generate a startpage of links for a static site hosted via AWS
- Lambda function that parses a bunch of RSS feeds, writes links to new posts from those feeds to an html template file, and uploads that file to a specific key in the S3 bucket hosting a static site
- generalized stack, more cloud providers (I'm really only experienced with AWS)
- create
, a SAM file, CFN template, whatever that automates initial creation of the stack (Lambda {IAM role, environment variables}, Eventbridge rule) (assuming user already has Cloudfront, S3, etc configured for existing static site) - trigger Lambda dynamically / on every GET with API Gateway, rather than at fixed rate
- however I like to KISS, keep it simple stupid :) no need to overengineer
- some kind of testing
note: the feeds and startpage are not generalized - they are what I personally use. If you wish to you this I'd recommend fork -> update these to your liking.
Create a Lambda function.
Give the Lambda write access to the static site's S3 bucket.
Give it some environment variables:
S3_BUCKET_REGION=<aws_region> S3_BUCKET=<bucket_name> S3_FILE_KEY=<startpage_uri>
CloudwatchEventbridge to call the function at whatever rate you wish
- (I set mine to hourly, which is still within the free tier limits. As I get more feeds I'll decrease to daily gradually, since I can't read everything in a day)
- After any updates to the template, feeds, or lambda function, run