./gradlew clean build test publishToMavenLocal artifactoryPublish
This will generate the build products in your local maven repo ~/.m2
To sign the products of the build, you will need to have generated a signing key using gpg
The following field are required in the gradle.properties
signing.keyId=< last 8 symbols of the key >
signing.password=< password for the private key >
signing.secretKeyRingFile=< file location/.gnupg/secring.gpg >
To see your key, use gpg -k
jar -cvf bundle.jar Z80Processor-4.1.0-javadoc.jar Z80Processor-4.1.0-javadoc.jar.asc Z80Processor-4.1.0-sources.jar Z80Processor-4.1.0-sources.jar.asc Z80Processor-4.1.0.jar Z80Processor-4.1.0.jar.asc Z80Processor-4.1.0.module Z80Processor-4.1.0.module.asc Z80Processor-4.1.0.pom Z80Processor-4.1.0.pom.asc