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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 8 revisions

RPX is a OpenID based login system for websites ([url][/url]). I have created a CodeIgniter Library for RPX logins (including the mapping functions, which are only available to plus members). It is based on the example code from RPX ([url][/url]) and the OpenIDRpx Library ([url][/url]).

This library requires PHP 5, JSON, and cURL to function. It also requires that Query Strings are enabled as RPX passes the token to your token url via query strings. For help with Query Strings see this forum thread: [url][/url]

This library is very easy to use. Here is a basic RPX controller (which can be used as the token URL).

[code] function index(){ if($this->input->get('token')){ // Send token to RPX Library $this->rpxlogin->token($this->input->get('token')); $response = $this->rpxlogin->authinfo();

    // Save info into session
    $this->session->set_flashdata('rpxlogin', $response['profile']);
    // Load up user system

} [/code]

For comments, questions, or whatever please visit the forum thread. [url][/url]

[b]Library Download: File:RPX[/b]

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