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Dependencies and Licenses for SIVO version 1.0

In this document we list all the pieces of code included by SIVO and linked libraries which are not property of the authors of SIVO.

Code in the src and include folders

  • All code in the src/orbslam and include/orbslam folders is original or modified source code from ORB_SLAM2, which is released under the GPLv3 license. As SIVO is a modification of ORB_SLAM2, this code is also released under the GPLv3 license.

  • src/orbslam/ is a modified version of orb.cpp from the OpenCV library. The original code is BSD licensed.

  • PnPsolver.h, are modified versions of the epnp.h and of Vincent Lepetit. This code can be found in popular BSD licensed computer vision libraries as OpenCV and OpenGV. The original code is FreeBSD.

  • The function ORBmatcher::DescriptorDistance in src/orbslam/ can be found here. The code is in the public domain.

Code in the config folder

  • The .prototxt and .caffemodel files within the config/bayesian_segnet folder are the Caffe model and weights files for Bayesian SegNet (forked repository, original). These files are released under the Creative Commons License.

Code in the dependencies folder

  • All code in dependencies/DBoW2 is a modified version of the DBoW2 and DLib libraries. All files included are released under the BSD license.

  • All code in dependencies/g2o is a modified version of g2o (forked repository, original). All files included are released under the BSD license.

  • All code in dependencies/caffe-segnet-cudnn7 is a modified version of Caffe. All files are released under the FreeBSD license.

External dependencies

  • Pangolin (visualization and user interface) is released under the MIT license.

  • OpenCV (computer vision) is released under the BSD license.

  • Eigen3 (linear algebra) is released under MPL2 for versions greater than 3.1.1. Earlier versions are released under LGPLv3.