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File metadata and controls

73 lines (44 loc) · 4.53 KB

This repository hosts the sourcecode and the website (in branch gh-pages) of the CSSconf EU site 2019.

Clone the repo and run the website locally

git clone
npm install
npm start

View the website at http://localhost:8888/ in your browser.

Where are …

  • stylesheets: in contents/css. contents/css/main.css is the file that is pulled through postcss to become /css/main.css on the hosted site.

  • javascript: nothing there yet. (will go into contents/js if needed)

  • assets: contents/fonts, contents/icons, contents/images, etc

  • postcss-configuration

    • config.json: main configuration (which file, which plugins)
    • plugins/postcss.js: the integration-code that actually runs postcss
  • templates are in templates

    • templates/layouts is for master-templates. They typically define blocks that can be selectively overridden in inheriting templates. Layouts will in general inherit from one another as well.

    • templates/pages is for page-specific templates. If there are special markup-needs for a given site, this is the place where it belongs.

    • templates/partials is for smaller template-snippets that need to be reused or are just confusing to look at in a bigger file.

    • templates/_macros.njk contains all sorts of macro-definitions (called "mixins" in other template-engines, mostly used for often reused chunks of template-logic)

    • templates/filters: you can drop js functions here that will then be available (after enabling them in config.json) in templates as filters.

      For example {{ someValue | myCoolFilterFunction }} will call the exported function from templates/filters/myCoolFilterFunction.js with someValue as parameter. The value returned from that function is rendered.

  • the content: content (like real content now) is also found in the contents directory. For now, we support json and markdown files (with frontmatter) here. The wintersmith-documentation has a good (and short) introduction to that.

    Even shorter: every (json or markdown) file is rendered as html-file by the same name (so contents/blub.json is rendered as blub.html). It has to contain a template-parameter (either in the json or in the frontmatter of the markdown-file) that points to the template that will render the page.


We use the nunjucks template-engine. It's a clone of the popular jinja2 engine for python (only slightly different from jekyll's liquid templates).

Have a look at the templating docs. Also contains hints about editor-support you might want to install.

Data in Templates

Data from the locals-section from config.json as well as node-modules loaded via require in config.json is available in the templates as global variables, so a variable locals.someValue === "something" is accessible via {{ someValue }} in all templates.

The current page is always accessible via page, the values from the frontmatter via page.metadata. The public URL for the current page is in page.url.

It is always possible to access any content from everywhere in the content-tree (that is what the contents-directory is called internally). That is what the variable contents is for. This represents the contents-directory as a object-hierarchy. So, to get the URL of the file contents/images/some-image.png, you can use {{ contents.images['some-image.png'].url }}.

Debugging Wintersmith

There might be better ways, but this tends to work:

First, start application with --inspect flag:

node --inspect node_modules/.bin/wintersmith --verbose preview`

Next, go to chrome://inspect in chrome and "Open dedicated DevTools for Node". This should connect a new devtools-instance to the wintersmith-server running in node.

Depending on what you want to debug, find the corresponding file, set a breakpoint or enable break on caught exceptions or whatever. To have a look at the content-tree you can do this:

In the sources-panel, search for and open (Cmd+O) the file plugins/nunjucks.js, find the NunjucksTemplate.render-function towards the bottom of the file and put a breakpoint there. Reload the page.