quick_plot is a python script that uses matplotlib to create simple visualizations of data from the command line.
- Python 2.7
- matplotlib 1.1.0
- Download the package.
into the directory.- Type
The input file may contain comment lines (lines that start with #). Files may contain one or more columns (white space delimited) of numbers
usage: quick_plot file1 file2 file3... [options]
quick_plot is a tool to produce quick plots. col1 of input file is x value col2 is y
value. If the --mode is column/bar/hist then only col1 is used.
positional arguments:
files files to plot
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--out OUT path/filename where figure will be created. No extension needed.
--mode MODE plotting mode. may be in (line, scatter, column, bar, hist, tick, barcode,
point, contour, density, matrix) default=line
--columns COLUMNS two numbers, comma separated, can be reverse order, indicates x,y for
plotting. 1-based.
--downsample DOWNSAMPLE
Randomly sample only n values from each input. Can help cutdown on runtime
and output size for pdfs.
--colors COLORS color palatte mode. may be in (bostock, brewer, mono, hcl_ggplot2)
--color_index_offset COLOR_INDEX_OFFSET
index offset value to shift the starting point of the selected color map.
--alpha ALPHA alpha value for markers in --mode scatter
--dot_size MARKERSIZE, --markersize MARKERSIZE
value for markers in --mode scatter
--marker MARKER Marker to use.
--linewidth LINEWIDTH
Line width for the plot. default=2.0
--logy Put the y-axis into log. default=False
--logx Put the x-axis into log. default=False
--title TITLE Plot title.
--xlabel XLABEL X-axis label.
--ylabel YLABEL Y-axis label.
--xmin USER_XMIN xmin value.
--xmax USER_XMAX xmax value.
--ymin USER_YMIN ymin value.
--ymax USER_YMAX ymax value.
--height HEIGHT height of image, in inches. default=4.0
--width WIDTH width of image, in inches. default=9.0
--dpi DPI dots per inch of raster outputs, i.e. if --outFormat is all or png.
--out_format OUT_FORMAT
output format [pdf|png|eps|all]. default=pdf
--no_legend Turns off the filename / color legend. Helpful for large numbers of files.
--regression turn on a simple linear regression line
--jitter turn on jitter for certain plotting modes
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
Random seed for use with --jitter and --downsample flags.
--aspect_equal Turn on equal aspect ratio for the plot
contour mode:
--contour_bin CONTOUR_BIN
Bin size of the contour plot. Smaller integers lead to smoother curves.
--contour_logspace Switch the contour lines from linear spacing to log spacing
--contour_num_levels CONTOUR_NUM_LEVELS
The number of levels in the contour plot, default=6
density mode:
--density_covariance DENSITY_COVARIANCE
Gaussian kernel density estimate covariance, raising the value leads to
smoother curves. This roughly corresponds to bandwidth in R. Default is to
discover the value automatically.
--density_num_bins DENSITY_NUM_BINS
Number of "bins" for the density curve. default=200
matrix mode:
--matrix_matshow Switches the drawing call from pcolor() to matshow(). matshow() uses rasters,
pcolor() uses vectors. For very large matrices matshow() may be desirable.
--matrix_cmap MATRIX_CMAP
The colormap to be used. default=binary. Possible values: Spectral, summer,
coolwarm, Set1, Set2, Set3, Dark2, hot, RdPu, YlGnBu, RdYlBu, gist_stern,
cool, gray, GnBu, gist_ncar, gist_rainbow, bone, RdYlGn, spring, terrain,
PuBu, spectral, gist_yarg, BuGn, bwr, cubehelix, YlOrRd, Greens, PRGn,
gist_heat, Paired, hsv, Pastel2, Pastel1, BuPu, copper, OrRd, brg, gnuplot2,
jet, gist_earth, Oranges, PiYG, YlGn, Accent, gist_gray, flag, BrBG, Reds,
RdGy, PuRd, Blues, Greys, autumn, pink, binary, winter, gnuplot, RdBu, prism,
YlOrBr, rainbow, seismic, Purples, ocean, PuOr, PuBuGn, afmhot
--matrix_no_colorbar turn off the colorbar.
--matrix_discritize_colormap MATRIX_DISCRITIZE_COLORMAP
number of bins to discritize colormap
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_1.txt --mode scatter --markersize 7.0 --out_format png --out img/example_01.png --title '2D scatter data from example/data_2d_1.txt' --xlabel 'The x-axis' --ylabel 'The y-axis' --no_legend
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_1.txt example/data_2d_2.txt --mode scatter --markersize 7.0 --out_format png --out img/example_02.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_3.txt example/data_2d_4.txt --mode line --out_format png --out img/example_03.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_5.txt example/data_2d_6.txt example/data_2d_7.txt --mode line --out_format png --out img/example_04.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_1.txt example/data_1d_2.txt --mode bar --out_format png --out img/example_05.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_1.txt example/data_1d_2.txt --mode tick --out_format png --out img/example_06.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_1.txt example/data_1d_2.txt --mode point --out_format png --out img/example_07.png
(Remove the --random_seed
for production use).
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_1.txt example/data_1d_2.txt --mode point --jitter --out_format png --out img/example_08.png --random_seed=127
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_3.txt example/data_1d_4.txt example/data_1d_5.txt --mode hist --out_format png --out img/example_09.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_8.txt --mode scatter --markersize 5.0 --out_format png --out img/example_10.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_8.txt --mode scatter --markersize 5.0 --alpha 0.1 --out_format png --out img/example_11.png
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_8.txt --mode scatter --markersize 5.0 --alpha 0.1 --out_format png --out img/example_11_a.png --aspect_equal
Plotting 2D data as scatter plot using downsampling to 1000 points, fixing the aspect ratio, one file.
(Remove the --random_seed
for production use).
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_8.txt --mode scatter --markersize 5.0 --out_format png --out img/example_11_b.png --aspect_equal --random_seed=127 --downsample 1000 --title 'Downsampled to 1000 points'
Plotting 2D data as scatter plot using downsampling to 100 points, fixing the aspect ratio, one file.
(Remove the --random_seed
for production use).
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_8.txt --mode scatter --markersize 5.0 --alpha 0.1 --out_format png --out img/example_11_c.png --aspect_equal --random_seed=127 --downsample 100 --title 'Downsampled to 100 points'
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_7.txt --mode density --out_format png --out img/example_12.png --title 'data_2d_8.txt x marginal'
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_8.txt --mode density --out_format png --out img/example_12_a.png --title 'data_2d_8.txt x marginal' --columns 1
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_8.txt --mode density --out_format png --out img/example_13.png --title 'data_2d_8.txt y marginal'
bin/quick_plot example/data_1d_8.txt --mode density --out_format png --out img/example_13_a.png --title 'data_2d_8.txt y marginal' --columns 2
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_8.txt --mode contour --out_format png --out img/example_14.png --title 'A hard example for a contour plot'
bin/quick_plot example/data_2d_9.txt --mode contour --out_format png --out img/example_15.png --title 'An easier example for a contour plot'
bin/quick_plot example/anscombe.txt --mode scatter --out_format png --out img/example_16.png --title 'Anscombe_i' --regression --markersize 5.0 --ymin 3 --ymax 13 --xmin 3 --xmax 20 --no_legend
bin/quick_plot example/anscombe.txt --mode scatter --out_format png --out img/example_17.png --title 'Anscombe_ii' --regression --markersize 5.0 --ymin 3 --ymax 13 --xmin 3 --xmax 20 --no_legend --columns 3,4
bin/quick_plot example/anscombe.txt --mode scatter --out_format png --out img/example_18.png --title 'Anscombe_iii' --regression --markersize 5.0 --ymin 3 --ymax 13 --xmin 3 --xmax 20 --no_legend --columns 5,6
bin/quick_plot example/anscombe.txt --mode scatter --out_format png --out img/example_19.png --title 'Anscombe_iiv' --regression --markersize 5.0 --ymin 3 --ymax 13 --xmin 3 --xmax 20 --no_legend --columns 7,8
bin/quick_plot example/distance_matrix.txt --mode matrix --out_format png --out img/example_20.png --title 'Heatmap' --matrix_cmap Reds --width 6
bin/quick_plot example/distance_matrix.txt --mode matrix --out_format png --out img/example_20_a.png --title 'Heatmap' --matrix_cmap Reds --width 6 --matrix_colormap_max 0.20
bin/quick_plot example/distance_matrix_1.txt --mode matrix --out_format png --out img/example_21.png --title 'Heatmap 2' --width 6 --matrix_discritize_colormap 6
bin/quick_plot example/distance_matrix_2.txt --mode matrix --out_format png --out img/example_22.png --title 'Heatmap 3' --matrix_cmap Oranges --width 6 --matrix_discritize_colormap 10 --matrix_no_colorbar