This package contains tools to open doors and dispense sodas at Hackeriet (and much more).
pip3 install git+ --upgrade
Environment variables required for running are detailed in the systemd service files.
pcscd, libnfc and python bindings located in source/nfc-bindings.
On the machine with the card reader put a blank card on the reader and, as root, run:
# MIFARE_KEY_A=<secret1> MIFARE_KEY_B=<secret2> write_card
NFC reader: ACS/ACR122U PICC Interface opened
Waiting for card
Writing card ...
Hash: <SHA256 hash>
Wrote: <some bytes>
Read: <the same bytes>
Copy the card hash to the "Access card" field.
The door into hackeriet will automatically download new card data every minute. The other doors (don't really know) will automatically download card data every 60 minutes.
For brus, see the psql log on -- or fix the integration.
- Check if it works with libnfc tools (nfc-list, nfc-mfclassic)
- Check that it has enough power (use a USB hub)
- On RPi make sure the firmware is current (rpi-update)
- Try reseating it, it will fail intermittently on many rapid open attempts(?)