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UIP-1: Unit-e Improvement Proposal (UIP) Process

Author:   Cornelius Schumacher <>
Status:   Draft
Created:  2018-11-30


A Unit-e Improvement Proposal (UIP) is a design document providing information to the Unit-e community, or describing a new feature for Unit-e or its processes or environment. The UIP should provide a concise technical specification of the feature and a rationale for the feature.

We intend UIPs to be the primary mechanisms for proposing new features, for collecting community input on an issue, and for documenting the design decisions that have gone into Unit-e. The UIP author is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions.

Because the UIPs are maintained as text files in a versioned repository, their revision history is the historical record of the feature proposal.

This document defines the process for creating, discussing, and approving UIPs.


There needs to be a process and format to have design discussions and decisions about the Unit-e protocol and APIs. These designs affect implementations and the network in general so they need a structured process which supports an effective discussion and clearly communicates results.


Document format

The document MUST be saved in Markdown and MUST use a naming convention as:, where xxxx is the number of the UIP left-padded with zeroes.

Requirements MUST be indicated as described in RFC2119.

You can use the template as a starting point which already is formatted in the correct way.


Every UIP document MUST contain the following sections.


A concise title of the UIP. The title should contain the UIP number. Example: # UIP-12: Fork choice rule.


Headers containing metadata about the UIP. The header block MUST be enclosed in triple backticks to mark it up as code block. See the template for an example.

The preamble has the following fields:

  • Author: Name and email address of author of the UIP in the format Jane Smith <>
  • Co-Author: Name and email address of additional authors of the UIP in the same format as in Author (field can occur multiple times)
  • Status: One of [Draft, Deferred, Withdrawn, Proposed, Rejected, Final, Replaced, or Obsolete] (definition of the status values is defined in section UIP Life Cycle)
  • Created: Creation date in the format YYYY-mm-dd
  • Superseded: When the UIP was considered to be replaced by another UIP, in the format YYYY-mm-dd
  • Superseded-by: Number of the UIP which supersedes this UIP
  • Supersedes: Any other UIPs this UIP supersedes

Author, Status and Created MUST be present in all UIPs.

Co-Author fields MAY be added to attribute the content of an UIP to multiple authors. The author from the Author field is the prime responsible person in terms of the UIP process, though.

Superseded and Superseded-by MUST be added when UIP has status Replaced. Supersedes MUST be added if the UIP invalidates any other UIPs.


A short (~200 word) description of the technical issue being addressed.


The motivation is critical for UIPs that want to change the Unit-e protocol. It should clearly explain why the existing protocol is inadequate to address the problem that the UIP solves.


The technical specification should describe the syntax and semantics of any new feature. The specification should be detailed enough to allow competing, interoperable implementations for any of the current Unit-e platforms.


The rationale fleshes out the specification by describing what motivated the design and why particular design decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that were considered and related work. The rationale should provide evidence of consensus within the community and discuss important objections or concerns raised during discussion.

Backwards compatibility

All UIPs that introduce backwards incompatibilities MUST include a section describing these incompatibilities and their severity. The UIP MUST explain how the author proposes to deal with these incompatibilities.

Reference implementation

A proposal MUST have a reference implementation before it can move from Draft to Proposed. The terms "reference implementation" and "proof-of-concept" can be used interchangeably here. The point is that the idea has gone through a phase of implementation so that it is a tested idea, and issues which only can be found when actually trying to implement it have been found and addressed.

It is better to finish the specification and rationale first and reach consensus on it before writing code, though.

To go from Proposed to Final there MUST be a full, released implementation. That's the prerequisite for getting real-world adoption. The final implementation MUST include test code and documentation appropriate for the Unit-e protocol.


All UIPs MUST be dual-licensed under CC0 and MIT.

Optional sections

If the UIP is updated through a pull request in a non-trivial way all changes in comparison to the original version SHOULD be kept in a Changelog section.

Other sections MAY be added to provide additional context or clarity.

Auxiliary files

UIPs MAY include auxiliary files such as diagrams. Auxiliary files should be included in a subdirectory for that UIP which MUST be named files/UIP-XXXX where "XXXX" is the UIP number.


We MUST host all the UIPs documents on GitHub and use the pull request feature to add new documents, this will allow to add comments and keep track of them.

For each new UIP create then a new branch with the UIP reference number and create a pull request with master. The pull request is then the place to comment before accepting the UIP as Draft.

The UIP document is updated through subsequent pull requests. This includes in particular changes to the status of the UIP. The Status field in the preamble of the document MUST reflect those changes. Discussion about acceptance of status changes happens in the pull requests. The definition of the status and its transitions is defined in the UIP life cycle section.

In the case of a new UIP superseding a document, the pull request for the new UIP MUST also take care of changing the status of the document to be superseded.

UIP life cycle

The author is responsible for driving the UIP and establishing rough consensus about the proposal. The status of the UIP reflects the different states the proposal goes through during this process. The status MUST be recorded in the Status field of the preamble of the document.

The typical paths of the status of UIPs are as follows:


New UIPs are submitted as Draft. This is the state where the discussion about acceptance of the proposal is happening and the proposal might be changed to incorporate feedback from the discussion.

Authors of a UIP may decide on their own to change the status from Draft to Withdrawn if they retract their proposal and won't pursue it further.

Authors of a UIP may decide on their own to change the status from Draft to Deferred if they postpone the proposal but intend to pick it up at a later point in time.

A UIP may only change status from Draft to Proposed, when the author deems it is complete, has a working implementation (where applicable), and has community plans to progress it to the Final status.

UIPs in the Proposed status serve as design specification for implementations. Implementations SHOULD note which UIPs they support.

UIPs should be changed from Draft or Proposed status to Rejected status, upon request by any person, if they have not made progress in three years. Such a UIP may be changed to Draft status if the author provides revisions that meaningfully address public criticism of the proposal, or to Proposed status if it meets the criteria required as described in the previous paragraphs.

A Proposed UIP may progress to Final only when specific criteria reflecting real-world adoption have occurred. This is different for each UIP depending on the nature of its proposed changes. Evaluation of this status change should be objectively verifiable, and/or be discussed by the community. The UIP SHOULD include a definition of the criteria.

When a Final UIP is no longer relevant, its status may be changed to Replaced or Obsolete. If it is replaced by another UIP the status should be changed to Replaced and the UIPs which supersede it MUST be noted in the preamble. If the UIP does not apply anymore and there is no successor UIP the state should be changed to Obsolete. These changes must also be objectively verifiable and/or discussed.


The UIP process is an evolution of the ADR process used for recording decisions by the Unit-e community. While the ADR is adequate for decisions on the code or process level and is providing an immutable record of decisions for later reference, the UIP process addresses design decisions on the protocol or API level. They also serve as a specification and are mutable documents reflecting the evolution of a design.

The process is inspired by the BIP process, which is based on the PEP process. Other similar processes are the EIP process and the Rust RFC process. They all are inspired by the IETF RFC process.

Following a similar process as other communities should make it easier to understand and follow the process. It also builds on the insight others have gathered over time.

While the UIP are based on the same work flow as the BIPs there are a few differences to the BIP process worth noting:

  • It's based on the ADR process which initially was used to discuss designs, so some parts of the format resemble that.
  • BIPs have an Active state for process proposals. We leave that out for UIPs as we use ADRs to record process decisions. UIPs should always be design documents.
  • BIPs have a dedicated editor, while this is left open for UIPs right now. The assumption is that the initial team working on Unit-e will share these responsibilities and a more defined process can be introduced later when needed.
  • BIP have a quite elaborate definition of what real-world adoption means to make a BIP Final. This is left open for UIPs right now as the project is in a much earlier stage. Details of this will have to be defined later.
  • The BIP process has some specification for how to handle comments which uses an external Wiki. For UIPs all comments should be done through GitHub on pull requests or be summarized in the document itself.

Reference implementation

UIP-1 is special because it's not a technical specification but bootstraps the process of UIPs. In some way it can be seen as the reference implementation for the process.

We will use this as criteria for moving the status from UIP-1 from Draft to Proposed. Once we have moved the existing design documents and have exercised the process by writing a new UIP and we have incorporated necessary changes we will consider the reference implementation to be done and move to the Proposed status.

Adoption considerations

As for all other design documents we consider real-world adoption as criteria when to move the status of UIP-1 from Proposed to Final. If at least one UIP submitted from outside of the initial core team has moved to Proposed and at least one UIP has moved to Final we will consider the process to be adopted and change the status of UIP-1 to Final.


This document and all its auxiliary files are dual-licensed under CC0 and MIT.