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Wrap package

The wrap package helps you to automate the generation of Lua/C wrappers around existing C functions, such that these functions would be callable from Lua. This package is used by the torch package, but does not depend on anything, and could be used by anyone using Lua.

DISCLAIMER Before going any further, we assume the reader has a good knowledge of how to interface C functions with Lua. A good start would be the Lua reference manual, or the book Programming in Lua.

As an example is often better than lengthy explanations, let's consider the case of a function

int numel(THDoubleTensor *t);

which returns the number of elements of t. Writing a complete wrapper of this function would look like:

static int wrapper_numel(lua_State *L)
  THDoubleTensor *t;

  /* always good to check the number of arguments */
  if(lua_gettop(L) != 1)
    error("invalid number of arguments: <tensor> expected");

  /* check if we have a tensor on the stack */
  /* we use the luaT library, which deals with Torch objects */
  /* we assume the torch_DoubleTensor_id has been already initialized */
  t = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, torch_DoubleTensor_id);

  /* push result on stack */
  lua_pushnumber(L, numel(t));

  /* the number of returned variables */
  return 1;

For anybody familiar with the Lua C API, this should look very simple (and it is simple, Lua has been designed for that!). Nevertheless, the wrapper contains about 7 lines of C code, for a quite simple function. Writing wrappers for C functions with multiple arguments, where some of them might be optional, can become very quickly a tedious task. The wrap package is here to help the process. Remember however that even though you might be able to treat most complex cases with wrap, sometimes it is also good to do everything by hand yourself!

High Level Interface

wrap provides only one class: CInterface. Considering our easy example, a typical usage would be:

require 'wrap'

interface =

   "numel", -- the Lua name
   "numel", -- the C function name, here the same
   -- now we describe the 'arguments' of the C function
   -- (or possible returned values)
      {name="int", creturned=true} -- this one is returned by the C function


CInterface contains only few methods. wrap() is the most important one. tostring() returns a string containing all the code produced until now. The wrapper generated by wrap is quite similar to what one would write by hand:

static int wrapper_numel(lua_State *L)
  int narg = lua_gettop(L);
  THDoubleTensor *arg1 = NULL;
  int arg2 = 0;
  if(narg == 1
     && (arg1 = luaT_toudata(L, 1, torch_DoubleTensor_id))
    luaL_error(L, "expected arguments: DoubleTensor");
  arg2 = numel(arg1);
  lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)arg2);
  return 1;

We know describe the methods provided by CInterface.

### new() ###

Returns a new CInterface.

### wrap(luaname, cfunction, arguments, ...) ###

Tells the CInterface to generate a wrapper around the C function cfunction. The function will be called from Lua under the name luaname. The Lua list arguments must also be provided. It describes all the arguments of the C function cfunction. Optionally, if the C function returns a value and one would like to return it in Lua, this additional value can be also described in the argument list.

      {name="int", creturned=true} -- this one is returned by the C function

Each argument is described also as a list. The list must at least contain the field name, which tells to CInterface what type of argument you want to define. In the above example,


indicates to CInterface that the first argument of numel() is of type DoubleTensor.

Arguments are defined into a table CInterface.argtypes, defined at the creation of the interface. Given a typename, the corresponding field in interface.argtypes[typename] must exist, such that CInterface knows how to handle the specified argument. A lot of types are already created by default, but the user can define more if needed, by filling properly the argtypes table. See the section [[#CInterface.argtypes]] for more details about defined types, and how to define additional ones.

Argument fields

Apart the field name, each list describing an argument can contain several optional fields:

default: this means the argument will optional in Lua, and the argument will be initialized with the given default value if not present in the Lua function call. The default value might have different meanings, depending on the argument type (see [[#CInterface.argtypes]] for more details).

invisible: the argument will invisible from Lua. This special option requires default to be set, such that CInterface knows by what initialize this invisible argument.

returned: if set to true, the argument will be returned by the Lua function. Note that several values might be returned at the same time in Lua.

creturned: if true, tells to CInterface that this 'argument' is in fact the value returned by the C function. This 'argument' cannot have a default value. Also, as in C one can return only one value, only one 'argument' can contain this field! Mixing arguments which are returned and arguments which are creturned with CInterface is not recommended: use with care.

While these optional fields are generic to any argument types, some types might define additional optional fields. Again, see [[#CInterface.argtypes]] for more details.

Handling multiple variants of arguments

Sometimes, one cannot describe fully the behavior one wants with only a set of possible arguments. Take the example of the cos() function: we might want to apply it to a number, if the given argument is a number, or to a Tensor, if the given argument is a Tensor.

wrap() can be called with extra pairs of cname, args if needed. (There are no limitations on the number extra paris). For example, if you need to handle three cases, it might be

interface:wrap(luaname, cname1, args1, cname2, args2, cname3, args3)

For each given C function name cname, the corresponding argument list args should match. As a more concrete example, here is a way to generate a wrapper for cos(), which would handle both numbers and DoubleTensors.

interface:wrap("cos", -- the Lua function name

"THDoubleTensor_cos", { -- C function called for DoubleTensor
{name="DoubleTensor", default=true, returned=true}, -- returned tensor (if not present, we create an empty tensor)
{name="DoubleTensor"} -- input tensor

"cos", { -- the standard C math cos function
{name="double", creturned="true"}, -- returned value
{name="double"} -- input value
### print(str) ###

Add some hand-crafted code to the existing generated code. You might want to do that if your wrapper requires manual tweaks. For e.g., in the example above, the "id" related to torch.DoubleTensor needs to be defined beforehand:

const void* torch_DoubleTensor_id;
### luaname2wrapname(name) ###

This method defines the name of each generated wrapping function (like wrapper_numel in the example above), given the Lua name of a function (say numel). In general, this has little importance, as the wrapper is a static function which is not going to be called outside the scope of the wrap file. However, if you generate some complex wrappers, you might want to have a control on this to avoid name clashes. The default is

function CInterface:luaname2wrapname(name)
   return string.format("wrapper_%s", name)

Changing it to something else can be easily done with (still following the example above)

function interface:luaname2wrapname(name)
   return string.format("my_own_naming_%s", name)

Produces C code defining a luaL_Reg structure (which will have the given name). In the above example, calling


will generate the following additional code:

static const struct luaL_Reg myfuncs [] = {
  {"numel", wrapper_numel},

This structure is meant to be passed as argument to luaL_register, such that Lua will be aware of your new functions. For e.g., the following would declare mylib.numel in Lua:

luaL_register(L, "mylib", myfuncs);
### tostring() ###

Returns a string containing all the code generated by the CInterface until now. Note that the history is not erased.

### tofile(filename) ###

Write in the file (named after filename) all the code generated by the CInterface until now. Note that the history is not erased.

### clearhistory() ###

Forget about all the code generated by the CInterface until now.

## Argument Types ##

Any CInterface is initialized with a default argtypes list, at creation. This list tells to CInterface how to handle type names given to the wrap() method. The user can add more types to this list, if wanted (see the next section).

Standard C types

Standard type names include unsigned char, char, short, int, long, float and double. They define the corresponding C types, which are converted to/from lua_Number.

Additionaly, byte is an equivalent naming for unsigned char, and boolean is interpreted as a boolean in Lua, and an int in C.

real will also be converted to/from a lua_Number, while assuming that it is defined in C as float or double.

Finally, index defines a long C value, which is going to be automatically incremented by 1 when going from C to Lua, and decremented by 1, when going from Lua to C. This matches Lua policy of having table indices starting at 1, and C array indices starting at 0.

For all these number values, the default field (when defining the argument in wrap()) can take two types: either a number or a function (taking the argument table as argument, and returning a string).

Note that in case of an index type, the given default value (or result given by the default initialization function) will be decremented by 1 when initializing the corresponging C long variable.

Here is an example of defining arguments with a default value:

{name="int", default=0}

defines an optional argument which will of type int in C (lua_Number in Lua), and will take the value 0 if it is not present when calling the Lua function. A more complicated (but typical) example would be:

{name="int", default=function(arg)
                       return string.format("%s", arg.args[1]:carg())

In this case, the argument will be set to the value of the first argument in the Lua function call, if not present at call time.

Torch Tensor types

CInterface also defines Torch tensor types: ByteTensor, CharTensor, ShortTensor, IntTensor, LongTensor, FloatTensor and DoubleTensor, which corresponds to their THByteTensor, etc... counterparts. All of them assume that the luaT Tensor id (here for ByteTensor)

const void *torch_ByteTensor_id;

is defined beforehand, and properly initialized.

Additionally, if you use C-templating style which is present in the TH library, you might want to use the Tensor typename, which assumes that THTensor is properly defined, as well as the macro THTensor_() and torch_() (see the TH library for more details).

Another extra typename of interest is IndexTensor, which corresponds to a THLongTensor in C. Values in this LongTensor will be incremented/decremented when going from/to C/Lua to/from Lua/C.

Tensor typenames default value in wrap() can take take two types:

  • A boolean. If true, the tensor will be initialized as empty, if not present at the Lua function call
  • A number (index). If not present at the Lua function call, the tensor will be initialized as pointing to the argument at the given index (which must be a tensor of same type!). For e.g, the list of arguments:
  {name=DoubleTensor, default=3},
  {name=double, default=1.0},

The first two arguments are optional. The first one is a DoubleTensor which will point on the last (3rd) argument if not given. The second argument will be initialized to 1.0 if not provided.

Tensor typenames can also take an additional field dim (a number) which will force a dimension check. E.g.,

{name=DoubleTensor, dim=2}

expect a matrix of doubles.

## User Types ##

Types available by default in CInterface might not be enough for your needs. Also, sometimes you might need to change sliglty the behavior of existing types. In that sort of cases, you will need to know more about what is going on under the hood.

When you do a call to wrap(),

   "numel", -- the Lua name
   "numel", -- the C function name, here the same
   -- now we describe the 'arguments' of the C function
   -- (or possible returned values)
      {name="int", creturned=true} -- this one is returned by the C function

the method will examine each argument you provide. For example, let's consider:

{name="int", creturned=true}

Considering the argument field name, wrap will check if the field interface.argtypes['int'] exists or not. If it does not exist, an error will be raised.

In order to describe what happens next, we will now denote

arg = {name="int", creturned=true}

First thing which is done is assigning interface.argtypes['int'] as a metatable to arg:

setmetatable(arg, interface.argtypes[])

Then, a number of fields are populated in arg by wrap:

arg.i = 2 -- argument index (in the argument list) in the wrap() call
arg.__metatable = interface.argtypes[]
arg.args = ... -- the full list of arguments given in the wrap() call

wrap() will then call a several methods which are assumed to be present in arg (see below for the list). Obviously, in most cases, methods will be found in the metatable of arg, that is in interface.argtypes[]. However, if you need to override a method behavior for one particular argument, this method could be defined in the table describing the argument, when calling wrap().

The extra fields mentionned above (populated by wrap) can be used in the argument methods to suit your needs (they are enough to handle most complex cases).

We will now describe methods which must be defined for each type. We will take as example boolean, to make things more clear. If you want to see more complex examples, you can have a look into the types.lua file, provided by the wrap package.


Returns a string describing (in a human readable fashion) the name of the given arg.


function helpname(arg)
   return "boolean"


Returns a C code string declaring the given arg.


function declare(arg)
   return string.format("int arg%d = 0;", arg.i)

check(arg, idx)

Returns a C code string checking if the value at index idx on the Lua stack corresponds to the argument type. The string will appended in a if(), so it should not contain a final ;.


function check(arg, idx)
   return string.format("lua_isboolean(L, %d)", idx)

read(arg, idx)

Returns a C code string converting the value a index idx on the Lua stack, into the desired argument. This method will be called only if the C check given by check() succeeded.


function read(arg, idx)
   return string.format("arg%d = lua_toboolean(L, %d);", arg.i, idx)


Returns a C code string initializing the argument by its default value. This method will be called only if (1) arg has a default field and (2) the C check given by check() failed (so the C code in read() was not called).


function init(arg)
   local default
   if arg.default then
      default = 1
      default = 0
   return string.format("arg%d = %s;", arg.i, default)


Returns a C code string describing how to pass the given arg as argument when calling the C function.

In general, it is just the C arg name itself (except if you need to pass the argument "by address", for example).


function carg(arg)
   return string.format('arg%d', arg.i)


Returns a C code string describing how get the argument if it is returned from the C function.

In general, it is just the C arg name itself (except if you need to assign a pointer value, for example).

function creturn(arg)
   return string.format('arg%d', arg.i)


Returns a C code string if you need to execute specific code related to arg, before calling the C function.

For e.g., if you created an object in the calls before, you might want to put it on the Lua stack here, such that it is garbage collected by Lua, in case the C function call fails.

function precall(arg)
-- nothing to do here, for boolean


Returns a C code string if you need to execute specific code related to arg, after calling the C function. You can for e.g. push the argument on the stack, if needed.

function postcall(arg)
   if arg.creturned or arg.returned then
      return string.format('lua_pushboolean(L, arg%d);', arg.i)