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Inlining is often called the 'mother of all optimisations' because inlining multiple methods into one allows the compiler to optimise them all at the same time. It's particularly important in Ruby because almost all operations, even basic arithmetic, is hidden inside core library methods which have to be inlined to apply even basic optimisations.

The Rhizome graphical IR makes inlining easy - we don't have to do much more than replace the send node with the graph of the method we are inlining.

In order to be able to inline core library methods, which don't exist as Ruby code, we also need implemenentations of these routines directly in IR.

Why we need it

Rhizome is a method-at-a-time JIT. This means that the compiler runs on just one method at a time. This is as opposed to something like a tracing JIT, which runs on a linear path of execution, no matter which method the code in that trace comes from.

An advantage of a method-at-a-time JIT is that they are slightly better understood and more conventional, and they are, in our opinion unsupported with empirical evidence, possibly better suited to large applications rather than benchmarks with a single big loop. A disadvantage of a method-at-a-time JIT is that a method may not be a lot of code. A method in Ruby may contain almost nothing but calls to other methods, when we remember that most Ruby operators are also method calls. If the compiler only looks at a little code at a time, it isn't going to be able to do very well. For idiomatic Ruby code that uses lot of little arrays and hashes and divides things up into lots of small methods, we want the compiler to be able to step back and take in as much of your code at the same time as it can.

A particular need to inline in Ruby comes from the way that the core library works. In Ruby, a + b, where a and b are both small integers (Fixnums in Ruby 2.3, but the distinction is no longer visible to the programmer in Ruby 2.4), is really a method call a.+(b). If we didn't inline this we would never be able to optimise basic arithmetic because we would only see the send operations.

How it works

Before we can inline, we need to know exactly what method we are calling. For this reason, we need to run the inline caching optimisation pass, to turn general sends into sends that are for a particular kind of receiver.

Replacing a send with a graph

To inline a method, you replace the call to the method, with a copy of the body of the code from the body of the method.

Usually, this involves quite a few engineering complexities. For example, you may need to rename all the local variables so they don't conflict between the two methods. You will need to replace a return instruction with a jump to the point where the inlined method would have returned, and so on.

However because Rhizome uses a sea-of-nodes graphical IR, inlining is fairly straight forward. We don't have to do much more than take out the send node, and replace it with the graph from the method that we are inlining. We then replace self nodes in the inlined method with an edge to whatever the receiver edge for the send was, and likewise with arg nodes. We don't have to rename anything, because we have replaced names with edges.

One indirection is that we replace self and arg nodes with the same connector nodes that we use when linking basic blocks in the graph construction phase, and use the post build optimisation pass to tidy these up, in order to avoid duplicating this code.

Inlining core library methods

For core library methods, there is no Ruby source code that we can build a graph from to inline. Instead, we build IR directly for these methods. For a method such as fixnum#+(other) (where fixnum is a kind for small integers that isn't visible to the programmer in Ruby 2.4), the IR graph that we build looks something like this:

if other.is_a?(fixnum)
  fixnum_add(self, other)
  lookup_method(self, :+).call(other)

Notice that this looks a lot like the structure we built when we did inline caching in a previous pass of the compiler. What we are doing here is deciding what to do based on the right-hand-side of the +, rather than the left-hand-side, as before. We already know the kind of the receiver, which was the left-hand-side, and now we guard in the same way against the kind of the sole argument, which is the right-hand-side.

If the right-hand-side is also a fixnum then we run a special primitive operation fixnum_add that expects both arguments to be of kind fixnum. If the right-hand-side isn't a fixnum then we run a conventional, megamorphic, send that is able to handle any types.

The primitive operation fixnum_add is implemented not as another method, which would itself need inlining, but instead it is implemented as a special node in the IR.


Consider again a simple method that adds together two numbers.

def add(a, b)
  a + b

We'll say that this method has been run in the interpreter and profiled to discover that a and b are only ever of kind fixnum. This is the IR graph of the add method after the inline caching pass has run:

graph of a fib function with inline caching

There are two sends - the monomorphic send that is run when the a is of kind fixnum and megamorphic case that is run otherwise. We can inline the monomorphic case, because since we know exactly what kind the receiver will be at this point, we know exactly what method will called.

This is the IR graph for the method that we will inline, with the fixnum_add primitive operation node, another fallback megamorphic send like in the calling method, and a guard on the kind of the argument, to choose between the two:

graph of a fib function with inline caching

To inline the second graph into the second, we just remove the original send node and place this graph in its place. For simplicity, we use the same connection nodes as we did when we are originally building graphs.

graph of a fib function with inline caching

We then rely on the same post build pass that we run after constructing the original graphs to remove these connection nodes and tidy up:

graph of a fib function with inline caching

When we are finished the graph has become quite a lot more complicated. If we look at a graph for a slightly more complicated (but still pretty trivial) fibonacci function after inline-caching and inlining, there are now a great many nodes, and many of the guards for the kinds of values are run multiple times. We even guard against the kind of constants, which is tautological.

graph of a fib function with inline caching

As with the inline caching pass, we are going to go back and remove this complexity when we apply further optimisation passes such as deoptimisation, later on.

We haven't talked here about what happens if the fixnum_add operation overflows here. We'll solve that in a later document.

More technical details

I don't know anything about the history of function inlining, but the phrase 'mother of all optimisations' is very common. In languages such as Ruby function inlining is actually of no use without inline caching to create the monomorphic sends that make inlining applicable.

The really hard part of inlining isn't applying it when you have decided to do it, it's deciding when to do it in the first place, which isn't something we have tackled in Rhizome. We always inline core library methods, but we only support a couple of them, and we don't consider inlining user methods at all.

When you start to inline more complex methods you have to think about how deep to inline - when you inline a method should you then inline the methods that it calls, and so on. It isn't the case that it's always a good idea to inline. Of course, you can't simply keep inlining forever, and each time you do inline you increase the size of the compiled code which consumes more space in your processor's cache.

There doesn't seem to be a single algorithm that can decide perfectly whether or not to inline, so we develop heuristics that judge if it's probably a good idea, based on knowledge of how people are writing programs in practice. A classic example of a heuristic that has caused surprising interactions is the JavaScript just-in-time compiler V8, which makes inlining decisions based on the number of characters in the source code of a method. This means that adding or removing comments can make a difference to inlining and so the performance of an application.

Representing Ruby's core library methods as rich IR, rather than just operations that are opaque to the compiler, has come to be understood to be a major part of optimising Ruby.

Chris Seaton has talked about how JRuby's performance is limited by a core library implemented in Java that is mostly not visible to the compiler.

Evan Phoenix has talked about the idea of shipping the LLVM compiler IR of MRI's implementation of core library methods in C, in the MRI binary so that a theoretical MRI JIT could inline them.

The Rubinius implementation of Ruby does actually implement fixnum#+ in Ruby, in a similar pattern to how we've described, although the logic is slightly obscured. The fixnum_add primitive tries to do a native machine add. If that doesn't work the next expression executes which is the fallback megamorphic case.

def +(o)
  Rubinius.primitive :fixnum_add
  redo_coerced :+, o

Potential projects

  • Implement inlining of user methods.
  • Implement a heuristic to decide whether it is worth inlining or not, perhaps by extending the functionality of the profiler.