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Intel HE Toolkit Docker User Guide



Provided is a description of the components, usage, and installation of the Dockerized Intel Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit. The toolkit provides a docker environment in which one can run and modify example programs that have been built using various Homomorphic Encryption libraries, including Microsoft SEAL, PALISADE, and HElib. All of which use the Intel HE Acceleration Library library to take advantage of the newest Intel hardware features.


The he-toolkit/docker directory currently contains:

  • Script for building and running a docker container containing all HE libraries with Intel HE Acceleration Library enabled. This will be the main entry point for most users.
  • Script for testing in-docker connectivity.
  • Script for checking if all required dependencies are installed.
  • Script which displays a welcome message upon startup of the docker container.
  • Dockerfile.base: Dockerfile recipe for building the base HE-Toolkit image.
  • Dockerfile.toolkit: Dockerfile recipe which builds a docker image derived from the base.
  • env.list: List for configuring proxy environment variables to be used by the docker container.
  • utils/: Directory containing various utility shell scripts used during setup.
  • runners/: Directory containing runner scripts for example programs and tests. This directory will be copied into the docker container.


This section provides a list of pre-requisites for building and running the HE Toolkit Docker installation as well as instructions for building the docker container.


  • Docker: Must have a working installation of Docker with network connectivity. If this is not already set up then you can install Docker following these instructions.
  • Supported Underlying Hardware (Recommended): Intel HE Acceleration Library will be enabled by default. Although Intel HE Acceleration Library does not require any AVX512-enabled hardware, it is recommended to use a processor with at least Intel AVX512DQ support. For best performance, it is recommended to use processors supporting AVX512-IFMA52.
  • The docker build has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and MacOS Catalina (10.15.7).

Running the Docker Build on MacOS

In order to successfully run the docker build on MacOS you may be required to run the following steps if not done so already.

  1. Ensure you have realpath which can be installed via brew using
brew install coreutils

or macports via

sudo port install realpath
  1. If using Docker Desktop and you see an error such as
=> ERROR [internal] load metadata for$USER/ubuntu_he_base:1.4

then open Docker Desktop, got to Preferences, navigate to the Docker Engine tab, set the buildkit variable to false, and save this change by clicking on Apply & Restart.

  1. Also ensure that you allocate the docker container with at least 16GB of memory. This can be done via the Resources tab under Preferences.


To build and run the Intel HE Toolkit container, from he-toolkit/docker run


The installation should take a few minutes and once successful will run the container as the current user. This will be signified with the printing of the welcome message to the console.

If this step fails due to a missing or incorrectly configured docker installation then you can install Docker directly from the official Docker website following these instructions to install on Ubuntu.

Note on macOS: If running the docker build on Mac OSX, the UID and GID of the user created in the docker container will both be set to 1000 by default. To override this value the user can simply pass in the desired UID/GID as follows

./ 1234

Running the Examples

After a successful install and build of the docker container, the user should be greeted with welcome message and be inside the container as their user in the ~/runners directory.

This directory will contain the following scripts:

  • This will run a Logistic Regression (LR) example allowing users to see a faster, more scalable method for LR in HE. Unlike the LR code available in the sample-kernels, this version takes extra steps to utilize as many slots as possible in the ciphertexts.
  • This will run a PSI example allowing users to perform a set intersection between a user-defined "client set" and a "server set" (example server sets provided). The program encrypts the client set, computes the intersection, and returns encrypted elements that are common to both sets.
  • This will run a Secure Query example allowing users to query on a database of the 50 U.S. States while controlling (optionally) the crypto-parameters used. When prompted, enter a State and, if present, the corresponding City will be decoded and printed.
  • This will run several HE sample kernels in PALISADE including Matrix Multiplication and Logistic Regression.
  • This will run several HE sample kernels in SEAL including Matrix Multiplication and Logistic Regression.
  • This will run several unit tests to confirm the validity of the above sample kernels by comparing against the same operation in the non-HE space.

Each of these scripts can be run from the runners directory in the form of ./<script>.sh e.g. ./ will run the Logistic Regression example program.

Docker Controls

The docker controls utilized for this toolkit are the same as the standard docker controls:

Inside of the Docker Container:

  • exit: This will exit and close the docker container. As such, the container would need to be rebuilt using ./ If the Dockerfiles are not modified then subsequent builds should be faster as the existing images will cache steps. Alternatively, one can simply run the command docker run -it <user-name>/ubuntu_he_test to rerun the container from a previously built image.
  • Ctrl+P -> Ctrl+Q: This will exit the docker container while leaving it running. As such the container will not need to be rerun. This is the same behavior if there is a connection interruption while connected to the docker.

Outside of the Docker Container:

  • docker ps: This will list information about the current running docker containers, including the container_id. Use this to check if there is a pre-existing docker running.
  • docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash: This will allow re-connection to a running docker container (e.g. if exited by way of Ctrl+P -> Ctrl+Q or a connection interruption). By default, this will place users in the root directory. So, use cd $HOME to switch to the user directory. Refer to Running the Examples to locate and run examples from this point.

Modifying the Examples

The included source code allows for modification or existing workloads and creations of new ones. All HE-Toolkit code can be found in /home/$USER/he-samples with a directory structure directly reflected in this repository.

HE-Samples consists of three different sub-components:

  1. Sample Kernels: Sample kernels created through a combination of various micro kernels. They are meant as samples of how the micro kernels can be used together. A few sample kernels (but is not limited to): Matrix Multiplication and Logistic Regression.
  2. Unit Tests: A collection of unit tests meant to test the validity of the various sample kernels described above by comparing their results to the same operation in the non-HE space.
  3. Examples: A collection of high-level examples that utilize the sample kernels to provide a peek into what a real-world example may look like. Currently three examples are implemented: Secure Query Private Set Intersection. Logistic Regression.

Common Issues

The following table documents common issues, causes, and potential solutions.

Issue Cause Workload
System config: apt-get commands fail with message: Release file for link is not valid yet (invalid for another Xd Xh Xmin Xs) Ubuntu system time must correct for the physical location of the system in question. If not, apt-get will fail to verify the system's certificates. Ideally set the date and time to update automatically with: sudo timedatectl set-ntp 1. Or set manually with sudo timedatectl set-time '<date> <time>'
Proxy: Connection to Ubuntu archive, docker-hub, or general websites fail with a timeout. Required proxy environment variables are not set up/configured properly. There are multiple proxy files that must be set, so please make sure to set all of them as required. Set environment variables (http_proxy & https_proxy): export http(s)_proxy=url:port
Set same in the following files: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy/conf, /etc/environment
Proxy: apt-get, wget, or other connectivity necessary commands fail with xx cannot resolve address xx If the host DNS is not configured to resolve addresses, then any docker fill revert to using the default Google DNS ( Enter the correct DNS address for the corporate net by editing /etc/system/resolved.conf accordingly.
Docker: Unsuccessful attempt at pulling docker-hub image (either hello-world image of Ubuntu 20.04 image) due to pull limit being reached. Beginning on November 2, 2020, Docker began phasing in pull limits to reduce the amount of image pulls by anonymous Docker users. Users may either: 1. Attempt to rerun the setup script or 2. Following the error's instructions, create a login with a Docker-hub account.
Docker: Docker connection is lost while operation inside of the Docker container. This can be caused by many things. If the network is disconnected while the user is logged into the docker, or the terminal is closed, then they will also be removed from the running docker instance. After logging back into the system, first check if the docker is running (see docker ps above). If it is, then log in with the docker exec command (mentioned above). If not, then rerun
Performance: Performance for certain samples seem to vary/run slower from inside the docker container. Docker may cause some variance with programs that utilize a large amount of threads due to the extra level of indirection caused by the container. While docker is meant to ease the process of setup/running, workloads may also be run outside of the docker to view full performance if necessary.
Reliability: One of the samples exits early with an error message. We have observed in some rare cases that the code may enter an undefined state and exit early especially when running some of the more involved sample kernels. We expect these issues to be resolved with future releases and in the meantime can be mitigated by executing the test again.