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adehad edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 6 revisions

Documenting the variables used in the options struct, ops. Each variable here is assigned using: ops.<variableName>

(see StandardConfig_MOVEME.m).

Table of contents

  1. Nfilt
  2. nNeighPC
  3. nNeigh
  4. whitening
  5. nSkipCov
  6. whiteningRange
  7. chanMap
  8. criterionNoiseChannels
  9. Nrank
  10. nfullpasses
  11. maxFR
  12. ntbuff
  13. scaleproc
  14. NT
  15. Th
  16. lam
  17. nannealpasses
  18. momentum
  19. shuffle_clusters
  20. mergeT
  21. splitT
  22. nt0
  23. initialize
  24. spkTh
  25. loc_range
  26. long_range
  27. maskMaxChannels
  28. crit
  29. nFiltMax
  30. dd
  31. wPCA
  32. fracse
  33. epu
  34. ForceMaxRAMforDat

Nfilt - Starting Number of Clusters

Nfilt sets the initial number of clusters to find. This mean the output (before any auto-merging) will usually have this many clusters, but if shuffle_clusters = 1, you may find the output deviates from this value. number
Typically you want this variable to be 2-4 times the number of recording sites (i.e. channels, Nchan) you have. However, the lower the input impedance of your recording sites, the lower you can set this value. A low input impedance indicates that you will still receive large amplitude signals relatively further away from the recording site, hence if all your recording sites were low impedance you might find that they essentially record the same signal - KiloSort will therefore not be able to cluster signals base on a waveform signature that spans multiple channels.

nt0 - Waveform Window (Samples)

Sets the number of samples to take on either side of a detected waveform peak to use as a template, and/or to compare the waveform with other templates.

Excellent example here: #171

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