- now patching the thread module from the stdlib to avoid some Python bugs - #203
- better looking circusctl help screen
- uses pustil get_nice() when available (nice was deprecated) - #208
- added max_age support - #221
- only call listen() on SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets
- make sure the controller empties the plugins list in update_watchers() - #220
- added --log-level and --log-output to circushttpd
- fix the process killing via the web UI - #219
- now circus is zc.buildout compatible for scripts.
- cleanup the websocket when the client disconnect - #225
- fixed the default value for the endpoint - #199
- splitted circushttpd in logical modules
- Fixed a bunch of typos in the documentation
- Added the debug option
- Package web-requirements.txt properly
- Added a errno error code in the messages - fixes #111
- added socket support
- added a listsocket command
- sockets have stats too !
- fixed a lot of small bugs
- removed the wid - now using pid everywhere
- faster tests
- changed the variables syntax
- use pyzmq's ioloop in more places
- now using iowait for all select() calls
- incr/decr commands now have an nbprocess parameter
- Add a reproduce_env option to watchers
- Add a new UNEXISTING status to the processes
- Added the global httpd option to run circushttpd as a watcher
- Added a plugin system
- Added a "singleton" option for watchers
- Fixed circus-top screen flickering
- Removed threads from circus.stats in favor of zmq periodic callbacks
- Enhanced the documentation
- Circus client now have a send_message api
- The flapping feature is now a plugin
- Every command line tool have a --version option
- Added a statsd plugin (sends the events from circus to statsd)
- The web UI now uses websockets (via socketio) to get the stats
- The web UI now uses sessions for "flash messages" in the web ui
- Fixed a race condition that prevented the controller to cleanly reap finished processes.
- Now check_flapping can be controlled in the configuration. And activated/deactivated per watcher.
- Fixed the regression on the uid handling
- allows optional args property to add_watcher command.
- added circushttpd, circus-top and circusd-stats
- allowing Arbiter.add_watcher() to set all Watcher option
- make sure the redirectors are re-created on restarts
- fix: make sure watcher' defaults aren't overrided
- added a StdoutStream class.
- added the streaming feature
- now displaying coverage in the Sphinx doc
- fixed the way the processes are killed (no more SIGQUIT)
- the configuration has been factored out
- setproctitle support
- Removed the show name. replaced by watcher.
- Added support for setting process rlimit.
- Added support for include dirs in the config file.
- Fixed a couple of leaking file descriptors.
- Fixed a core dump in the flapping
- Doc improvments
- Make sure circusd errors properly when another circusd is running on the same socket.
- get_arbiter now accepts several watchers.
- Fixed the cmd vs args vs executable in the process init.
- Fixed --start on circusctl add
- initial release