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Hello Numerical World

example workflow

For a complete, hands-on lesson involving this simple HPC/CSE application, please see the ATPESC-2020 hands on lesson.

This is an implementation of an application for solving one dimensional heat conduction problems. It is the functional equivalent of a Hello World application for HPC/CSE.

In general, heat conduction is governed by the partial differential equation (PDE)...


where u is the temperature at spatial positions, x, and times, t, is the thermal diffusivity of the material through which heat is flowing. This PDE is known as the Diffusion Equation and also the Heat Equation.

Simplifying Assumptions

Our implemenation makes some simplifying assumptions...

  1. The thermal diffusivity, , is constant for all space and time.
  2. The only heat source is from the initial and/or boundary conditions.
  3. We will deal only with the one dimensional problem in Cartesian coordinates.

In this case, the PDE simplifies to...


From this highly simplified basic problem, there are a number of extensions available for a more in-depth computational science study.

Currently, three different numerical algorithms are implemented here

In addition, the application can be built with half, single, double and long-double precision.

Details are described more fully in this ATPESC Hands-On Lesson

Compiling and Using

The command...


will output help about available make targets.

    heat: makes the default heat application (double precision)
    heat-omp: makes heat with OpenMP parallel threading (double precision)
    heat-half: makes the heat application with half precision
    heat-single: makes the heat application with single precision
    heat-double: makes the heat application with double precision
    heat-long-double: makes the heat application with long-double precision
    PTOOL=[gnuplot,matplotlib,visit] RUNAME=<run-dir-name> plot: plots results
    check: runs various tests confirming steady-state is linear

make heat will make the heat application with default (double) precision. After making the application, the command...

./heat --help

gives help and example command-line argument usage...

Usage: ./heat <arg>=<value> <arg>=<value>...
    runame="heat_results"               name to give run and results dir (char*)
    alpha=0.2         material thermal diffusivity (sq-meters/second) (fpnumber)
    lenx=1                                   material length (meters) (fpnumber)
    dx=0.1                x-incriment. Best if lenx/dx==int. (meters) (fpnumber)
    dt=0.004                                    t-incriment (seconds) (fpnumber)
    maxt=2       >0:max sim time (seconds) | <0:min l2 change in soln (fpnumber)
    bc0=0                   boundary condition @ x=0: u(0,t) (Kelvin) (fpnumber)
    bc1=1             boundary condition @ x=lenx: u(lenx,t) (Kelvin) (fpnumber)
    ic="const(1)"               initial condition @ t=0: u(x,0) (Kelvin) (char*)
    alg="ftcs"                             algorithm ftcs|dufrank|crankn (char*)
    savi=0                                   save every i-th solution step (int)
    save=0                              save error in every saved solution (int)
    outi=100                      output progress every i-th solution step (int)
    noout=0                                       disable all file outputs (int)
    prec=2           precision 0=half/1=float/2=double/3=long double (int const)
    ./heat dx=0.01 dt=0.0002 alg=ftcs
    ./heat dx=0.1 bc0=273 bc1=273 ic="spikes(273,5,373)"

Plotting results

There are scripts for running gnuplot, matplotlib and VisIt to produce curve plots of the results. Whatever option you select, the associated tool must be in your path. For example, to use gnuplot, use the command...

   make PTOOL=gnuplot RUNAME=heat_results plot

Where the RUNAME option is the name of the directory/folder containing the results to be plotted.

Setting the Initial Condition (ic=)

The initial condition argument, ic=, handles various cases...

  • Constant, ic="const(V)": Set initial condition to constant value, V
  • Ramp, ic="ramp(L,R)": Set initial condition to a linear ramp having value L @ x=0 and R @ x=L_x.
  • Step, ic="step(L,Mx,R)": Set initial condition to a step function having value L for all x<Mx and value R for all x>=Mx.
  • Random, ic="rand(S,B,A)": Set initial condition to random values in the range [B-A,B+A] using seed value S.
  • Sin, ic="sin(A,w)": Set initial condition to A*sin(pi*w*x).
  • Spikes, ic="spikes(C,A0,X0,A1,X1,...)": Set initial condition to a constant value, C with any number of spikes where each spike is the pair, Ai specifying the spike amplitude and Xi specifying its position in, x.
  • File, ic="file(foo.dat)" : read initial condition data from the file foo.dat.

Note: The boundary condition arguments, bc0= and bc1= should be specified such that they combine smoothly with the specified initial condition.