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Go Go Reference

The token module provides a protobuf-based authorization token and associated tooling. It is designed to be easy to be used securely with no configuration.


// Generate a key for alice and add the public key to a new keyset.
pub, priv, _ := token.GenerateKey("alice")
keyset := token.NewKeyset()

Sign a raw token:

// Sign a token...
t, id, _ := priv.Sign(&token.SignOptions{
	Resource: "",
	Lifetime: time.Second * 5,
log.Printf("Signed token %s\n", id)

// Verify it with the keyset...
subject, id, _ := keyset.Verify(t, &token.VerifyOptions{
	Resource: "",
log.Printf("Verified token %s, signed by %s\n", id, subject)

Or, if this is for an HTTP request:

// On the client, sign and add to the Authorization header
id, _ := priv.AuthorizeRequest(r, time.Second * 5)
log.Printf("Signed token %s\n", id)

// On the server, verify the token in the Authorization header
nv := nonce.NewMapVerifier(time.Minute) // Prune expired nonces every minute
subject, id, _ := keyset.AuthorizeRequest(r, nv)
log.Printf("Verified token %s, signed by %s\n", id, subject)

Token Format

message Token {
  // Required. The resource that this token is authenticating to.
  string resource = 1;

  // Required. The token lifetime.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp not_before = 2;
  google.protobuf.Timestamp not_after = 3;

  // Required. 16 random bytes that uniquely identify this token.
  bytes nonce = 4;

The token is serialized, signed, and placed in a SignedToken message.

message SignedToken {
  // Required. The key identifier. The verifier will attempt to find this key in its keyset
  // and use it to verify the token's signature. This is unauthenticated, but if
  // an attacker substitutes a different key ID, the signature will fail to verify.
  string key_id = 1;

  // Required. Ed25519 signarue: sign(priv, header||token)
  bytes signature = 2;

  // Required. A serialized Token proto.
  bytes token = 3;

The SignedToken is serialized and placed in the Authorization header using the custom ProtoEd25519 Scheme.

Token Signing

The Ed25519 signature is over a constant header ( concatenated with the serialized token bytes. Since proto serialization is not canonical, the token is stored in serialized format and deserialized after signature verification.

Token Verification

The server verifies a token by:

  1. Deserializing the SignedToken proto.
  2. Reading the (unauthenticated) key_id from the proto.
  3. Looking up key_id in the VerificationKeyset. If not found, fail.
  4. Verifying the Ed25519 signature with the verification key.
  5. Deserializing the Token proto.
  6. Verifying the token expiry: not_before <= now <= not_after.
  7. Verifying the server resource matches the token resource.
  8. Ensuring that the token's nonce hasn't been seen before. (More on this below.)

Verify returns:

  1. The subject associated with the verification key.
  2. The token's unique ID.

Token Nonces

Sign adds a cryptographically random 16-byte nonce to each token. Verify accepts a nonce.Verifier interface that should check nonce uniqueness. The nonce is returned from both Sign and Verify for use as a unique ID that can be used for logging to match client requests and server requests.

The package supplies a MapVerifier struct that implements Verifier. It uses an in-memory map of seen nonces (pruning them periodically based on expiry).

Important: MapVerifier is not suitible for use with sharded servers, since nonces will not by synced between them. This will allow nonce reuse across servers. A better strategy would be to use something like Redis to track nonces for sharded servers.

Key Format

message SigningKey {
  // Optional. The ID of this signing key. Unused in the protocol, but good for humans.
  string id = 1;

  // Required. Ed25519 signing key.
  bytes private_key = 3;

message VerificationKey {
  // Required. The ID of this verification key.
  string id = 1;

  // Required. The subject of this key. The token library does not care what the
  // format of the subject string is. It can be an email, hostname, SPIFFE ID, etc.
  string subject = 2;

  // Required. Ed25519 public key bytes.
  bytes public_key = 3;

message VerificationKeyset {
  // Map of Key ID to verification key.
  map<string, VerificationKey> keys = 1;

Key Distribution

This package provides no control plane for key distribution or registration. My personal use cases require tight control over the keys I issue (and there aren't many of them) so I do it manually with the tokenpb tool.

tokenpb tool

The tokenpb tool can be used to generate keys, manage keysets, and sign tokens.

Generate a new key:

tokenpb gen-key --subject "${USER}" --pub pub.pb --priv priv.pb
tokenpb dump-pub pub.pb
echo 'Warning, about to dispaly private key material!'
tokenpb dump-priv priv.pb

Add the key to a new keyset:

tokenpb add-key --pub pub.pb keyset.pb
tokenpb dump-keyset keyset.pb

Sign, verify, and parse a token:

tokenpb sign-token --resource endpoint priv.pb | \
tokenpb verify-token --resource endpoint keyset.pb | \
tokenpb parse-token

Make an HTTP request with a token

token=$(sign-token --resource "GET" priv.pb)
curl -v -H "Authorization: ${token}"