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Kubernetes Cheatsheet

This page exists as the set of commands which were used in the video Secure Kubernetes Cluster using Ziti

establish some variables just to make commands easier


clean up commands - if needed

rm /tmp/oci/config.oci.public
rm /tmp/oci/config.oci.private
ziti edge delete identity "${the_kubernetes_identity}"
ziti edge delete identity "${the_user_identity}"

work done ahead of time - takes time to establish a cluster:

  • previously setup kubernetes in OKE
    • simple cluster
    • standard quick create cluster
    • public endpoint
    • Shape: VM.Standard2.2
    • 1 node
    • pasted my public key for access
    • exposed the cluster with public ip
  • already installed oci as well as helm
  • already deployed a ziti environment using

create kubernetes config files - public and private

oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig \
    --cluster-id ${oci_cluster_id} \
    --file /tmp/oci/config.oci.public \
    --region us-ashburn-1 \
    --token-version 2.0.0 \
    --kube-endpoint PUBLIC_ENDPOINT
chmod 600 /tmp/oci/config.oci.public
oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig \
    --cluster-id ${oci_cluster_id} \
    --file /tmp/oci/config.oci.private \
    --region us-ashburn-1 \
    --token-version 2.0.0 \
    --kube-endpoint PRIVATE_ENDPOINT
chmod 600 /tmp/oci/config.oci.private

delete any resources if needed

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/oci/config.oci.public
helm uninstall ziti-host
kubectl delete persistentvolume ziti-host-pv

show it working via public ip from wsl


export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/oci/config.oci.public
kubectl get pods -v7 --request-timeout='5s'

show it failing via private ip from wsl

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/oci/config.oci.private
kubectl get pods -v7 --request-timeout='2s'

let's install ziti in the cluster

make a new identity

ziti edge create identity device "${the_kubernetes_identity}" -a "${service_name}"ServerEndpoints -o "${the_kubernetes_identity}".jwt
ziti edge create identity device "${the_user_identity}" -a "${service_name}"ClientEndpoints -o "${the_user_identity}".jwt

Deploying Ziti to Kubernetes

  1. install the helm CLI tool using this guide

  2. add the OpenZiti Helm repo:

    helm repo add openziti
  3. locate the jwt file for the Kubernetes identity. If you followed the steps above the file will be named: "${the_kubernetes_identity}".jwt (make sure you replace the variable with the correct value)

  4. enroll the Kubernetes identity. This exchanges the temporary JWT for a permanent identity JSON file. Several Ziti CLIs have an enroll command for this purpose. Here's one way to obtain the identity that doesn't require you to download a CLI if you already have Docker:

    # start with JWT file on Docker host in 
    #  /tmp/${the_kubernetes_identity}.jwt
    docker run --rm --volume /tmp:/mnt \
        openziti/quickstart /openziti/ziti-bin/ziti edge enroll \
    # now you will have a new file 
    # /tmp/${the_kubernetes_identity}.json
  5. use the Kubernetes identity JSON file when you install the Helm chart:

    helm install ziti-host openziti/ziti-host \
        --set-file zitiIdentity="/tmp/${the_kubernetes_identity}.json"

verify the ziti identity was bootstrapped by using kubectl logs

kubectl logs ziti-host<tab><enter>

now go disable the public ip so private access ONLY works... this takes "a minute or two or three"...

let's setup the ziti bits we need

setup ziti to access the private server address... set environment variables to make it easier to reference:

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/oci/config.oci.private
k8s_private_host_and_port=$(kubectl config view | grep server | cut -d "/" -f3)
k8s_private_host=$(echo ${k8s_private_host_and_port} | cut -d ":" -f1)
k8s_private_port=$(echo ${k8s_private_host_and_port} | cut -d ":" -f2)
echo "Private URL: ${k8s_private_host_and_port}, Host: ${k8s_private_host}, Port: ${k8s_private_port}"

ziti setup


ziti edge delete config "${service_name}"-host.v1
ziti edge delete config "${service_name}"-client-config
ziti edge delete service "${service_name}"
ziti edge delete service-policy "${service_name}"-binding
ziti edge delete service-policy "${service_name}"-dialing

ziti edge create config "${service_name}"-host.v1 host.v1 '{"protocol":"tcp", "address":"'${k8s_private_host}'","port":'${k8s_private_port}' }'
ziti edge create config "${service_name}"-client-config intercept.v1 '{"protocols":["tcp"],"addresses":["'${k8s_private_host}'","'${k8s_private_dns}'"], "portRanges":[{"low":443, "high":443}]}'
ziti edge create service "${service_name}" --configs "${service_name}"-client-config,"${service_name}"-host.v1
ziti edge create service-policy "${service_name}"-binding Bind --service-roles '@'"${service_name}" --identity-roles '#'"${service_name}"'ServerEndpoints'
ziti edge create service-policy "${service_name}"-dialing Dial --service-roles '@'"${service_name}" --identity-roles '#'"${service_name}"'ClientEndpoints'

verify windows can access the kubernetes api (using cmd.exe from wsl)

cmd.exe /c curl -k "https://${k8s_private_dns}"
cmd.exe /c curl -k "https://${k8s_private_host}"    

at this point from wsl kubectl will work using the ip address - but not dns

#enroll the identity
ziti edge enroll "${the_user_identity}".jwt

# use the identity to get pods:
./kubeztl --zConfig "${the_user_identity}".json --service k8s.oci get pods

# update your config to make it so you don't need to supply --zConfig or --service
# replace "${the_user_identity}" accordingly:
zConfig: /mnt/v/temp/oci/"${the_user_identity}".json
service: k8s.oci

use "kubeztl"

download from github

curl -L -o kubeztl ./kubeztl get pods -c ./id.json -S "${service_name}"

modify config if you want

find your context, add two lines:

zConfig: /mnt/v/temp/oci/oci.json
service: k8s.oci

useful if you need to update either of the identities

ziti edge update identity "${the_user_identity}" -a "${service_name}"ClientEndpoints
ziti edge update identity "${the_kubernetes_identity}" -a "${service_name}"ServerEndpoints