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262 lines (199 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

262 lines (199 loc) · 10.5 KB


Version 2.0.1

  • Get-SFTPCholdItem was not showinng folders when recursively listing.
  • Fixed issue when deleteting none empty folders.

Version 2.0

  • Windows PowerShell 2.0 has been deprecated by Microsoft and several major versions have been released after it, for this reason PowerShell 2.0 is no longer supported by the module.
  • New-SSHSession, New-SFTPSession, Set-SCPFile and Set-SCPFolder support the KeyString parameter, a string array of the content of a OpenSSH key for authentication.
  • For Azure users when Force parameter is used it will not look in to the resgitry for exiting keys to validate against. Usefull when ran under an account that is not a user.
  • Set-SCPFile Better pipeline support when receiving objects from Get-Childitem.
  • Set-SFTPFile LocalFile Parameter accepts a string[].

Version 1.7.7

  • Fixed typo on parameter set name for NoProgress parameter in Get-SFTPFile.

Version 1.7.6

  • Fixed problem where wrong help file was shipped.
  • Fixed problem where host comparison was not case insensitive for server key fingerprint.

Version 1.7.5

  • New-SFTPItem can now create sub directories in a path if they do not exist when -Recurse parameter is used.
  • New -Force parameter on New-SSHSession, New-SFTPSession, Get-SCPFolder, Set-SCPFolder, Get-SCPFile and Set-SCPFile that will disable any host key checking.
  • Better warning on Remove-SFTPItem when it is not an empty directory.
  • New function Set-SFTPPathAttribute for setting SFTP Path Attribute.
  • PSCredential attributte added to all cmdlets and functions that take credentials.
  • Added NoProgress parameter to SCP and SFTP cmdlets

Version 1.7.4

  • Fixed index problem for sessions when adding and removing them. Thanks to BornToBeRoot for the PR.
  • Added a recursive option to the Get-SFTPChildItem function. Thanks to aaroneuph for the PR.

Version 1.7.3

  • Made some of the SFTP cmdlets will now honor the erroraction variable with the exception of a problem during transfer where a terminating error will be raised and should be handled in a Try{}Catch{} block.
  • Will pass the domain during logon for those cases where SSH server is connected to an AD infrastructure.

Version 1.7.2

  • Fix problem with Get-SFTPFile cmdlet. It was creating a empty file before checking if a file existed causing error or blanking a exiting file accidentally.
  • Add session and session id properties to a generated streem to address request in issue #34

Version 1.7.1

  • Fix typo in trust submodule.

Version 1.7

  • New-SFTPDirectory is replaced by New-SFTPItem to match how PowerShell refers to files and directories.
  • Remove-SFTPFile and Remove-SFTPDirectory are replaced by Remove-SFTPItem to match how PowerShell refers to files and directories.
  • Set-SFTPDirectoryPath is replaced by Set-SFTPLocation to match how PowerShell refers to files and directories.
  • Get-SFTPCurrentWorkingDirectory is replaced by Get-SFTPLocation to match how PowerShell refers to files and directories.
  • Get-SFTPDirectoryList is replaced by Get-SFTPChildItem to match how PowerShell refers to files and directories.
  • Index Parameter and Property are now SessionId. All cmdlets and function have Index as an Alias so as to not break existing scripts.
  • On Set-SCPFile the parameter RemoteFile is now changed to RemotePath and one only needs to give the Path to where to copy the file.
  • On Set-SCPFolder the parameter RemoteFile is now changed to RemotePath and one only needs to give the Path to where to copy the folde.
  • On New-SFTPSession, New-SSHSession, Set-SCPFile and Set-SCPFolder the AcceptKey parameter is now a switch.
  • New function New-SSHShellStream for easier creation of shell stream objects.
C:\PS>$SSHStream = New-SSHShellStream -Index 0
PS C:\> $SSHStream.WriteLine("uname -a")
PS C:\> $
Last login: Sat Mar 14 20:02:16 2015 from
[admin@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 30 12:09:22 UTC 2014 x86_64
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[admin@localhost ~]$
  • New function **Invoke-SSHStreamExpectSecureAction **for passing passwords to prompt on a shell stream.
C:\PS>Invoke-SSHStreamExpectSecureAction -ShellStream $stream -Command 'su -' -ExpectString 'Password:' -SecureAction (read-host -AsSecureString) -Verbose

VERBOSE: Executing command su -.
VERBOSE: Waiting for match.
VERBOSE: Executing action.
VERBOSE: Action has been executed.
PS C:\> $stream.Read()

Last login: Sat Mar 14 18:18:52 EDT 2015 on pts/0
Last failed login: Sun Mar 15 08:52:07 EDT 2015 on pts/0
There were 2 failed login attempts since the last successful login.
[root@localhost ~]#
  • New function Invoke-SSHStreamExpectAction for executing expect actions on a shell stream.
  • New function Get-SFTPPathAttribute to get attributes of a given path.
C:\PS>Get-SFTPPathAttribute -SessionId 0 -Path "/tmp"

 LastAccessTime    : 2/27/2015 6:38:43 PM
 LastWriteTime     : 2/27/2015 7:01:01 PM
 Size              : 512
 UserId            : 0
 GroupId           : 0
 IsSocket          : False
 IsSymbolicLink    : False
 IsRegularFile     : False
 IsBlockDevice     : False
 IsDirectory       : True
 IsCharacterDevice : False
 IsNamedPipe       : False
 OwnerCanRead      : True
 OwnerCanWrite     : True
 OwnerCanExecute   : True
 GroupCanRead      : True
 GroupCanWrite     : True
 GroupCanExecute   : True
 OthersCanRead     : True
 OthersCanWrite    : True
 OthersCanExecute  : True
 Extensions        :
  • New function New-SFTPFileStream to create a IO Stream of a file on a host via SFTP.
PS C:\> $bashhistory = New-SFTPFileStream -SessionId 0 -Path /home/admin/.bash_history -FileMode Open -FileAccess Read
PS C:\> $bashhistory

CanRead      : True
CanSeek      : True
CanWrite     : False
CanTimeout   : True
Length       : 830
Position     : 0
IsAsync      : False
Name         : /home/admin/.bash_history
Handle       : {0, 0, 0, 0}
Timeout      : 00:00:30
ReadTimeout  :
WriteTimeout :

PS C:\> $streamreader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $bashhistory
PS C:\> while ($streamreader.Peek() -ge 0) {$streamreader.ReadLine()}
ssh-keygen -t rsa
mv ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PS C:\>
  • New function New-SFTPSymlink to create symbolic link on a a remote host via SFTP.
  • New function Set-SFTPContent to get the content of a file on a remote host via SFTP.
PS C:\> Set-SFTPContent -SessionId 0 -Path /tmp/example.txt -Value "My example message`n"

FullName       : /tmp/example.txt
LastAccessTime : 3/16/2015 10:40:16 PM
LastWriteTime  : 3/16/2015 10:40:55 PM
Length         : 22
UserId         : 1000

PS C:\> Get-SFTPContent -SessionId 0 -Path /tmp/example.txt
My example message

PS C:\> Set-SFTPContent -SessionId 0 -Path /tmp/example.txt -Value "New message`n" -Append

FullName       : /tmp/example.txt
LastAccessTime : 3/16/2015 10:40:59 PM
LastWriteTime  : 3/16/2015 10:41:18 PM
Length         : 34
UserId         : 1000

PS C:\> Get-SFTPContent -SessionId 0 -Path /tmp/example.txt
My example message
New message
  • New function Get-SFTPContent to set the content of a file on a remote host via SFTP.
PS C:\> Get-SFTPContent -SessionId 0 -Path  /etc/system-release
CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)
  • Added support for (SSH-2) private keys.
  • Added support on acceptable group of up to 8192 bits for SHA-1 and SHA-256 Diffie-Hellman Group and Key Exchange
  • Several fixes when connecting though a proxy.
  • SCP Speed is now almost 3 times faster.
  • SFTP cmdlets for upload and download now show progress and are written in C#.
  • All cmdlet return ErrorRecords.
  • SFTP functions verify that the path given on the remote host exist and that it is a directory.
  • SFTP functions verify that the file given on the remote host exits and that it is a file.
  • When uploading files via SFTP overwriting of the target file is now optional.
  • Address issue when progress message could get stuck in the PowerShell window after upload or download of a files was finished.
  • Fix problem when using key files and connecting to alternate SSH port numbers, the port number was being ignored.
  • Fix registry access problem when setting trusted host.
  • Fix problem when enumerating trusted hosts and the registry key for them was not present.
  • SCP, SFTP Session and SSH Session cmdlets when verbose messages are selected will show the SSH certificate fingerprint of the host one is connecting with.
  • Disabled Zlib Compression.
  • Fix ShellStream.ReadLine produces incorrect output when reading multi-byte characters.
  • Fix ScpClient: Missing files when using DirectoryUpload.
  • Fix SendKeepAlive causes SocketException when connection is dropped.
  • Fix stuck loop on key exchange using arcfour encryption
  • Reduced default buffer size for SftpClient from 64 KB to 32 KB as some SSH servers apply a hard limit of 64 KB at the transport level.
  • Optimization of payload size for both read and write operations (SftpClient only)
  • Increase window size from 1MB to 2MB
  • Increase buffer size from 16KB to 64KB for SftpClient
  • Take into account the maximum remote packet size of the channel for write operations
  • Increase maximum size of packets that we can receive from 32 KB to 64 KB

Version 1.6

  • Fixed problem with ProxyServer option.

Version 1.5

  • Supports PowerShell 2.0 by popular demand.
  • Refactored all C Sharp code to comply with naming guidelines and best practices.
  • Fixed several bugs the main one being the not allowing use of alternate SSH port.

Version 1.4

  • Disabled PorForward commands because of bug in library.
  • Fix upload and download speed issues in SFTP and SCP.

Version 1.3

  • Option to auto accept SSH Fingerprint (Don't personally like it but gotten enough requests to make me do it)
  • Set index to default parameter set.
  • Added keep alive for connections.
  • Enabled Dynamic Port Forward function.
  • Help XML file now properly shows parameter sets.
  • Fixed several typos.

Version 1.2

  • Added support for zlib compression.
  • Disabbled Dynamic Port Forward function, there seems to be problems with the library.

Version 1.1

  • Added functions for managing SSH Trusted Host list.
  • SCP, SSH Session and SFTP Session cmdlets now verify the SSH Host Fingerprint.
  • Complete refactor of the cmdlets for SSH Session, SFTP Session and SCP.
  • Added Download and Upload Progress to SCP cmdlets.
  • Patched the Renci SSH .Net library to correct problems when uploading using SCP.