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RxDB React example

This is an example usage of RxDB with React-native. It implements a simple heroes-list which can be filled by the user.


For database replication and syncing you will need to input a public ip address as the app simulators will have a different context for localhost. One simple way is to run a server locally and expose the port via ngrok.

Try it out

  1. follow installation instructions to setup your react-native environment (follow instructions for Expo)
  2. clone the whole RxDB-repo
  3. go into project cd rxdb
  4. run npm install
  5. go to this folder cd examples/react-native
  6. run npx yarn install
  7. run npm start
    • to run on ios or android specific emulators use npm run ios and npm run android respectively
  • It use current version RxDB (see preinstall script). Tested with rxdb@12.7.16


Screenshot Android
