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370 lines (289 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

370 lines (289 loc) · 12.6 KB

GrowthBook - SDK

  • Lightweight and fast
  • Supports iOS
    • iOS version 12 & Above
    • Apple TvOS version 12 & Above
    • Apple WatchOS version 5.0 & Above
  • Adjust variation weights and targeting without deploying new code
  • Latest spec version: 0.5.0 View Changelog



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate GrowthBook into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

  • Add below line in your podfile, if not there
source ''
  • Add below in podfile - in respective target block
pod 'GrowthBook-IOS'
  • Execute below command in terminal
pod install
Swift Package Manager - SPM

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swiftcompiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding GrowthBook as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")


Integration is super easy:

  1. Create a Growth Book with a few methods: with the API key and host URL, only host URL, only JSON
  2. At the start of your app, do SDK Initialization as per below

Now you can start/stop tests, adjust coverage and variation weights, and apply a winning variation to 100% of traffic, all within the Growth Book App without deploying code changes to your site.

var sdkInstance: GrowthBookSDK = GrowthBookBuilder(url: <GrowthBook_URL/API_KEY>,
    sseUrl: <GrowthBook_SSEURL/API_KEY>,
    attributes: <[String: Any]>,
    trackingCallback: { experiment, experimentResult in 

    }, backroundSync: Bool?).initializer()

You must also provide the encryption key if you intend to use data encryption.

var sdkInstance: GrowthBookSDK = GrowthBookBuilder(url: <GrowthBook_URL/API_KEY>,
    sseUrl: <GrowthBook_SSEURL/API_KEY>,
    attributes: <[String: Any]>,
    trackingCallback: { experiment, experimentResult in 

var sdkInstance: GrowthBookSDK = GrowthBookBuilder(url: <GrowthBook_URL/API_KEY>,
    sseUrl: <GrowthBook_SSEURL/API_KEY>,
    attributes: <[String: Any]>,
    trackingCallback: { experiment, experimentResult in 


There are additional properties which can be setup at the time of initialization

var sdkInstance: GrowthBookSDK = GrowthBookBuilder(url: <GrowthBook_URL/API_KEY>,
    sseUrl: <GrowthBook_SSEURL/API_KEY>,
    attributes: <[String: Any]>,
    trackingCallback: { experiment, experimentResult in 

    .setRefreshHandler { isRefreshed in
    } // Get Callbacks when SDK refreshed its cache
    .setNetworkDispatcher(networkDispatcher: <Network Dispatcher>) // Pass Network client to be used for API Calls
    .setEnabled(isEnabled: true) // Enable / Disable experiments
    .setQAMode(isEnabled: true) // Enable / Disable QA Mode
    .setForcedVariations(forcedVariations: <[String: Int]>) // Pass Forced Variations
    .setLogLevel(<LoggerLevel>) // Set log level for SDK Logger, by default log level is set to `info`
    .setCacheDirectory(<CacheDirectory>) // This function configures the cache directory used by the application to the designated directory type. Subsequent cache-related operations will target this directory.


  • Initialization returns SDK instance - GrowthBookSDK

    Use sdkInstance to consume below features -
  • The feature method takes a single string argument, which is the unique identifier for the feature and returns a FeatureResult object.

func evalFeature(id: String) -> FeatureResult
  • The run method takes an Experiment object and returns an experiment result
func run(experiment: Experiment) -> ExperimentResult
  • Manually Refresh Cache
func refreshCache()
  • Get Context
func getGBContext() -> Context
  • Get Features
func getFeatures() -> Features
  • Get the value of the feature with a fallback
func getFeatureValue(feature id: String, defaultValue: JSON) -> JSON
  • The isOn method takes a single string argument, which is the unique identifier for the feature and returns the feature state on/off
func isOn(feature id: String) -> Bool
  • The setEncryptedFeatures method takes an encrypted string with an encryption key and then decrypts it with the default method of decrypting or with a method of decrypting from the user.
func setEncryptedFeatures(encryptedString: String, encryptionKey: String, subtle: CryptoProtocol? = nil)


/// Defines the GrowthBook context.
class Context {
    /// URL
    let url: String?
    /// URL for enabling streaming updates
    let sseURl: String?
    /// Encryption key for encrypted features.
    let encryptionKey: String?
    /// Switch to globally disable all experiments. Default true.
    let isEnabled: Bool
    /// Map of user attributes that are used to assign variations
    var attributes: JSON
    /// Force specific experiments to always assign a specific variation (used for QA)
    let forcedVariations: JSON?
    /// If true, random assignment is disabled and only explicitly forced variations are used.
    let isQaMode: Bool
    /// A function that takes experiment and result as arguments.
    let trackingCallback: (Experiment, ExperimentResult) -> Void

    // Keys are unique identifiers for the features and the values are Feature objects.
    // Feature definitions - To be pulled from API / Cache
    var features: Features
/// A Feature object consists of possible values plus rules for how to assign values to users.
class Feature {
    /// The default value (should use null if not specified)
    let defaultValue: JSON?
    /// Array of Rule objects that determine when and how the defaultValue gets overridden
    let rules: [FeatureRule]?

/// Rule object consists of various definitions to apply to calculate feature value
struct FeatureRule {
    /// Optional targeting condition
    let condition: JSON?
    /// What percent of users should be included in the experiment (between 0 and 1, inclusive)
    let coverage: Float?
    /// Immediately force a specific value (ignore every other option besides condition and coverage)
    let force: JSON?
    /// Run an experiment (A/B test) and randomly choose between these variations
    let variations: [JSON]?
    /// The globally unique tracking key for the experiment (default to the feature key)
    let key: String?
    /// How to weight traffic between variations. Must add to 1.
    let weights: [Float]?
    /// A tuple that contains the namespace identifier, plus a range of coverage for the experiment.
    let namespace: [JSON]?
    /// What user attribute should be used to assign variations (defaults to id)
    let hashAttribute: String?
    /// Hash version of hash function
    let hashVersion: Float?
    /// A more precise version of `coverage`
    let range: BucketRange?
    /// Ranges for experiment variations
    let ranges: [BucketRange]?
    /// Meta info about the experiment variations
    let meta: [VariationMeta]?
    /// Array of filters to apply to the rule
    let filters: [Filter]?
    /// Seed to use for hashing
    let seed: String?
    /// Human-readable name for the experiment
    let name: String?
    /// The phase id of the experiment
    let phase: String?
    /// Array of tracking calls to fire
    let tracks: [TrackData]?

/// Enum For defining feature value source
enum FeatureSource: String {
    /// Queried Feature doesn't exist in GrowthBook
    case unknownFeature
    /// Default Value for the Feature is being processed
    case defaultValue
    /// Forced Value for the Feature is being processed
    case force
    /// Experiment Value for the Feature is being processed
    case experiment

 /// Result for Feature
class FeatureResult {
    /// The assigned value of the feature
    let value: JSON?
    /// The assigned value cast to a boolean
    public var isOn: Bool = false
    /// The assigned value cast to a boolean and then negated
    public var isOff: Bool = true
    /// One of "unknownFeature", "defaultValue", "force", or "experiment"
    let source: String
    /// When source is "experiment", this will be the Experiment object used
    let experiment: Experiment?
    /// When source is "experiment", this will be an ExperimentResult object
    let experimentResult: ExperimentResult?
/// Defines a single experiment
class Experiment {
    /// The globally unique tracking key for the experiment
    let key: String
    /// The different variations to choose between
    let variations: [JSON]
    /// A tuple that contains the namespace identifier, plus a range of coverage for the experiment
    let namespace: [JSON]?
    /// All users included in the experiment will be forced into the specific variation index
    let hashAttribute: String?
    /// How to weight traffic between variations. Must add to 1.
    var weights: [Float]?
    /// If set to false, always return the control (first variation)
    var isActive: Bool
    /// What percent of users should be included in the experiment (between 0 and 1, inclusive)
    var coverage: Float?
    /// Optional targeting condition
    var condition: JSON?
    /// All users included in the experiment will be forced into the specific variation index
    var force: Int?
    /// Array of ranges, one per variation
    let ranges: [BucketRange]?
    /// Meta info about the variations
    let meta: [VariationMeta]?
    /// Array of filters to apply
    let filters: [Filter]?
    /// The hash seed to use
    let seed: String?
    /// Human-readable name for the experiment
    let name: String?
    /// Id of the current experiment phase
    let phase: String?

/// The result of running an Experiment given a specific Context
class ExperimentResult {
    /// Whether or not the user is part of the experiment
    let inExperiment: Bool
    /// The array index of the assigned variation
    let variationId: Int
    /// The array value of the assigned variation
    let value: JSON
    /// The user attribute used to assign a variation
    let hashAttribute: String?
    /// The value of that attribute
    let valueHash: String?
    /// The unique key for the assigned variation
    let key: String
    /// The human-readable name of the assigned variation
    let name: String?
    /// The hash value used to assign a variation (float from `0` to `1`)
    let bucket: Float?
    /// Used for holdout groups
    let passthrough: Bool?

/// Meta info about the variations
public struct VariationMeta {
    /// Used to implement holdout groups
    let passthrough: Bool?
    /// A unique key for this variation
    let key: String?
    /// A human-readable name for this variation
    let name: String?

///Used for remote feature evaluation to trigger the `TrackingCallback`
public struct TrackData {
    let experiment: Experiment
    let result: ExperimentResult

Streaming updates

To enable streaming updates set backgroundSync variable to "true" and add streaming updates URL

var sdkInstance: GrowthBookSDK = GrowthBookBuilder(url: <GrowthBook_URL/API_KEY>, sseUrl: <GrowthBook_SSEURL/API_KEY>, attributes: <[String: Any]>, trackingCallback: { experiment, experimentResult in

}, backgroundSync: true).initializer( 


This project uses the MIT license. The core GrowthBook app will always remain open and free, although we may add some commercial enterprise add-ons in the future.