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25/Job Specification Version 1

A domain specific language based on YAML is defined to express the resource requirements and other attributes of one or more programs submitted to a Flux instance for execution. This RFC describes the version 1 of jobspec, which represents a request to run exactly one program. This version is a simplified version of the canonical jobspec format described in :doc:`RFC 14 <spec_14>`.

Editor Stephen Herbein <>
State raw


Related Standards


  • Express the resource requirements of a program to the scheduler.
  • Allow resource requirements to be expressed simply in terms of Nodes, CPUs, and GPUs.
  • Express program attributes such as arguments, run time, and task layout, to be considered by the execution service


This RFC describes the version 1 form of "jobspec", a domain specific language based on YAML [1]. The version 1 of jobspec SHALL consist of a single YAML document representing a reusable request to run exactly one program. Hereafter, "jobspec" refers to the version 1 form, and "non-canonical jobspec" refers to the non-canonical form.

Jobspec Language Definition

A jobspec V1 YAML document SHALL consist of a dictionary defining the resources, tasks and other attributes of a single program. The dictionary MUST contain the keys resources, tasks, attributes, and version.

Each of the listed jobspec keys SHALL meet the form and requirements listed in detail in the sections below. For reference, a ruleset for compliant jobspec V1 is provided in the Schema section below.


The value of the resources key SHALL be a strict list which MUST define either node or slot as the first and only resource. Each list element SHALL represent a resource vertex (described below).

A resource vertex SHALL contain only the following keys:

  • type
  • count
  • unit
  • with
  • label

a node type resource vertex MAY also contain the following optional keys:

  • exclusive

The definitions of unit, with, exclusive and label SHALL match those found in RFC14. The others are redefined and simplified to mean the following:

The type key for a resource SHALL indicate the type of resource to be matched. In V1, only four resource types are valid: [node, slot, core, and gpu]. slot types are described in the Reserved Resource Types section below.
The count key SHALL indicate the desired number of resources matching the current vertex. The count SHALL be a single integer value representing a fixed count
V1-Specific Resource Graph Restrictions

In V1, the resources list MUST contain exactly one element, which MUST be either node or slot. Additionally, the resource graph MUST contain the core type.

In V1, there are also restrictions on which resources can have out edges to other resources. Specifically, a node can have an out edge to a slot, and a slot can have an out edge to a core. If a slot has an out edge to a core, it can also, optionally, have an out edge to a gpu as well. Therefore, the complete enumeration of valid resource graphs in V1 is:

  • slot>core
  • node>slot>core
  • slot>(core,gpu)
  • node>slot>(core,gpu)


The value of the tasks key SHALL be a strict list which MUST define exactly one task. The list element SHALL be a dictionary representing a task to run as part of the program. A task descriptor SHALL contain the following keys, whose definitions SHALL match those provided in RFC14:

  • command
  • slot
  • count
    • per_slot
    • total


The attributes key SHALL be a dictionary of dictionaries. The attributes dictionary MUST contain system key and MAY contain the user key. Common system keys are listed below, and their definitions can be found in RFC14. Values MAY have any valid YAML type.

  • user
  • system
    • duration
    • environment
    • cwd
    • queue
    • dependencies
    • constraints

Most system attributes are optional, but the duration attribute is required in jobspec V1.

Example Jobspec

Under the description above, the following is an example of a fully compliant version 1 jobspec. The example below declares a request for 4 "nodes" each of which with 1 task slot consisting of 2 cores each, for a total of 4 task slots. A single copy of the command app will be run on each task slot for a total of 4 tasks.

.. literalinclude:: data/spec_25/example1.yaml
   :language: yaml

Basic Use Cases

To implement basic resource manager functionality, the following use cases SHALL be supported by the jobspec:

Section 1: Node-level Requests

The following "node-level" requests are all requests to start an instance, i.e. run a single copy of flux start per allocated node. Many of these requests are similar to existing resource manager batch job submission or allocation requests, i.e. equivalent to oarsub, qsub, and salloc.

Use Case 1.1
Request nodes outside of a slot
Specific Example
Request 4 nodes, each with 1 slot
Existing Equivalents
Slurm salloc -N4
PBS qsub -l nodes=4
Jobspec YAML
.. literalinclude:: data/spec_25/use_case_1.1.yaml
   :language: yaml

Section 2: General Requests

The following use cases are more general and include more complex slot placement and task counts.

Use Case 2.1
Run N tasks across M nodes, unequal distribution
Specific Example
Run 5 copies of hostname across 4 nodes, default distribution
Existing Equivalents
Slurm srun -n5 -N4 hostname
Jobspec YAML
.. literalinclude:: data/spec_25/use_case_2.1.yaml
   :language: yaml

Use Case 2.2
Run N tasks, Require M cores per task
Specific Example
Run 10 copies of myapp, require 2 cores per copy, for a total of 20 cores
Existing Equivalents
Slurm srun -n10 -c 2 myapp
Jobspec YAML
.. literalinclude:: data/spec_25/use_case_2.2.yaml
   :language: yaml

Use Case 2.3
Run N tasks, Require M cores and J gpus per task
Specific Example
Run 10 copies of myapp, require 2 cores and 1 gpu per copy, for a total of 20 cores and 10 gpus
Jobspec YAML
.. literalinclude:: data/spec_25/use_case_2.3.yaml
   :language: yaml

Use Case 2.4
Run N tasks across M nodes, each task with 1 core and 1 gpu
Specific Example
Run 16 copies of myapp across 4 nodes, each copy with 1 core and 1 gpu
Existing Equivalents
Slurm srun -n16 -N4 --gpus-per-task=1 myapp
Jobspec YAML
.. literalinclude:: data/spec_25/use_case_2.4.yaml
   :language: yaml


A jobspec conforming to version 1 of the language definition SHALL adhere to the following ruleset, described using JSON Schema [2].

.. literalinclude:: data/spec_25/schema.json
   :language: json


[1]YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) Version 1.1, O. Ben-Kiki, C. Evans, B. Ingerson, 2004.
[2]JSON Schema: A Media Type for Describing JSON Documents; H. Andrews; 2022