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481 lines (372 loc) · 12.5 KB

Getting Started

Consider the example of creating a BFF ( FederationService ) that combines and returns the results obtained using the PostService and UserService.

This example’s architecture is following.


  1. End-User sends a gRPC request to FederationService with post id
  2. FederationService sends a gRPC request to PostService microservice with post id to get Post message
  3. FederationService sends a gRPC request to UserService microservice with the user_id present in the Post message and retrieves the User message
  4. FederationService aggregates Post and User messages and returns it to the End-User as a single message

The Protocol Buffers file definitions of PostService and UserService and FederationService are as follows.


PostService has GetPost gRPC method. It returns Post message.

  • post.proto
package post;

service PostService {
  rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

message GetPostRequest {
  string post_id = 1;

message GetPostReply {
  Post post = 1;

message Post {
  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  string content = 3;
  string user_id = 4;


UserService has GetUser gRPC method. It returns User message.

  • user.proto
package user;

service UserService {
  rpc GetUser (GetUserRequest) returns (GetUserReply) {}

message GetUserRequest {
  string user_id = 1;

message GetUserReply {
  User user = 1;

message User {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 2;
  int age = 3;


FederationService has a GetPost method that aggregates the Post and User messages retrieved from PostService and UserService and returns it as a single message.

  • federation.proto
package federation;

service FederationService {
  rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

message GetPostRequest {
  string id = 1;

message GetPostReply {
  Post post = 1;

message Post {
  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  string content = 3;
  User user = 4;

message User {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 3;
  int age = 3;  

1. Add grpc.federation.service option

grpc.federation.service option is used to specify a service to generated target using gRPC Federation.
Therefore, your first step is to import the gRPC Federation proto file and add the service option.

+import "grpc/federation/federation.proto";

 service FederationService {
+  option (grpc.federation.service) = {};
   rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

2. Add grpc.federation.message option to the response message

gRPC Federation focuses on the response message of the gRPC method. Therefore, add an option to the GetPostReply message, which is the response message of the GetPost method, to describe how to construct the response message.

  • federation.proto
 message GetPostReply {
+  option (grpc.federation.message) = {};
   Post post = 1;

3. Use def feature of grpc.federation.message option

In the gRPC Federation, grpc.federation.message option creates a variable and grpc.federation.field option refers to that variable and assigns a value to the field.

So first, we use def to define variables.

  • federation.proto
 message GetPostReply {
   option (grpc.federation.message) = {
+    def {
+      name: "p"
+      message {
+        name: "Post"
+        args { name: "pid", by: "$.id" }
+      }
+    }
   Post post = 1;

The above definition is equivalent to the following pseudo Go code.

// getGetPostReply returns GetPostReply message by GetPostRequest message.
func getGetPostReply(req *pb.GetPostRequest) *pb.GetPostReply {
    p := getPost(&PostArgument{Pid: req.GetId()})

// getPost returns Post message by PostArgument.
func getPost(arg *PostArgument) *pb.Post {
    postID := arg.Pid
  • name: "p": It means to create a variable named p
  • message {}: It means to get message instance
  • name: "Post": It means to get Post message in federation package.
  • args: {name: "pid", by: "$.id"}: It means to retrieve the Post message, to pass as an argument a value whose name is pid and whose value is $.id.

$.id indicates a reference to a message argument. The message argument for a GetPostReply message is a GetPostRequest message. Therefore, the "$." can be used to refer to each field of GetPostRequest message.

For more information on each feature, please refer to the API Reference

4. Add grpc.federation.field option to the response message

Assigns the value using grpc.federation.field option to a field ( field binding ). p variable type is a Post message type and Post post = 1 field also Post message type. Therefore, it can be assigned as is without type conversion.

 message GetPostReply {
   option (grpc.federation.message) = {
     def {
       name: "p"
       message {
         name: "Post"
         args { name: "pid", by: "$.id" }
+  Post post = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "p"];

5. Add grpc.federation.message option to the Post message

To create GetPostReply message, Post message is required. Therefore, it is necessary to define how to create Post message, by adding an gRPC Federation's option to Post message as in GetPostReply message.

message GetPostReply {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      name: "p"
      message {
        name: "Post"
        args { name: "pid", by: "$.id" }
  Post post = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "p"];

message Post {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    // call post.PostService/GetPost method with post_id and binds the response message to `res` variable
    def {
      name: "res"
      call {
        method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
        request { field: "post_id", by: "$.pid" }

    // refer to `res` variable and access post field.
    // Use autobind feature with the retrieved value.
    def {
      by: ""
      autobind: true

  string id = 1; // binds the value of `` by autobind feature
  string title = 2; // binds the value of `` by autobind feature
  string content = 3; // binds the value of `` by autobind feature

  User user = 4; // TODO

In def, besides getting the message, you can call the gRPC method and assign the result to a variable, or get another value from the value of a variable and assign it to a new variable.

The first def in the Post message calls post.PostService's GetPost method and assigns the result to the res variable.

The second def in the Post message access post field of res variable and use autobind feature for easy field binding.



If the defined value is a message type and the field of that message type exists in the message with the same name and type, the field binding is automatically performed. If multiple autobinds are used at the same message, you must explicitly use the grpc.federation.field option to do the binding yourself, since duplicate field names cannot be correctly determined as one.

6. Add gRPC Federation option to the User message

Finally, since Post message depends on User message, add an option to User message.

message Post {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      name: "res"
      call {
        method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
        request { field: "post_id", by: "$.pid" }
    def {
      // the value of `` assigns to `post` variable.
      name: "post"
      by: ""
      autobind: true

    // get User message and assign it to `u` variable.
    // The `post` variable is referenced to retrieve the `user_id`, and the value is named `uid` as an argument for User message.
    def {
      name: "u"
      message {
        name: "User"
        args { name: "uid", by: "post.user_id" }

  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  string content = 3;

  // binds `u` variable to user field.
  User user = 4 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "u"];

message User {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def [
        name: "res"
        call {
          method: "user.UserService/GetUser"
          // refer to message arguments with `$.uid`
          request { field: "user_id", by: "$.uid" }
        by: "res.user"
        autobind: true

  string id = 1;
  string name = 3;
  int age = 3;  

7. Run code generator

The final completed proto definition will look like this.

  • federation.proto
package federation;

import "grpc/federation/federation.proto";
import "post.proto";
import "user.proto";

service FederationService {
  option (grpc.federation.service) = {};
  rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostReply) {}

message GetPostRequest {
  string id = 1;

message GetPostReply {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      name: "p"
      message {
        name: "Post"
        args { name: "pid", by: "$.id" }
  Post post = 1 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "p"];

message Post {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def {
      name: "res"
      call {
        method: "post.PostService/GetPost"
        request { field: "post_id", by: "$.pid" }
    def {
      name: "post"
      by: ""
      autobind: true
    def {
      name: "u"
      message {
        name: "User"
        args { name: "uid", by: "post.user_id" }

  string id = 1;
  string title = 2;
  string content = 3;
  User user = 4 [(grpc.federation.field).by = "u"];

message User {
  option (grpc.federation.message) = {
    def [
        name: "res"
        call {
          method: "user.UserService/GetUser"
          request { field: "user_id", by: "$.uid" }
        by: "res.user"
        autobind: true

  string id = 1;
  string name = 3;
  int age = 3;  

Next, generates gRPC server codes using by this federation.proto.

First, install grpc-federation-generator

go install

Puts federation.proto, post.proto, user.proto files to under the proto directory. Also, write grpc-federation.yaml file to run generator.

  • grpc-federation.yaml
  - proto
  - proto
out: .

Run code generator by the following command.

grpc-federation-generator ./proto/federation.proto

8. Use generated server

Running code generation using the federation.proto will create a federation_grpc_federation.pb.go file under the output path.

In federation_grpc_federation.pb.go, an initialization function ( NewFederationService ) for the FederationService is created. The server instance initialized using that function can be registered as a gRPC server using the RegisterFederationService function defined in federation_grpc.pb.go as is.

When initializing, you need to create a dedicated Config structure and pass.

type ClientConfig struct{}

func (c *ClientConfig) Post_PostServiceClient(cfg federation.FederationServiceClientConfig) (post.PostServiceClient, error) {
  // create by post.NewPostServiceClient()

func (c *ClientConfig) User_UserServiceClient(cfg federation.FederationServiceClientConfig) (user.UserServiceClient, error) {
  // create by user.NewUserServiceClient()

federationServer, err := federation.NewFederationService(federation.FederationServiceConfig{
  // Client provides a factory that creates the gRPC Client needed to invoke methods of the gRPC Service on which the Federation Service depends.
  // If this interface is not provided, an error is returned during initialization.
  Client: new(ClientConfig),
if err != nil { ... }
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
federation.RegisterFederationServiceServer(grpcServer, federationServer)

Config (e.g. federation.FederationServiceConfig ) must always be passed a configuration to initialize the gRPC Client, which is needed to invoke the methods on which the federation service depends.

Also, there are settings for customizing error handling on method calls or logger, etc.

9. Other Examples

A sample that actually works can be found here