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title: APL author: Keith A. Lewis institute: KALX, LLC classoption: fleqn fleqn: true abstract: A Programming Language ...

\newcommand\BB{\bm{B}} \newcommand\CC{\bm{C}} \newcommand\FF{\bm{F}} \newcommand\NN{\bm{N}} \newcommand\RR{\bm{R}} \newcommand\SS{\bm{S}} \newcommand\ZZ{\bm{Z}} \newcommand\span{\operatorname{span}} \newcommand\dom{\operatorname{dom}} \newcommand\cod{\operatorname{cod}} \newcommand\hom{\operatorname{hom}} \newcommand\ran{\operatorname{ran}} \newcommand\cat[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand\o[1]{\overline{#1}} \newcommand\eq{\text{$=$}} \newcommand\from{\widehat{\phantom{x}}} \newcommand\To{\Rightarrow} \newcommand\From{\Leftarrow} \newcommand\fold{/} \newcommand\scan{\backslash}

APL is a mistake carried through to perfection — Edsgar W. Dijkstra

Such is the advantage of a well constructed language that its simplified notation often becomes the source of profound theories. — Pierre-Simon Laplace

A Programming Language APL was invented by Ken E. Iverson, a mathematician unsatisfied by the limited expressiveness of FORTRAN when it came to manipulating multidimensional arrays. What follows is a mathematical description of the objects and operations on them he envisioned to scratch that itch. It is simply a matter of giving explicit names to the operations that can be performed on collections of data, what Iverson called "tools of thought."

There have been many languages inspired by APL and this writeup takes liberties with the classical language. Let's agree to call it TPL, This Programming Languge. Our approach is informed by category theory and best practices for implmementing functional languages on current computer architectures. We take a purely functional view so no side effects are allowed and data cannot be mutated. Similar to Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, this makes it easy to reason about programs mathematically, but can be computationally expensive on computers. Using lazy evaluation, optics, and other implementation techniques can help with that.

The primitive types are booleans, natural numbers, integers, real numbers, and characters. The types in TPL are categories constructed from primitive types using (disjoint) unions, cartesian products, and exponentials.

Note the real numbers $\RR$ form a one dimensional vector space. Strings are zero or more characters and form a monoid under the binary operation of concatenation with the empty string as identty.

The two main concepts of TPL are composition and (vector space) duality. It is just a matter of providing a language to manipulate sums, products, and exponentials in the appropriate categories.

Now is a good time to remind yourself about categories and vector spaces.


Categories have objects and arrows. An arrow $f$ from object $X$ to object $Y$ is denoted $f\colon X\to Y$. The domain of $f$ is $X = \dom f$ and the codomain of $f$ is $Y = \cod f$. If $f\colon X\to Y$ and $g\colon Y\to Z$ then there exists a unique arrow $gf\colon X\to Z$ called the composition of $f$ followed by $g$.

Arrows are associative, $(fg)h = f(gh)$, so $fgh$ is unambiguous. Every object $Y$ has an identity arrow $1_Y\colon Y\to Y$ with $1_Yf = f$ for all $f\colon X\to Y$ and $g1_y = g$ for all $g\colon Y\to Z$.

The arrows from the object $X$ to the object $Y$ are denoted $(X\to Y)$. This is also called the homset $\hom(X,Y)$.

Given an arrow $f\colon X\to Y$ and an object $Z$ define left composition $f^Z\colon (Z\to X)\to (Z\to Y)$ by $f^Zx = fx\in (Z\to Y)$ for $x\in (X\to Z)$ and right composition $f_Z\colon (Y\to Z)\to (X\to Z)$ by $f_Zy = yf\in (X\to Z)$ for $y\in (Z\to Y)$.


The sum $\Sigma_{i\in I} X_i = \Sigma X_I$ of $X_i$, is defined by arrows $\nu_i\colon X_i\to\Sigma X_I$, $i\in I$. If for any arrows $n_i\colon X_i\to Y$ there exists an arrow $n\colon\Sigma X_I\to Y$ with $n\nu_i = n_i$, $i\in I$. The sum of $X$ and $Y$ is denoted $X + Y$.


The product $\Pi_{i\in I} X_i = \Pi X_I$ of $X_i$ is defined by arrows $\pi_i\colon \Pi X_I\to X_i$, $i\in I$. If for any arrows $p_i\colon Y\to X_i$ there exists an arrow $p\colon Y\to \Pi X_I$ with $\pi_ip = p_i$, $i\in I$. The product of $X$ and $Y$ is denoted $X\times Y$.


If a category has products the exponential $Z^Y$ is an object $\langle Y\to Z\rangle$ and an evaluation arrow $e\colon Y\times\langle Y\to Z\rangle\to Z$. Note $\langle Y\to Z\rangle$ might not be the same as $(Y\to Z)$. The evaluation arrow satisfies the condition that any arrow $f\colon X\times Y\to Z$ corresponds to a unique arrow $f_X\colon X\to\langle Y\to Z\rangle$ via ...


We use the convention that applying a function to an element of a set is right associative so $f(x)$ can be written $fx$. This in natural in languages where composition means function application. Applying a function to an element of a set causes a slight problem. $fgh(x) = f(g(h(x))$ but $(fg)(h(x))\not= f(g(h(x)))$.

$\cat{Set}$ is cartesian closed – It has products and exponentials that satisfy $Z^{X\times Y}\cong Z^{Y^X}$. The cartesian product of sets $X$ and $Y$ $X\times Y = {(x,y):x\in X, y\in Y}$ is the set of all pairs of elements from each set. The exponential $Y^X = {f\colon X\to Y}$ is the set of functions from $X$ to $Y$. We write $Y^X$ in linear notation as $X\to Y$ or $Y\leftarrow X$.

Products and exponentials are related by $Z^{X\times Y}$ is in one-to-one correspondence with $Z^{Y^X}$.1 Every $f\in Z^{X\times Y}$ corresponds to $g\in Z^{Y^X}$ via $f(x,y) = z$ if and only if $g(x)(y) = (gx)y = z$, $x\in X$, $y\in Y$, $z\in Z$. This correspondence can be written $$ (X\times Y)\to Z \cong X\to(Y\to Z) $$ Going from left to right is currying and going from right to left is uncurrying.

$e(f,x) = f(x)$, $f\in Y^X$, $x\in X$. It is just an explicit name for function application. The curried form of the evaluation map identifies $Y^X$ with $X\to Y$.

Product and disjoint union are related by $\Pi_{j\in J} X^{I_j}\cong X^{\sqcup_{j\in J} I_j}$ where $X$ is any set and $(I_j){j\in J}$ is any indexed collection of sets – the product of exponentials is the exponential of the sum. The element $x\in\Pi{j\in J} X^{I_j}$ corresponds to $\o{x}\in X^{\sqcup_{j\in J} I_j}$ via $\pi_j x = \o{x}\nu_j$ where $\pi_j\colon\Pi_{j\in J}\to X_j$ are the projection defining the product and $\nu_j\colon X_j\to\sqcup_{j\in J}$ are the injections defining the disjoint sum. If $I_j = {j}$, $j\in J$, this becomes $X_J = \Pi_{j\in J} X\cong X^J$. The element $x = (x_j)\in X_J$ corresponds to $\o{x}\in X^J$ via $x_j = \o{x}(j)$, $j\in J$.

We use $n\in\NN$ for the set ${0,1,\ldots,n-1}$. From above, we can identify $x\colon n\to X$ with an element of $X^n$. A function $\xi\colon X\to n$ corresponds to a partition of $X$ into $n$ atoms $X_i = {x\in X: \xi(x) = i}$, $i\in n$. This partition is also called the kernel of $\xi$.

Exercise. Show $X_i\cap X_j = \emptyset$ if $i\not= j$ and $\cup_i X_i = X$.

A function $s\colon X\to\BB$ determines a subset of $X$ (and its complement) by $S = {x\inX:s(x) = t}$ so $X\setminus S = {x\inX:s(x) = f}$.


Vector spaces and linear tranformations are the objects and arrows of the category $\cat{Vec}$. The identities are written $I_V$ instead of $1_V$. We write $V\To W$ for the arrows in $W^V$ that preserve the vector space structure.2 This is also written $\mathcal{L}(V,W)$ or $\hom_{\cat{Vec}}(V, W)$ and the elements are called homomorphisms. Note $V\To W$ is also a vector space where addition and scalar multiplication are defined pointwise; if $S,T\colon V\To W$ then $(S + T)v = Sv + Tv\in W$ and $a(S + T)v = a(Sv) + a(Tv)\in W$, $v\in V$, $a\in\FF$.

The dual $V^$ of the vector space $V$ is $V\To \FF$ where $\FF$ is the one-dimensional vector space consisting of the underlying field. The dual pairing is $\langle v,v^\rangle = v^v\in\FF$, $v\in V$, $v^\in V^$. A linear transformation $T\colon V\To W$ has a dual $T^\colon W^\To V^$ defined by $\langle Tv, w^*\rangle = \langle v, T^*w^\rangle$. This defines a functor on $\cat{Vec}$.

Exercise. What is the dual of $V\To W$?

There is a natural injection $\nu_V = \nu\colon V\To V^{**}$ defined by $\langle \nu v, v^\rangle = \langle v, v^\rangle$. If $V$ is finite dimensional then $\nu$ is an isomorphism.

Exercise If $T\colon V\To W$ show $T^{**}\nu_V = \nu_W T$.

If $V = \FF^n$ then $V^$ is isomorphic to $V = \FF^n$ via the identity map with the dual pairing $\langle v, w^\rangle = v\cdot w^$ where $w^$ is the image of $w$ considered as an element of $V^*$. We eschew the 2-dimensionally biased notion of "row" and "column" vectors since duality allows us to generalize to any number of dimensions. As we will soon see, inner, outer, matrix, etc. products are simply composition of linear operators.

The tensor product of vectors $v\in V$ and $w\in W$ is $v\otimes w\colon W^\To V$ defined by $(v\otimes w)w^ = v\langle w,w^\rangle = (w^w)v\in V$, $w^\in W^$.

The tensor product of vector spaces $V$ and $W$, $V\otimes W$, is the smallest subspace of $W\To V$ containing $v\otimes w$, $v\in V$, $w\in W$.

Exercise. What is the dual of $V\otimes W$?

$\cat{Vec}$ is cartesian closed: $(V\otimes W)\To U\cong V\To(W\To U)$. If $T\colon(V\otimes W)\To U$ define $\o{T}\colon V\To (W\To U)$ by $((\o{T}v)w)u^* = T(v\otimes w)u^$, $v\in V$, $w\in W$, $u^\in U^$. If $\o{T}\colon V\To (W\To U)$ define $\o{\o{T}}\colon (V\otimes W)\To U$ by $\o{\o{T}}(v\otimes w)u^ = ((\o{T}v)w)u^*$.

Exercise. Show $T\to\o{T}\in ((V\otimes W)\To U)\to (V\To (W\To U))$ is well-defined and linear.

Exercise. Show $\o{T}\to\o{\o{T}}\in (V\To (W\To U))\to ((V\otimes W)\To U)$ is well-defined and linear.

Exercise. Show $\o{\o{T}} = T$ and $\o{\o{\o{T}}} = \o{T}$.

Taking $U = \FF$ shows $(V\otimes W)^\cong (V\To W^)$.


A tensor (over the vector space $V$) is a multi-dimensional array $a\in X^{\Pi_j n_j}$, $n_j\in\NN$.


A program takes a stream of characters and outputs a stream of characters. It can give names to types appended to a read only store and use names to produce output. We only assume that there is an encoding and decoding from and to characters for all primitive types. We use $t > s$ to encode the primatve $t$ and give it the name $s$ and $t < s$ retrieve the name $s$ into the type $t$.

Encoding is a function $E\colon T\times\CC^\to T$. For example, $E(\RR, "1.23") = 1.23$ and write R"1.23" for the left-hand side. E.g., N"123" is $123\in\NN$ and S("ab\"c") is $('a', 'b', '"', 'c')\in\CC^$.

We assume unique string representations for all types.

Decoding is a function $D\colon T\to\CC^*$. for example $D(1.23)$ is "1.23".

A type is either a primitive type, a (disjoint) sum of types, or a product of types. A sum of types is a variant. A product of types is a tuple. Tuples with two elements are pairs. A dictionary is a sum of pairs having the same type with distinct first elements.


The function $\rho = \rho_{n_0,...,n_{k-1}}\colon\iota n_0\times\cdots\times\iota n_{k-1}\to\iota n_0\cdots n_{k-1}$ is defined by $\rho(i_0, i_1, \ldots, i_{k-1}) = i_0 + n_0(\rho(i_1, \ldots, n_{k-1}))$.

Every element $x\in X^n$ corresponds to a function $x\colon\iota n\to X$. The composition $x\rho\colon n_0\times\cdots\times\iota n_{k-1}\to X$ reshapes $x$.


Same as $S$ combinator? $Sxyz = xz(yx)$ using left association.


If $f\colon X\to Y$ and $x\colon Z\to X$ then $fx\colon Z\to Y$. This can be viewed as a function $f^Z\colon X^Z\to Y^Z$. It is common to call this apply or map or fmap, but in APL it is called each. With $X^Z$ and $Y^Z$ as products, $x\mapsto fx$ where $(fx)_z = f(x_z)$


If $y\colon Y\to Z$ and $f\colon X\to Y$ then $yf\colon X\to Z$. This can be viewed as a function $f_Z\colon Z^Y\to Z^X$. It is common to call this projection, but in APL it is called index. With $Z^Y$ and $Z^X$ as products, $y\mapsto yf$ where $(yf)x = y{fx}$. If $X\subseteq Y$ and $f\colon X\to Y$ is the inclusion map then $Z^Y\to Z^X$ is the projection $\Pi Z_Y\to \Pi Z_X$. If we write the inclusion map as $[X]$ then $y[X]$ selects the $X$ indices from $y = y[Y]$.

APL is primarily concerned with arrays $X^{n_0\times\cdots n_{m-1}}$ and giving names to the functions operating on those. Most often $X$ is $\RR$, the set of real numbers, but $X$ can also be a set of characters.


The identity function $1_X$ is written '=' in APL.

APL lets you turn a number into a lot of numbers. The function $\iota$ (iota) is used to produce sequences. If $n\in \NN$ then $\iota n = (0, 1, \ldots n-1)$ where $\NN$ is the set of natural numbers. It is related to our convention $n = {0,\ldots, n-1}$ but $\iota n$ is not equal to $n$, it is an element of $\NN^n$. Note $(\iota n)_i = i$, $i\in n$ so $\iota n$ is the identity function on $n$.

In two dimensions the $n\times n$ identity matrix is $(\delta_{ij})_{i,j\in n}\in \NN^{n\times n}$. In APL it is $\delta$ applied to each element of $n\times n$. The elements of $n\times n$ are ${(i,j):i,j\in n}$ so $\delta n\times n = {\delta(i,j):(i,j)\in n\times n}$.

We can define $\delta\colon X^n\to X$ for any $n$ by $\delta(x_0,\ldots,x_n-1) = 1$ if all $x_i$ are equal and $0$ otherwise. We should probably use true and false instead of $1$ and $0$. If we use $X$ as the name of the type conversion function true$\mapsto 1$ and false$\mapsto 0$ we would write $X(\delta)$, or $X\delta$, instead of $\delta$.

In APL we use $\eq$ instead of pussyfooting around with $\delta$. This can be written more succinctly as $\eq n^2$ since $n^2$ is equivalent to $n\times n$. The $k$-dimensional identity matrix is $\eq n^k$. If we define $\from(A, B) = A\from B = A^B$, ⍣ in APL, then $\eq \from$ allows us to parameterize over $n$ too since $\eq \from(n,k)$ is $\eq n^k$.

Never play code golf with an APLer.


APL also lets you turn a lot of numbers into one number. For instance, $+/(a_0,\ldots,a_n) = a_0 + \cdots + a_n$ where slash ($/$) is called reduce. Other languages call this fold.

Any binary operator $\bullet\colon X\times X\to X$ can be extended to $\bullet/\colon X^n\to X$ for $n > 2$ inductively by $\bullet/(x_0, x_1, \ldots) = x_0 \bullet (\bullet/(x_1, \dots))$. This is called right reduce. If the array is finite then then left reduce is $/\bullet(x_0,\ldots,x_n) = (/\bullet(x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}))\bullet x_n$. Here we are using infix notation $\bullet(x,y) = x\bullet y$.

If $\bullet$ is associative then right and left right reduce are equal. If we define $\bullet/(x) = x$ then $\bullet/(x,y) = (\bullet/x)\bullet(\bullet/y)$ where $(x,y)$ is the concatenation of array $x$ with array $y$. Likewise for $/\bullet$. If $\bullet$ has an identity element $e\in X$ we can define $\bullet/\emptyset = e = /\bullet\emptyset$ and this holds when $x$ or $y$ are empty. These conditions make $X$ a monoid under $\bullet$.

If the binary operation is commutative then changing the order of the array elements does not alter the result.


The main datatype in APL is a multi-dimensional array $X^{n_0\times\cdots n_{m-1}}$. The shape of the array is $n_0\times\cdots n_{m-1}$. It is a function from exponentials to sets defined by $\rho X^Y = Y$. Every $f\in X^Y$ is a function $f\colon X\to Y$ so $\rho$ is a constant function, $\rho f = Y$ for all $f\in X^Y$.


Notation $x = (x_0, \ldots)$ for numeric vectors but for s = "ABC" has indices from high to low.

Distinguish between an expression and the result of evaluating the expression. ($e$ vs $!e$ maybe?) Need a language for the machine.

$\Pi X_I = \Pi_{i\in I} X_i$, $\pi_i\colon\Pi X_I\to X_i$, $\pi_i(x) = x_i$ projections.

If $X = X_i$, $i\in I$ then $X_I = \Pi X_I = \Pi_{i\in I} X\cong X^I$ via $x = (x_i)\in \Pi X_I$ corresponds to $\hat{x}\in X^I$ via $x_i = \hat{x}(i)$. More generally, $\Pi_{i\in I} X_{I_i}\cong X^{\sqcup_{i\in I} I_i}$ via $x = (x_i)\in \Pi_I X_{I_i}$ correspoinds to $\hat{x}\in X^I$ via $x_i = \hat{x}(i)$. via $x_{i_j}} = x(i_j)$, $i_j\in I_j$ shows the fundamental relationship between product and disjoint sum.

If $f\colon X\to Y$ then $f^Z\colon X^Z\to Y^Z$ via $f^Zx = fx$ and $f_Z\colon Z^Y\to Z^X$ via $f_Zy = yf$.

via $(x_j)\leftrightarrow x$ for $x_j\in X^{I_j}$ where $x(i_j) = x_j(i)$, for $i_j = (j,i)\in \sqcup_j I_j$.

Indices: If $\sigma\colon m\to n$ then $\sigma_X\colon X^n\to X^m$ via $x\in X^n\mapsto x\sigma\in X^m$. We write $\sigma = (\sigma_i)$ where $\sigma(i) = \sigma_i\in n$ for $i\in m$.

For example, if $f\colon X^2\to Y$ then $f(1,0)\colon X^2\to Y$ via $f(0,1)(x_0,x_1) = f(x_1,x_0)$. If $f\colon X^2\to Y$ then $f(0,0)\colon X\to Y$ via $f(0,0)(x) = f(x, x)$.

Currying: If $f\colon X^I\to Y$ and $J\subseteq I$ define $?\colon I\to I$ by $X^{I\setminus J}\times X^J\to X^I$

$f\colon\Pi X_n\to Y$

If $J\subseteq I$ and $[J]\colon J\to I$ is inclusion then $y[J]\in X_J$ projects $y\in X_I$ to $X_J$.

Currying: $X\times Y\to Z\cong (Z^Y)^X$ via $f(x,y) = z$ iff $(fx)y = z$.


  1. In fancy pants category theory language this is expressed as the product functor $F_Y(X) = X\times Y$ and the exponential functor $G_Y(Z) = Z^Y$ are adjoint: $\hom(F_Y(X),Z)\cong\hom(X,G_Y(Z))$.

  2. If $T\colon V\To W$ is a linear transformation in $\cat{Vec}$ we write ${T}\colon {V}\to{W}$ in $\cat{Set}$ for the corresponding function on the underlying sets of the vector spaces. This is the forgetful functor ${}\colon\cat{Vec}\to\cat{Set}$. There is also the free functor $\langle\rangle\colon\cat{Set}\to\cat{Vec}$ defined by $X\subseteq V\mapsto \langle X\rangle = \span{\delta_x:x\in X}\subseteq B(X)$ where $B(X)$ is the vector space of bounded functions on $X$ and $\delta_x(y) = 1$ if $y = x$ and $\delta_x(y) = 0$ if $y\not= x$, $x,y\in X$. A function on sets $t\colon X\to Y$ can be extended to $\langle t\rangle\colon \langle X\rangle\to\langle Y\rangle$ by extending it linearly. Since ${\delta_x:x\in X}\subseteq B(X)$ are independent this extension is well-defined. Show ${V}\To X\cong V\To\langle X\rangle$ for $V$ a vector space and $X$ a set.