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axunonb edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

General Considerations


All configuration options are in namespace SmartFormat.Core.Settings.


All settings classes have extensive xml-doc for all members. Please use xml-doc for further reference.

The main configuration container is the class SmartSettings.

SmartFormatter and Parser have a constructor which takes SmartSettings as an argument. When using the parameterless constructors, SmartSettings with its default values will be implicitly created and applied.


Don't change settings after the class instance was passed as an argument.
After a "smart class" is instanciated with SmartSettings, consider the settings as immutable. Later changes to the settings may or may not take effect.

Reasoning: As long as we're supporting older .Net Frameworks, we can't implement C# 9 Init-Only properties.

// DO
var sf = new SmartFormatter(new SmartSettings { CaseSensitivity = CaseSensitivityType.CaseInsensitive });
var sf = new SmartFormatter();
sf.Settings.CaseSensitivity = CaseSensitivityType.CaseInsensitive;



SmartSettings have the following, most important public members. Mostly, the names are self-explanatory.

  • bool IsThreadSafeMode. Default: false
  • bool StringFormatCompatibility. Default: false
  • CaseSensitivityType CaseSensitivity. Default: CaseSensitive
  • ParserSettings Parser
    • ParseErrorAction ErrorAction. Default: ThrowError
    • bool ConvertCharacterStringLiterals. Default: true
    • bool ParseInputAsHtml. Default: false
  • FormatterSettings Formatter
    • FormatErrorAction ErrorAction. Default: ThrowError
    • char AlignmentFillCharacter. Default: ' '
  • Localization Localization
    • ILocalizationProvider? LocalizationProvider. Default: null
  • static PoolSettings Pooling
    • bool IsPoolingEnabled. Default: true
    • bool CheckReturnedObjectsExistInPool

Enums used with settings classes:

  • ParseErrorAction
    • ThrowError
    • OutputErrorInResult
    • Ignore
    • MaintainTokens
  • FormatErrorAction
    • ThrowError
    • OutputErrorInResult
    • Ignore
    • MaintainTokens
  • CaseSensitivityType
    • CaseSensitive
    • CaseInsensitive
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