting passes, which runs on http://localhost:3000 by default.

Run via the command line

node app.js <pass input path> <pass output path>

Converts passes locally. If the output path is ommitted, the converter will output JSON to the terminal (for pkpass files, this will be the contents of pass.json).

Run as a web service

node app.js

The web service expects a POST request to the URL /convert/ with multipart/form-data encoding. The request should include a single pass file. Updating passes is also supported via PATCH requests to the same /convert/ URL. See the Updatable Passes section for more detail.


The web service must have some form of authentication implemented with an upstream web server (like Apache or Nginx). When configuring this in the upstream server, you must define a HTTP header in the request to the web service that the upstream web server will send. The name of the HTTP header must then be defined using the config.js variable authHeader. Requests to the converter are then restricted to requests containing the HTTP header.


The request body must contain a single pass file, for one of the supported types. See next section Pass file formats for an example request.

When converting to a Google Wallet pass, the pass converter will make additional API calls to Google Wallet to create the pass, if it is too large to be embedded directly in the "Save to Google Wallet" URL.


The response format will depend on the destinaton platform of the pass.

Target platform Response type Example
Google Wallet A 302 redirect to the URL for saving the pass to Google Wallet.{token}
Apple Wallet The PKPass file will be returned as a binary HTTP response. See PKPass in the Apple developer documentation

Pass file formats

Google Wallet pass

Google Wallet passes are defined by classes and objects which are created either via the Google Wallet APIs, using JWTs, or in the Google Pay & Wallet Console.

To learn more about the relationship between pass classes and objects, see How classes and objects work.

The pass converter defines a Google Wallet pass as a JSON file containing the value of the payload field of a JWT. The payload must include the pass class and object.

Here is a minimal example JWT payload that defines the pass class and pass object to be created:

  "offerClasses": [
      "reviewStatus": "UNDER_REVIEW",
      "issuerName": "Google",
      "redemptionChannel": "BOTH",
      "provider": "Google Developers",
      "title": "An open source project"
  "offerObjects": [
      "barcode": {
        "type": "qrCode",
        "value": "123456789"
      "hexBackgroundColor": "#ce8c35",
      "state": "ACTIVE"

Important: JWT payloads use .json as their extension, e.g., mypass.json.

Apple PKPass

PKPass files are signed, compressed archives containing metadata, media, and other pass data. For more information on pass structure, see Creating the Source for a Pass.


Configuration is implemented via a config.js file. You can define the path to your config.js file using the PASS_CONVERTER_CONFIG_PATH environment variable, otherwise the config.js file found in the root of this project is used.

The following variables are defined in the config.js file. Most of these are covered in more detail in the External dependencies section next.

config.js variable Description Example
googleServiceAccountJsonPath Path to Google service account JSON file /path/to/file.json
googleIssuerId Issuer ID for Google Wallet APIs 1234567890123456789
googleStorageBucket Google Cloud Storage bucket name (see Image hosting) my-bucket-name
pkPassDefaultIconUrl The URL to an image file to use for the PKPass icon/logo when none available in source pass https://link/to/icon.png
pkPassPassTypeId Apple pass type ID .example-company.passes.ticket.event-4631A.
pkPassTeamId Apple team ID your-team-id
pkPassSigningKeyPath Path to your private key for signing PKPass files /path/to/key.pem
pkPassSigningCertPath Path to your certificate for signing PKPass files /path/to/cert.pem
pkPassWwdrCertPath Path to the Apple WWDR certificate for signing PKPass files /path/to/wwdr.pem
emptyValue A default value to use for missing fields N/A
defaultOrgName Default organization/issuer to use when none available in source pass My company name
defaultLanguage The default language to use in Google Wallet passes (PKPass files with translations do not define the default language) en
authHeader The HTTP header name your upstream web server will send to the converter when requests are authenticated (see Authentication) Authorization
bindHost The HTTP host to bind the converter to when running as a web service
bindPort The HTTP port to bind the converter to when running as a web service 3000
apn Config for Apple Push Notifications (see node-apn documentation) {"cert": "cert.pem", "key": "key.pem"}
database Config for database, (see typeorm documentation) {"type": "sqlite", "database": "database.sqlite"}
hints (Mapping of field name hints, see Hints for Google passes) {"": ""}

External dependencies

Google Wallet API

When running as a command-line tool, you can convert passes to Google Wallet JWT payloads without any external dependencies. However, when running the tool as a web service, you will need to do the following:

Once complete, you should have a service account JSON file and Google Wallet Issuer ID. These must then be configured as the googleServiceAccountJsonPath and googleIssuerId config.js variables, respectively.

Image hosting

Images in Google Wallet passes are referenced by URLs. Thus, they must be hosted and available to Google when creating pass classes and objects. When this project is run as a web service, it will automatically host images found during conversion to Google Wallet passes.

You can also use Google Cloud Storage to host the images. This has the added benefit of being able to restrict access to the service account mentioned earlier. To use Cloud Storage, you will need to follow the below steps.

  1. Create a bucket
  2. Use Cloud Identity and Access Management (Cloud IAM) to give your service account read/write access
  3. Set the googleStorageBucket config.js variable to the name of the bucket you created

Note: You can still use the converter as a command-line tool to convert passes locally without configuring image hosting, however the resulting Google passes will not be usable without valid image URLs.

Creating and signing Apple passes

To create valid PKPass files (they are cryptographically signed and viewable on Apple devices), you will need to follow the steps below.

Note: Omitting these steps and converting to unsigned Apple passes is also supported, however the resulting PKPass file will not be readable by an Apple device. In this case you may use the converter to create unsigned passes, then perform the signing in your own application separately.

  1. Create an Apple Developer Program account, if you do not have one already
  2. Create a pass type identifier
  3. Create a certificate signing request (CSR)
  4. Generate and download the signing certificate
  5. Import the signing certificate into the OSX keychain, and export it as certificates.p12
  6. Download one of the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations (WWDR) certificates
  7. Import the WWDR root certificate into the OSX keychain, and export it as wwdr.pem
  8. Install OpenSSL (required for these setup steps, and also when running the pass converter)
  9. Extract the certifcate from the certificates.p12 file with openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -in certificates.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out mycert.pem
  1. Extract the key from the certificates.p12 file with openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -in certificates.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out mykey.pem
  1. Set the following config.js variables:
config.js key Value
pkPassTeamId Your Apple team ID (from step 1)
pkPassPassTypeId The pass type identifier (from step 2)
pkPassWwdrCertPath The path to the converted Apple WWDR certificate (wwdr.pem from step 7)
pkPassSigningCertPath The path to your signing certificate (mycert.pem from step 9)
pkPassSigningKeyPath The path to your private key (mykey.pem from step 10)

Hints for Google passes

Google Wallet passes often have specific fields dedicated to specific information (such as a flight number in a boarding pass), while PKPass files may specify pass data more arbitrarily using PassFields (e.g. auxilaryFields, backFields, and headerFields).

In order to accommodate for this, you should configure the hints key in the config.json file. Here you can specify which PassFields properties map to which Google Wallet pass properties.

The following hints are currently supported.

Pass type Hint name Description Google Wallet pass property
Events Name of the event EventClass.eventName
Flights flight.passenger Passenger name FlightObject.passengerName
flight.seatNumber Seat number FlightObject.boardingAndSeatingInfo.seatNumber
flight.seatClass Seat class FlightObject.boardingAndSeatingInfo.seatClass
flight.gate Gate number FlightClass.origin.gate
flight.originCode Origin airport code FlightClass.origin.airportIataCode
flight.destinationCode Destination airport code FlightClass.destination.airportIataCode
flight.flightNumber Flight number FlightClass.flightHeader.flightNumber Departing date FlightClass.localScheduledDepartureDateTime
flight.time Departing time FlightClass.localScheduledDepartureDateTime
flight.confirmationCode Booking/confirmation code FlightObject.reservationInfo
Loyalty cards loyalty.primaryPoints Primary points balance LoyaltyObject.loyaltyPoints
loyalty.secondaryPoints Secondary points balance LoyaltyObject.secondaryLoyaltyPoints
Transit passes transit.originName Origin name TransitObject.ticketLeg.originName
transit.originDate Departing date TransitObject.ticketLeg.departureDateTime
transit.originTime Departing time TransitObject.ticketLeg.departureDateTime
transit.destinationName Destination name TransitObject.ticketLeg.destinationName
transit.destinationDate Arriving date TransitObject.ticketLeg.arrivalDateTime
transit.destinationTime Arriving time TransitObject.ticketLeg.arrivalDateTime

Updatable Passes

Updating passes is supported via PATCH requests to the /convert/ URL. These requests should contain a single pass file containing the content to use when updating an existing pass. The pass file should contain a valid identifier (eg id for a Google Pass, or serialNumber for a PKPass) that references the pass to update.

Following is the behavior for each of the formats:

Apple PKPass

When a PKPass file is sent in the PATCH request, it is converted to a Google Wallet pass and updated via the Google Wallet API.

Google Wallet pass

When a Google Wallet pass (.json) file is sent in the PATCH request, it is first updated via the Google Wallet API. Then, if the corresponding PKPass file that was created when the Google Wallet pass was created has been registered on an iOS device, a push token is sent to the iOS device signaling an update is available. The pass converter implements the web service endpoints required for managing updates to PKPass files. Consult the Apple documentation for further information.

Note: Managing updates to PKPass files requires the use of both Apple Push Notifications, and an internal database. Each of these are configured via config.json (see configuration). Consult the node-apn and typeorm documentation for configuration details.


On both platforms, most errors occur due to missing fields. You can identify them by checking the below.

Google Wallet pass

The Google Wallet APIs are used to create passes. When errors occur, the API response is output to the local terminal including a detailed error message.

Apple PKPass

If a PKPass file cannot be opened, follow the below steps.

  1. Open the Console app on OSX
  2. Start a new session and filter by "pkpass"
  3. Try to open the pass on the same device

A detailed error message will appear in the Console app.