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File metadata and controls

154 lines (118 loc) · 10.2 KB

Advanced operation

There are a number of settings and commands that are available via MQTT. To use these you must have set up the device to connect to an MQTT server. You then need a means to send messages to the MQTT server for the device.

The hostname you picked is used for these messages. The format for commands and settings is defined in RevK library. But is basically quite simple. We'll use GuestAC as the example hostname.

Type Format Meaning
Command command/GuestAC/command This issues commands to the device to do something now.
Setting setting/GuestAC This allows settings to be set. The payload is JSON, with one or more settings. e.g. setting/GuestAC {"fanstep":2,"reporting":60}. With no payload the existing settings are returned in the same format.
Setting (direct) setting/GuestAC/thing This allows a single setting to be set, the payload is the value, e.g. setting/GuestAC/debug 1
State state/GuestAC/whatever Status messages - these are normally retained and relate to specific aspects of the operation. With no paramater, e.g. state/GuestAC this is the state of the device itself, with false meaning it is now off line.
Event event/GuestAC/whatever Event messages are one of things that have happened and are not retained.
Info info/GuestAC/whatever Info messages are informational, and don't relate to a specific event happening.
Error error/GuestAC/whatever Errors are reported using this.


There are a number of standard settings as per the RevK library, including things like hostname, mqtthost, wifissid, etc. Settings specific to the Faikin module are as follows.

Setting Meaning
webcontrol 0 means no web access, 1 means just aircon settings not WiFI, etc. 2 means all controls
ha true (default) means work with Home Assistant via MQTT
reporting Interval for reporting state (seconds)
dark If set, LED to be off unless something non normal happening
fixstatus Make status messages always use array format rather than single values
tmin Min temperature
tmax Max temperature

It is worth noting that the library includes settings to control over the air updates. By default the Faikin module does automatic updates.

Setting Meaning
otahost The host from which to fetch updates
otaauto If not 0 then this is how many days between checks for an automatic update (done over night, or and hour or two after restart)

External/automatic controls

An external unit can set external min/max controls and reference temperature. This is planned to be made an internal feature for automatic control in future.

Setting Meaning
lockmode Disable auto change heat/cool mode
coolover heatover When we want to turn on heating or cooling the temperature is set to the target, adjusted for the temperature the air-con unit is seeing. To encourage the air-con to actually apply the heating/cooling this has a number of degrees added (for heat) or reduced (for cool) as set by these settings.
coolback heatback When we want to turn off the heating or cooling, we set a temperature that backs away from the target temperature by this many degrees.
tsample Automation sampling time period (seconds), usually 900
tpredicts Sample time (seconds) for predictive adjustment
tprecictt Total prediction time (seconds) for predictive adjustment
switch10 push10 This is our own hysteresis - it applies to min/max settings to allow for overshoot on heating/cooling.
switchtime This is a minimum time in heat/cool mode before allowing switching
switchdelay This is a minimum time that we have to have been beyond the target before switching is allowed - it is to allow for an initial overshoot typically when direct turned on and reaching target temperature the first time.
autotime This is the time the auto command is considered valid after which we revert to simply setting auto mode on the aircon unit itself. You need to ensure the external control (environmental monitor) sends the auto command more often than this.
fantime This is how long we wait before changing fan - i.e. if we are not able to reach target temperature in this time the fan is increased.
fanstep Usually worked out automatically, but this says if internally the fan settings are 1/3/5 (Low/medium/high) or 1/2/3/4/5. 2 for the 1/3/5 mode. 0 for automatic.
thermref A percentage, 0 means reference is inlet temperature, 100 means reference is home temperature.
ble Boolean, if set then enable BLE working for external BlueCoinT device
autor A range value in 0.1C, 0 means disable local automation, 5 means ±0.5C automated controls
autot When autor is not 0 this is the target, with autor setting the range
autob When set this is the name of a BlueCoinT temperature sensor to use as the reference temperature
auto0 Numeric in format HHMM, time to automatically turn off (0000 means don't turn off)
auto1 Numeric in format HHMM, time to automatically turn on (0000 means don't turn on)
autop Boolean, if we automatically turn on/off power based on temperature
autop10 Temperature offset for auto turn on with autop x 10

An info update automation is sent every tsample seconds whilst automatic control is in place.

The automation works based on the current min and max target and current temperature. However, min and max are adjusted by push10 and switch10. The current temperature is also adjusted based on tpredict settings. These show on the automation status report. These are then used to set a target tempurature on the aircon itself that is higher or lower than the unit thinks the current temperature is based on coolover/heatover, effectively turning it on/off.

Automatic on/off

Every tsample seconds the relationship of the adjusted min, max and current are assessed to consider how much time was approaching the target band, in the target band, or beyond the target band. Two whole samples in a row are considered. Sampling is reset on change of power or mode.

If auto1 is set, the power on at start of that minute. If auto0 is set, the power off at start of that minute.

If autop is set, and the last sample period is entirely outside the target band, and the current temperature is more than autop10/10 degrees above or below the target band, then automatic power on.

If autop is set, and the last two sample periods are entirely inside the target band, then automatic power off.


The system is designed to work with an external remote Environmental monitor. This sends a command control periodically containing JSON with env being current temperature, and target being an array of min and max target temperature. When remote working autop is assumed if autop10 is not 0.

Special settings

Some more advances settings which you are unlikely to need to ever change.

Setting Meaning
debug true means output lots of debug - notable for S21 this is one line with a set of poll responses. This also causes more fields to be polled than normal, so slower response times.
dump true means output raw serial communications

|uart|Which internal UART to use| |tx|Which GPIO for tx, prefix - to invert the port| |rx|Which GPIO for rx, prefix - to invert the port|


Command Meaning
on off Power on/off
heat cool auto fan dry Change mode
low medium high Change fan speed
temp Set target temp (argument is temp)
status Force a status report to be sent
control JSON payload with aircon controls, see below
send Force sending S21 message, e.g. D62000


Regular status messages are sent.

  • state/ topic indicate current state, and are reported periodically and on some state changes.
  • Faikin/ topic are sent, typically every minute, and intended for the faikinlog command to store in a database.
  • *MAC*/ topic are sent for HomeAssistant if enabled, and are reported periodically and on some state changes.

The setting livestatus causes the state/ topic on any change.

Attribute Meaning
online Boolean, if the aircon is connected and online
heat Boolean, if in heating mode
slave Boolean, set if we are not master for heat/cool and hence cannot do requested mode
antifreeze Boolean, set if in antifreeze mode and hence not operating as normal
model Model name, if known
home Temperature at remote / measured
outside Outside temperature, if known
inlet Inlet temperature, if known
liquid Liquid coolant feed temperature, if known
control Boolean, if we are under external/automatic control

The faikinglog reports the last periods for values. For each value, if it is the same for the whole period it is reported as is. If not, then for numeric is reported as an array of min, ave, max. For an enumerated type it is the current value. For a Boolean, it is a value 0.0 to 1.0 indicating how much it was true in the period.

The fixstatus setting forces the format as if the value had changed during the period, i.e. min/ave/max array or 0.0-1.0 for Boolean.

Aircon control

The controls are things you can change. These can be sent in a JSON payload in an MQTT command (with no suffix), and are reported in the status MQTT JSON.

Attribute Meaning
power Boolean, if aircon powered on
mode One of H (Heat), C (Cool), A (Auto), D (Dry), F (Fan)
temp Temperature, in Celcius
fan One of A (Auto) and 1 to 5 for manual fan levels
swingh Boolean - horizontal louvre swing
swingv Boolean - vertical louvre swing
powerful Boolean
econo Boolean
autor Range for automation, 0.0 means off - this sets the autor setting to 10 times this value
autot Target temp for automation, This sets the autot setting to 10 times this value
autob The name of the BLE device. This sets the autob setting
auto0 Time to turn off HH:MM, 00:00 is don't turn off. This sets the auto0 setting
auto1 Time to turn off HH:MM, 00:00 is don't turn on. This sets the auto1 setting