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Ethereum Rust L2

Table of Contents


Milestone Description Status
0 Users can deposit Eth in the L1 (Ethereum) and receive the corresponding funds on the L2.
1 The network supports basic L2 functionality, allowing users to deposit and withdraw funds to join and exit the network, while also interacting with the network as they do normally on the Ethereum network (deploying contracts, sending transactions, etc). 🏗️
2 The block execution is proven with a RISC-V zkVM and the proof is verified by the Verifier L1 contract. 🏗️
3 The network now commits to state diffs instead of the full state, lowering the commit transactions costs. These diffs are also submitted in compressed form, further reducing costs. It also supports EIP 4844 for L1 commit transactions, which means state diffs are sent as blob sidecars instead of calldata.
4 The L2 can also be deployed using a custom native token, meaning that a certain ERC20 can be the common currency that's used for paying network fees.
5 The L2 has added security mechanisms in place, running on Trusted Execution Environments and Multi Prover setup where multiple guarantees (Execution on TEEs, zkVMs/proving systems) are required for settlement on the L1. This better protects against possible security bugs on implementations.
6 The L2 supports native account abstraction following EIP 7702, allowing for custom transaction validation logic and paymaster flows.
7 The network can be run as a Based Contestable Rollup, meaning sequencing is done by the Ethereum Validator set; transactions are sent to a private mempool and L1 Validators that opt into the L2 sequencing propose blocks for the L2 on every L1 block.
8 The L2 can be initialized in Validium Mode, meaning the Data Availability layer is no longer the L1, but rather a DA layer of the user's choice.

Milestone 0

Users can deposit Eth in the L1 (Ethereum) and receive the corresponding funds on the L2.


Name Description Status
Contracts CommonBridge Deposit method implementation
OnChainOperator Commit and verify methods (placeholders for this stage)
VM Adapt EVM to handle deposits
Proposer Proposer Proposes new blocks to be executed
L1Watcher Listens for and handles L1 deposits
L1TxSender commits new block proposals and sends block execution proofs to be verified
Deposit transactions handling new transaction type for minting funds corresponding to deposits
CLI stack Support commands for initializing the network
CLI config Support commands for network config management
CLI wallet deposit Support command por depositing funds on L2
CLI wallet transfer Support command for transferring funds on L2

Milestone 1: MVP

The network supports basic L2 functionality, allowing users to deposit and withdraw funds to join and exit the network, while also interacting with the network as they do normally on the Ethereum network (deploying contracts, sending transactions, etc).


Name Description Status
Contracts CommonBridge Withdraw method implementation
OnChainOperator Commit and verify implementation 🏗️
Verifier verifier 🏗️
Withdraw transactions handling New transaction type for burning funds on L2 and unlock funds on L1 🏗️
Prover Prover Client Asks for block execution data to prove, generates proofs of execution and submits proofs to the Prover Server 🏗️

Milestone 2: Block Execution Proofs

The L2's block execution is proven with a RISC-V zkVM and the proof is verified by the Verifier L1 contract. This work is being done in parallel with other milestones as it doesn't block anything else.


Name Description Status
VM Return the storage touched on block execution to pass the prover as a witness 🏗️
Contracts OnChainOperator Call the actual SNARK proof verification on the verify function implementation 🏗️
Proposer Prover Server Feeds the Prover Client with block data to be proven and delivers proofs to the L1TxSender for L1 verification 🏗️
Prover Prover Client Asks for block execution data to prove, generates proofs of execution and submits proofs to the Prover Server 🏗️

Milestone 3: State diffs + Data compression + EIP 4844 (Blobs)

The network now commits to state diffs instead of the full state, lowering the commit transactions costs. These diffs are also submitted in compressed form, further reducing costs.

It also supports EIP 4844 for L1 commit transactions, which means state diffs are sent as blob sidecars instead of calldata.


Name Description Status
Contracts OnChainOperator Differentiate whether to execute in calldata or blobs mode
Prover RISC-V zkVM Prove state diffs compression
RISC-V zkVM Adapt state proofs
VM The VM should return which storage slots were modified
Proposer Prover Server Sends state diffs to the prover
L1TxSender Differentiate whether to send the commit transaction with calldata or blobs
Add program for proving blobs
CLI reconstruct-state Add a command for reconstructing the state
init Adapt network initialization to either send blobs or calldata

Milestone 4: Custom Native token

The L2 can also be deployed using a custom native token, meaning that a certain ERC20 can be the common currency that's used for paying network fees.


Name Description Status
CommonBridge For native token withdrawals, infer the native token and reimburse the user in that token
CommonBridge For native token deposits, msg.value = 0 and valueToMintOnL2 > 0
CommonBridge Keep track of chain's native token
deposit Handle native token deposits
withdraw Handle native token withdrawals

Milestone 5: Security (TEEs and Multi Prover support)

The L2 has added security mechanisms in place, running on Trusted Execution Environments and Multi Prover setup where multiple guarantees (Execution on TEEs, zkVMs/proving systems) are required for settlement on the L1. This better protects against possible security bugs on implementations.


Name Description Status
VM/Prover Support proving with multiple different zkVMs
Contracts Support verifying multiple different zkVM executions
VM Support running the operator on a TEE environment

Milestone 6: Account Abstraction

The L2 supports native account abstraction following EIP 7702, allowing for custom transaction validation logic and paymaster flows.


Name Description Status

TODO: Expand on account abstraction tasks.

Milestone 7: Based Contestable Rollup

The network can be run as a Based Rollup, meaning sequencing is done by the Ethereum Validator set; transactions are sent to a private mempool and L1 Validators that opt into the L2 sequencing propose blocks for the L2 on every L1 block.


Name Description Status
OnChainOperator Add methods for proposing new blocks so the sequencing can be done from the L1

TODO: Expand on this.

Milestone 8: Validium

The L2 can be initialized in Validium Mode, meaning the Data Availability layer is no longer the L1, but rather a DA layer of the user's choice.


Name Description Status
Contracts BlockExecutor Do not check data availability in Validium mode
Proposer L1TxSender Do not send data in commit transactions
CLI init Adapt network initialization to support Validium L2s
Misc Add a DA integration example for Validium mode


How to run

Initialize the network


Before this step:

  1. make sure the Docker daemon is running.
  2. make sure you have created a .env file following the .env.example file.

This will setup a local Ethereum network as the L1, deploy all the needed contracts on it, then start an Ethereum Rust L2 node pointing to it.

Restarting the network


This command will cleanup your running L1 and L2 nodes.

make restart

Local L1 Rich Wallets

Most of them are here, but there's an extra one:

    "address": "0x3d1e15a1a55578f7c920884a9943b3b35d0d885b",
    "private_key": "0x385c546456b6a603a1cfcaa9ec9494ba4832da08dd6bcf4de9a71e4a01b74924"


📚 References and acknowledgements

The following links, repos, companies and projects have been important in the development of this repo, we have learned a lot from them and want to thank and acknowledge them.

If we forgot to include anyone, please file an issue so we can add you. We always strive to reference the inspirations and code we use, but as an organization with multiple people, mistakes can happen, and someone might forget to include a reference.