___ _ _ ___ _ __ __ _ __| |
/ __| | | / __| '__/ _` |/ _` |
\__ \ |_| \__ \ | | (_| | (_| |
|___/\__, |___/_| \__, |\__,_|
|___/ |_|
« Don't let me down. » -- The Beatles
sysrqd is a small daemon intended to manage Linux SysRq over the network. Its philosophy is to be very responsive under heavy load and to try to be somehow reliable. Authentication is made by clear password.
Connection should be made to port 4094.
% telnet localhost 4094
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
sysrqd password: hello
sysrq> s
sysrq> u
sysrq> q
Please, be careful if you use 'e' (tErm) and 'i' (kIll). This will kill all processes, including sysrqd!