autocombo less module from html to css
$ sudo npm install autocombo -g
you must modify config.json
It just like this:
"html": "/var/www/html", //html page path
"less": "/var/www/less/page", // combo less path
"css": "/var/www/css/page", // parser combo less to css path (if is null the same as combo less path)
"minify": false // parser combo css minify option
In the HTML just like this:
<!--[../gloabl, ../mod-test]-->
<div class="mod-test"></div>
The result of combo less like this:
@charset "utf-8";
@import "../global";
@import "../mod-test";
At a glance:
$ autocombo [-w/--watch]
combo once:
$ autocombo
watch file change and combo real time:
$ autocombo -w/--watch
if you need help information:
$ autocombo -h/--help