- java
Used by both recipes:
- TeamCity version. Default is8.1.1
- Base URL for TeamCity packages. Default ishttp://download.jetbrains.com/teamcity/
. This value may also use FTP (ftp://) or local (file://) (e.g., a shared folder).
Used by Build Agent:
- TeamCity server address. Default value isnil
. If value isn't changed then server is fist node with recipeteamcity_server::server
- Build Agent name. Default isnil
Used by Sever:
- Address for listening. Default is0.0.0.0
— Port for listening. Default is8111
This cookbook provides two recipes:
- build_agent.rb: Installs TeamCity Build Agent.
- server.rb: Installs TeamCity Server.
- default.rb: Installs TeamCity Server and TeamCity Build Agent.
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (i.e.
) - Write you change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request
- chef-dk >= 0.3.2
The Chef-DK comes with all relevant chef tools, like berkshelf.
$ #cookbooks will be vendored in ./berks-cookbooks
$ berks vendor
$ #create the docker image
$ packer build packer-docker.json
Run it:
$ docker run -v --publish 8111:8111 hschaeidt/teamcity
Goto: http://localhost:8111
- virtualbox >= 4.2
- vagrant >= 1.5
- vagrant plugin vagrant-berkshelf >= 2.0.1
- vagrant plugin vagrant-omnibus >= 1.4.1
To install the vagrant plugins on their latest version:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
To start the machine:
$ vagrant up
Goto: http://localhost:8111