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Supplementary Guide for Developers Running CommCare HQ on MacOS


  • You will need brew aka Homebrew for package management.

  • It is highly recommended that you install a python environment manager. Two options are:

    • pyenv (recommended) and pyenv-virtualenv

      brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv

      To create a new HQ virtual environment running Python 3.9.11, you can do the following:

      pyenv virtualenv 3.9.11 hq

      Then to enter the environment:

      pyenv activate hq
    • virtualenvwrapper

      Please note that if you use virtualenvwrapper, you also need to install pip

      To install pip:

      sudo python

      Then install virtualenvwrapper with pip:

      sudo python3 -m pip install virtualenvwrapper
  • Java (JDK 17)

    We recommend using sdkman as a Java environment manager. jenv is also an option, though more involved.

    • Example setup using sdkman:

      1. Install sdkman

      2. List available java versions to file one that matches Java (JDK 17)

        sdk list java | grep 17

        Look for Java 17 in the list and install, eg:

        sdk install java 17.0.8-zulu
    • Example setup using jenv:

      1. Download and install Java SE Development Kit 17 from downloads page.

      2. Install jenv

        brew install jenv
      3. Configure your shell (Bash folks use ~/.bashrc instead of ~/.zshrc below):

        echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
        echo 'eval "$(jenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
      4. Add JDK 17 to jenv:

        jenv add $(/usr/libexec/java_home)
      5. Verify jenv config:

        jenv doctor

Issues Installing requirements/requirements.txt

  • psycopg2 will complain

    As of Mac OS 11.x Big Sur, the solution for this is:

    brew install libpq --build-from-source
    export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/libpq/lib"
    pip install psycopg2-binary

    Or try: (reference). Used on Mac OS 12.X Monterey.

    export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"
    export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/include"
  • pip install xmlsec gives ImportError

    Due to issues with recent versions of libxmlsec1 (v1.3 and after) pip install xmlsec is currently broken. This is a workaround. This solution also assumes your homebrew version is greater than 4.0.13*:

  1. run brew unlink libxmlsec1
  2. overwrite the contents of /opt/homebrew/opt/libxmlsec1/.brew/libxmlsec1.rb with this formula.
  3. install that formula (brew install /opt/homebrew/opt/libxmlsec1/.brew/libxmlsec1.rb)
  4. run pip install xmlsec

(*)The path to libxmlsec1.rb might differ on older versions of homebrew

If it still won't install, this answer and thread are good starting points for further diagnosing the issue.

M1 Issues

  • gevent may present errors when installing with Python <3.9. For this reason, you should avoid using an older version of Python unless it is required.

  • pynacl will likely install but may throw an error symbol not found in flat namespace '_ffi_prep_closure' when attempting to run, particularly when setting up CommCare-Cloud.

    This can be fixed by installing a version of pynacl specific to the system architecture:

    arch -arm64 pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pynacl


Docker images that will not run on Mac OS (Intel or M1):

Docker images that will not run on Mac OS (as of 11.x Big Sur and above):

  • elasticsearch5

M1 (OS 11.x and above) Recommended Docker Up Command

./scripts/docker up -d postgres couch redis zookeeper kafka minio

Note: kafka will be very cranky on start up. You might have to restart it if you see kafka errors.

./scripts/docker restart kafka

Installing and running Elasticsearch 5.6.16 outside of Docker

First, ensure that you have Java 8 running. java -version should output something like openjdk version "1.8.0_322". Use sdkman or jenv to manage your local java versions.

Download the tar file for elasticsearch 5.6.16

Un-tar and put the folder somewhere you can find it. Take note of that path (pwd) and add the following to your ~/.zshrc:

export PATH="/path/to/elasticsearch-5.6.16/bin:$PATH"

NOTE: Make sure that /path/to is replaced with the actual path!

After this you can open a new terminal window and run elasticsearch with elasticsearch.

If running elasticsearch throws errors related to JVM options, such as...

Unrecognized VM option 'UseConcMarkSweepGC'
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

...try commenting out those options in the relevant config file: inside of your elasticsearch directory (which elasticsearch), these may be set in bin/ or in config/jvm.options).

Install Elasticsearch plugins

Now that you have Elasticsearch running you will need to install the necessary plugins:

  1. Install the plugin

    $ elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-phonetic

    (If the plugin command is not found you will need to use the full path <es home>/bin/plugin).

  2. Restart the service

  3. Verify the plugin was correctly installed

    $ curl "localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?s=component&h=component,version"
    > analysis-phonetic 5.6.16

Refreshing data in elasticsearch manually (alternative to run_ptop)

FYI, be sure to check out the FAQ on elasticsearch.

To refresh specific indices in elasticsearch you can do the following...

First make sure everything is up-to-date

./ ptop_preindex --reset

./ preindex_everything

Force a re-index of forms and cases:

./ ptop_reindexer_v2 sql-case --reset
./ ptop_reindexer_v2 sql-form --reset

For other indices see ./ ptop_reindexer_v2 --help